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Вестник самарского государственного экономического университета
Vestnik of Samara State University of Economics
2024 №8 (238)
An ideal economy focused on scientific and technological progress
Abstract: The relevance of the chosen topic is determined by the fact that currently there is a lot of criteria that the modern economic system has to meet, but it remains questionable how significant they are. The main problem of the study is to determine the functionally important conditions for a harmonious combination of private and collective interests inherent in current economic needs. Is there a need to adjust the modern system to global trends, or is it worth following your own beliefs and relying on strengths that make it possible to influence the prospects for the formation of ideal conditions for the functioning of the economy? It is very important to identify the target indicators and performance indicators of modern realities that the state prioritizes, to understand whether society will be able to achieve the state of an ideal economy that will further reduce the technological gap in the domestic economy. The aim of the work is to identify possible characteristic criteria for determining the ideal economy. To achieve this goal, it seems necessary to study the most promising areas of development of economic entities, regardless of the scope of their activities. In modern economic conditions, industrial enterprises have great potential, since innovations in production activities make it possible to produce high-quality and competitive products within the framework of import substitution and allow the commercialization of existing knowledge and skills. In order to expand knowledge on this issue, the works of domestic and foreign authors were studied, revealing the issues of the current state of science and the level of technological development. The study identified possible criteria suitable for the concept of an "ideal economy": low unemployment, high GDP rates achieved through production growth, low poverty, adherence to the principle of equitable distribution of resources, lack of dependence on imports, while maintaining strong international relations and, as a result, ensuringa high standard of livingthe population of the country. The research methods include comparative analysis, which allows to identify the factors of influence and patterns of development of the situation under consideration, a graphical method, methods of analogy and abstraction.
Keywords: scientific and technological progress, ideal economy, production, GDP, social position, highly qualified personnel, progressive technologies, import, export, innovative economy. Highlights: - scientific and technological progress is a basis for building an ideal economy; - the formation of a stable economic system of the country depends more on the development of productive forces and industrial relations; - it is necessary to create conditions to achieve a balance between the demand for highly qualified scientific personnel and the supply of jobs for them.
Email:fatimakairova@mail.ru; datieva_2000@mail.ru
Сведения:Fatima A. Kairova, Agunda A. Datieva - Vladikavkaz Branch of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Vladikavkaz, Russia
Identification of typological characteristics of regional tourism clusters in or-derto further develop the tourism industry of the Russian Federation
Abstract. Determiningthe correct typological characteristics of tourist clusters is extremely important for the organization of effective activities of the tourism industry in Russian regions and, in particular, for further activation of domestic tourism, especially in those regions that have high natural resource potential, but at the same time we need a significant increase in infrastructure capacity and the creation of institutional conditions for developing the hospitality industry and improving the level of service. The creation of a typology assumes that cluster formations with common trends and patterns of development are based on common highly integrated economic relations between participants and can be united into one group. In addition, the importance of developing a typology of tourist clusters is determined by the fact that the processes of cluster formation in the tourism industry, against the background of the closure of a large number of countries for Russian tourists, began to be carried out very actively, the initiators were both public authorities at the federal and regional levels, and private investors who realized the possibility of applying a financially attractive marketing strategy in this industry "removing the slime".
Keywords: tourism industry, regional clusters, program-target approach. Highlights: - the development of typologization of tourist clusters in the regional economy system helps eliminate some methodological problems associated with the use of software support tools for the development of the tourism industry, including improving evaluation procedures aimed at identifying the level of cluster development and the synergetic effects achieved during its operation, since the grouping of clusters according to the classification groups proposed in this article makes it possible to establish for each type of cluster a clear assessment system and a limited set of indicative indicators that allow us to conclude that the planned values have been achieved (or not achieved), and, accordingly, to assess the budgetary efficiency of cluster projects and the return on private investment; - the use of a program-oriented approach for the development of regional tourism clusters is justified by the need to prepare for each type of cluster a separate type of program documents, strategies and development concepts that take into account the specifics of the development of these clusters, arising from the peculiarities of the natural resource, infrastructural and socio-cultural potential of the region, which can be taken into account only on the basis of a preliminary competent development of the typology of tourist clusters; - it is advisable to assess the main typological characteristics of the cluster using indicators of tourism sustainability, represented by infrastructural-economic, socio-cultural, ecological-climatic and institutional-management blocks.
Сведения:Vasily Yu. Boev, Raisa M. Bogdanova - Rostov State University of Economics (RINH), Rostov-on-Don, Russia
The algorithm for determining the perspective specializations of the region and its approbation on the case of the Samara region
Abstract. The scientific interests of the authors of the article are based on issues of methodological support for the development of promising economic specializations of regions that meet the opportunities and challenges of the modern Russian reality. The results of the study are presented in accordance with the objectives: the methodological basis forsubstantiatingthe promisingspecializations of the region is determined, an algorithm for their determination is developed, and the algorithm is tested usingthe example of the Samara region. Based on the results of usingthe analytical tool, eight promisingspecializations of the Samara region were identified, which made it possible to significantly optimize their number compared to the list assigned to the region in the Spatial Development Strategy of the Russian Federation for the period until 2025. Identification of promising industries with advantages and competitiveness will further provide a comprehensive assessment of the development of the subject and highlight the promising landscape of work to achieve regional as well as national goals.
Keywords: region, smart specialization, promising economic specialization, spatial development strategy. Highlights: - within the framework of the proposed algorithm, four information and analytical areas are formed: the system of national accounts, industry, labor market, foreign trade, within each of which the corresponding indicators are selected for analysis; - the advantages of the presented algorithm are its utility and flexibility, which is ensured by the use of available arrays of official statistical information; - the use of the proposed algorithm in determining promising specializations of the Samara region makes it possible to optimize their number in comparison with the list assigned to the region in the Spatial Development Strategy of the Russian Federation for the period until 2025.
Email:voroboval6@mail.ru; KorolevaE.N@sseu.ru
Сведения:Yuliya A. Vorobyova, Elena N. Koroleva - Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia
Approaches to segmenting the IT market in the digital era and studying its state in Russia
Abstract. The active spread of information technologies is accompanied by the formation of an IT market, the structure of which is becoming more complex with the expansion of the range of services in the field of digital transformation of companies. The rapid transformation of the IT industry has a major impact on public life and is one of the key areas of the economy. Despite the harsh conditions caused by the structural transformation of the economy in which companies currently find themselves, the processes of digitalization, in-vestmentand implementation of technological solutions not only do not stop, butareeven intensifying. Inthis regard, clarifying industry boundaries and developing approaches to systematizing companies related to the IT market, as well as its segmentation, is one of the most important tasks for the development of the industry. The market for information technology, software and hardware is expanding. The product offerings of IT companies are improving, and, consequently, the models of interaction between IT companies both with each other and with clients are becoming more complex. In the course of this study, the current state of the Russian IT industry was analyzed based on various assessments, and various approaches to segmentation of the information technology industry were analyzed. Conclusions are drawn about the trends and prospects of the domestic IT market.
Keywords: digital transformation, segmentation, IT market, IT company, information technology, development, software and hardware, IT services. Highlights: - there is no uniform approach to IT market segmentation; - the IT market is one of the fastest growing and strategically important for the Russian economy in the current conditions; - there is a fairly high concentration in the Russian IT market, while it remains competitive in many segments and subsegments.
Email:altueva_leila003@mail.ru; bogatalina27@yandex.ru
Сведения:Leyla M. Guzieva, Alina A. Bogatyreva - Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after Kh.M. Berbekov, Nalchik, Russia
Information security as an important component of the digital economy
Abstract. The article investigates problems and importance of ensuring information security in the digital economy, ways to protect personal data and the concept of information protection. The digital economy leads to the development of all spheres of public life, but it is also accompanied by threats of loss of confidential data. To ensure security, it is necessary to develop an effective information security system, includingthe use and development of additional information resources. One of the important aspects is the formation of human resources in the field of information security through professional development programs. The transition to a digital economy is necessary, but ensuring a high level of information security is a key issue in this process. The article also highlights foundations of the formation of the information society and the digital economy, and provides a theoretical analysis of the basic concepts and features of the digital economy that distinguish it from other economic models.
Keywords: information security, information systems, security, economy, digital economy, economic security, threats to economic security, national security Highlights: - the digital economy is inextricably linked to information security and is a key component for both security professionals and all participants in the development and use of information technology; - the digital economy has a number of characteristic features that distinguish it from other economic models; - the spread of the digital economy depends on ensuring the information security and protecting information systems from new threats.
Email:Kristina.karlisheva@yanclex.ru; alinabulatova2002@yandex.ru; ivaevmarat@yandex.ru
Сведения:Kristina 0. Karlysheva, Alina R. Bulatova, Marat I. Ivaev - Volga Region State University of Telecommunications and Informatics, Samara, Russia
Regional labor market: Assessment of the situation, problems, development trends
Abstract Human resources are one of the most significant factors influencing the level of development of a region and its investment attractiveness. In order to effectively manage the regional economy, it is necessary to have information about the situation on the labor market, existing problems and development trends. The article proposes a system of indicators to assess the current situation in the regional labor market, taking into account the conjuncture. The focus of the study is on determining the relationship between individual indicators and their mutual influence. In addition, the assessment of the labor market of the Kirov region was carried out in comparison with the situation in the relevant market of the country, the markets of the Volga Federal District, the Nizhny Novgorod Region and the Republic of Tatarstan. The method of economic and statistical modeling was used to determine the values of the factors under which the effective indicator will be optimal. The proposed model allows us to quantify the relationship between such indicators as the number of employed, the number of unemployed and the growth rate of the gross regional product. As a result of the assessment of the labor market in the region, a limited supply of labor was noted, while in the future the need for personnel in the region will increase. Assessment of the current situation, identification of trends, determination of the level of interrelation between the most significant factors allow us to develop management tools that have the greatest impact on the situation in the regional labor market.
Keywords: regional labor market, labor market conditions, labor force, unemployment rate, wages, hh.index. Highlights: - the indicators for assessing the labor market of the region from the supply and demand side are determined; - an assessment of the regional labor market is given in comparison with the situation in the markets of the country, the district and neighboring regions; - the problems in the labor market from the side of labor supply are revealed; - an economic and statistical model is proposed to quantify the relationship between the indicators of the number of employed, the number of unemployed and the growth rate of the gross regional product.
Email:lena.lysowa@yandex.ru; larisa_s_76@mail.ru; mar_nechaeva@mail.ru
Сведения:Elena A. Lysova, Larisa S. Cheglakova - Vyatka State University, Kirov, Russia, Marina L. Nechaeva - Nizhny Novgorod State University of Engineering and Economics, Knyaginino, Russia
Mathematical modeling of price characteristics of the Russian wholesale market of industrial equipment
Abstract. The article investigates the wholesale market of industrial equipment in the Samara region and the Russian Federation using methods of multidimensional statistical analysis. The main factors influencing its dynamics and territorial differences are identified, key trends are noted, and a forecast of development is made. In the course of the research, standard procedures for modeling market indicators were used, which include time series analysis and forecasting. Models of price characteristics of the Russian wholesale market of industrial equipment are constructed. It was found that the export rates of equipment and machinery are highest in regions with developed infrastructure, trade and digitalization, with predominantly manufacturing-specific production. As in the case of exports, the import of equipment is relevant for regions with good production infrastructure and manufacturing industry. At the same time, the budget security of the region does not affect the growth of imports. To increase the volume of wholesale trade at the regional level, it is important to have financial resources from individuals and enterprises, primarily in the field of information technology and digital communications.
Keywords: industrial equipment wholesale market, wholesale trade market indicators, economic and statistical modeling, forecasting, inter-territorial analysis. Highlights: - the main factors influencingthe dynamics and territorial differences of the wholesale market of industrial equipment have been identified; - models of price characteristics of the Russian wholesale market of industrial equipment are constructed; - the forecast of the development of the Russian wholesale market has been fulfilled.
Email:matmaksi@yandex.ru; maxl6391@yandex.ru; dvi85@list.ru
Сведения:Sergey I. Makarov, Maxim A. Lukianov - Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia, Dmitry V. Ivanov - Samara State Transport University, Samara, Russia, Samara National Research University, Samara, Russia
Assessment of the activity risk-management system at federal universities of the Russian Federation
Abstract. The article investigates the risk management system of federal universities of the Russian Federation, focused on assessing the risks of educational, research and international activities. The relevance of this topic is based on the need for effective risk detection mechanisms in the organization`s activities. The study is aimed at testing the performance of a system of indicators that allows assessing the risks of universities. To improve the quality of the audit, federal universities are divided into clusters in accordance with the number of full-time students and the number of teaching staff. The purpose of the article is to study the risk management system of federal universities of the Russian Federation with an emphasis on assessing the risks of educational, research and international activities. As part of the study, data on the activities of ten federal universities over ten years was analyzed, after which the universities were clustered based on the number of students and teaching staff. The subsequent economic and mathematical analysis of the selected risk indicators was effective, which made it possible to draw conclusions about the effectiveness of the risk management system at universities in various educational, research and international areas of activity. The results of the study are conclusions about the effectiveness of the risk management system for educational, research and international activities at federal universities of the Russian Federation in accordance with the formed clustering. The authors draw conclusions about the need to develop and improve the risk management system in federal universities of the Russian Federation for effective control and minimization of risks in educational, research and international fields of activity. It establishes recommendations forfurther improvement of the risk management system, which may include a more detailed study of risk events, as well as adaptation of risk management methods to the specifics of university activities.
Keywords: federal universities, risks of educational activities, risks of research activities, risks of international activities, internal control system, Russian Federation, risk management system, risks, risk management. Highlights: - a system of indicators for assessing risk management atfederal universities of the Russian Federation, focused on assessing the risks of educational, research and international activities, effectively reflects the presence of risks in universities; - Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin», Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «Southern Federal University" and Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University" (hereinafter - KFU) have the most effective risk management system for educational, research and international activities; - Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «North Caucasus Federal University", Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov», Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky» are in dire need of an analysis of current activities in the risk management system.
Email:margo.marfitsyna@gmail.com; lv_yurieva@mail.ru
Сведения:Margarita Sergeevna Marfitsyna, Larisa Vladimirovna lurieva - Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Ekaterinburg, Russia
The use of Islamic finance in the development of agriculture in Azerbaijan
Abstract. Currently, in the inclusive development of national economies, along with traditional sources of financing for agriculture, Islamic financial instruments are also used. Thus, the demand for this mechanism, currently known as interest-free financing and considered the main type of alternative financing, is growing in both Muslim and non-Muslim countries. In recent years, the use of innovative financial resources in the development of the agricultural sector has been in the sphere of interests of participants in the Islamic financial ecosystem - the Ministry of Economy and various subordinate institutions (COBIA, the Entrepreneurship Development Fund), the Central Bank, commercial banks, investment companies, etc. The adoption in January of this year of the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers on the approval of the Regulation on the application of a special regulation regime giving the green light to the use of Islamic financial instruments shows that the use of this mechanism is appropriate and is becoming increasingly relevant. The article investigates the importance of using Islamic financial instruments as an alternative source of financing in the development of agriculture in Azerbaijan. The paper presents in detail the purpose, objectives, applied methods and the results of the study. The latter indicate that Islamic financial instruments can play an important role in creating sustainable financing in agriculture and open up new opportunities for the development of this sector.
Keywords: Islamic finance, agriculture, alternative sources of financing, non-oil sector, sustainable development, financial instruments, inclusive development, specialized institutions. Highlights: - Islamic financial instruments can overcome the lack of finance in agriculture; - Islamic financial instruments ensure the sustainable development of the agricultural sector; - a legal and institutional framework should be created for the application of Islamic financial instruments in Azerbaijan.
Email:mirzoev.n@mail.ru; masallah.safarov.roman@bsu.edu.az
Сведения:NatigS. Mirzoev - Lankaran State University, Lankaran, Azerbaijan, Mashallah R. Safarov - Baku State University, Baku, Azerbaijan
Самарский государственный экономический университет © 2007-2025