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Вестник самарского государственного экономического университета
Vestnik of Samara State University of Economics
2018 №2 (160)
The beginning of the third millennium is connected with the spread of such a social phenomenon as networks, the qualitative variety of which required the knowledge about network structures and entailed the appearance of their typologies in the scientific literature. The goal of this article is to study the existing network typologies of structures and their application possibilities for studying the patterns of network structures development in the current conditions for carrying out new industrialization, including in the practice of state and regional government. To achieve this goal, the author used the method of typologization. The article gives an overview of network structures based on the analysis of typologies developed by domestic and foreign scientists. Analyzing the performance of network structures in the regional economy, it is necessary to take into account the various patterns of these structures. The author comes to the conclusion that it is necessary to single out one more feature of networks - the principle of their formation from the point of view of the state. Proceeding from this, it is suggested to single out evolutionary and imperative types of network structures. The first may include holding structures, branch unions, associations, which were formed evolutionarily, without state intervention. The second type is represented by technopolis, technology parks, industrial parks, special economic zones, state corporations, which were created by the administrative center. Prospects of this research are related to characteristics of network structures and their management in the context of the regional economy and regional science.
Keywords: network structures, networks, regional economy, typology, neo-industrialization, neo-industrial transformation. Highlights: • the author`s interpretation of the concept of "network structure" is presented from the position of the system-structural approach as a system of elements united to solve certain problems in which at least two elements are interconnected by horizontal links, that is, they fulfill a similar function.typologies of network structures in the economy developed by domestic and foreign researchers are reviewed; • the author`s typology of network structures is proposed on the basis of their formation from the point of view of the state.
Сведения:Anton A. Glumov, Candidate of Economics, Head of the Department for Scientific Research, senior a lecturer, Ural State University of Economics.
Taking into account the specifics of the domestic tourism industry development and expert assessments of the impact of innovations on global changes in the tourism industry, priority directions for the innovative tourism development in the Samara region have been identified.
Keywords: innovations, tourism, region, competitive advantages, attraction, scientific, medi-cal, ecological tourism. Highlights: • provides a brief analysis of the state and problems of the tourism development in the Samara region; • based on the extrapolation of expert assessments and conclusions of researchers on the impact of innovation on transformation in the tourism industry, priority priorities for the tour-ism development in the region have been identified; • activities aimed at the development of scientific-cognitive, medical, ecological tourism in the Samara region are illustrated.
Email:gusevams@yandex.ru, amelkina.darya@yandex.ru
Сведения:Maria S. Guseva, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor; Darya V. Amelkina, a Master’s degree student - Samara State University of Economics.
The purpose of this article is to develop new tools, models and directions of state stimulation and support of cluster formation processes in backward territories in order to achieve a balanced regional development. Since many successful mechanisms in the central regions are inefficient at the periphery, those specific determinants of regions that have the greatest potential for integration processes are involved in the research field. The methodological basis of the research is formed on the basis of the convergence of systemic, synergetic and project-process approaches, as well as key provisions of theories of spatial development, balance, poles and growth axes. The expediency of using different forms of state support in backward territories of integration processes aimed at creating innovative clusters is revealed. As one of the effective models, the development of regional coordinating councils for the development of clusters on such territories, including financing their innovation activities, was proposed. It is concluded that the integration of scientific, production, material and technical, personnel, innovation and other types of potential of the center and periphery within the regional cluster is effective.
Keywords: backward territories, clusterization, integration, state support, financing. Highlights: • state support, including institutional and financial, of clustering processes in regions characterized by asymmetric development of territories is an important tool for achieving a balance in the region`s innovative development; • the potential for integration of the center and periphery within the innovation cluster can be an important factor in reducing disparities in regional development; • the system-synergetic approach to the development of regional clusters in territories with different levels of social and economic development on central and peripheral territories allows not identifying points, the axis of growth, and also forming the economic framework for balanced innovative development of the region as a system.
Сведения:Anastasia V. Kaplina, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor, Rostov State University of Economics.
The evaluation method development of the innovation activity in the regions was developed, and a general indicator for the effective use of innovative resources was proposed. The implementation of this method has made it possible to identify leaders and outsiders among the regions in terms of innovation activity development and effectiveness of using innovative capacity, which will improve management decisions in the field of innovation at the regional level.
Keywords: innovation activity, innovation process, integrated assessment, regions, efficiency of innovation activity. Highlights: • the existing evaluation method development of the innovation activity has a number of shortcomings, and therefore require further development and adaptation for application at the regional level; • the innovation process of the region is based on the scheme of the innovation process, which is a set of actions aimed at developing, introducing into production and realization of innovation - a scheme of organizational, social, economic and other solutions, i. e., the process of transition to innovation;each stage of the innovation process can be characterized by a number of indicators that will be included in the future integrated indicator - the index of the innovation development in the region; • the element of the comprehensive evaluation method of the innovation activity in the regions is the justification of weighting factors. For this purpose, the analytic hierarchy process of T. Saati was used; • implementing the proposed method, the all-Russian integral indicator of the innovation activity development was determined, and a grouping of regions was carried out; • with the help of the developed integral coefficient of innovation efficiency, it is suggested to evaluate its effectiveness; • according to the results of the calculated efficiency factor of the innovation process, a grouping of Russian regions was carried out.
Email:tatyana_dadashova@mail.ru, himan@meta.ua
Сведения:Tatyana A. Dadashova, a post-graduate student; Andrey N. Khimchenko, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Economic Theory Department - Donetsk National University.
The basic model of raw-materials reserve replacement is the dynamics of utilization and development of the mineral resource base determined by the interaction of the extractive industry, which reduces known reserves, and geological exploration revealing new deposits. The consumption of minerals forms the demand for their extraction, which is ensured by the repayment of the equivalent mass of reserves. The balance in the system "consumption - production" is determined by a direct and rather severe impact of economic factors. Excess of production over consumption causes, as a rule, a fall in prices for mineral products and leads to a reduction in production (primarily in low-margin fields). Mining under all conditions depletes the mineral and raw materials base and thereby creates a demand for its reproduction, which is satisfied by geological exploration. They provide an increase in industrial reserves from previously identified low-grade reserves (exploration). The preparation of facilities for exploration is carried out through general search and assessment of reserves and forecast resources.
Keywords: geological and economic monitoring, raw-materials potential, mining zone, geological exploration, industrial and raw-materials unit, industrial and raw-materials object. Highlights: • with the aim of eliminating the existing imbalance in the growth of stocks and their consumption, it is necessary to develop the economic-mathematical model designed to estimate the level of reserves reproduction; • subsoil use objects - it is advisable to classify potential sources of raw-materials reserve replacement according to the level of liquidity, i. е. opportunities to be operationally involved in the sectors of the national economy; • the most important task for the near future is to develop the mineral resource base (SME) at the expense of forecasted facilities (and their resources) in the areas of existing mining enterprises.
Сведения:Valery S. Dadykin, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor, Bryansk State Technical University.
The article is devoted to the study of economic diversification of the regions in the Russian Federation in terms of the agro-industrial complex development. In the last few years the agro-industrial complex shows steady growth, caused by a complex of geopolitical and socio-economic factors. The development of agricultural production positively affects the economy of the regions: the level of diversification is increasing and economic risks are decreasing, the level of rural population employment is increasing, its outflow to developed regional centers is decreasing, the population is provided with quality food products, and the associated infrastructure is being formed. The problem of sharp differentiation of territories according to the level of social and economic development is relevant for the Russian Federation, therefore, growth strategies are formed on the basis of existing specialization and perspective directions. In the present conditions of macroeconomic instability, the role of self-sufficiency of the subjects of the Russian Federation with various resources is increasing: labor, financial, food. The goal of the article: to study the diversification of the region`s economy in terms of the agro-industrial complex development using the example of the Krasnodar Territory. Methods: systemic, formal-logical, analysis and modeling of socio-economic processes. Economic diversification in terms of the agro-industrial complex development is examined by the example of the indicators of the Krasnodar Territory. The strengthening specialization contributed to region`s leading positions in the country for certain types of agricultural products, investments in the economic sector under research grew by 10-20% in sub-sectors in comparison with 2015. A stable trend was observed in the growth of wages, their level in the province is lower than in Russia as a whole. Conclusion: diversification of the region`s economy in terms of the agro-industrial complex development contributes to food security, improving the quality of life of the population. The policy of most developed countries is aimed at modernizing the agro-industrial complex, since experience shows its high importance in the country`s socio-economic development, supporting depressed regions with low levels of industrial production.
Keywords: diversification, agro-industrial complex, joint activity, socio-economic processes, agricultural products, self-sufficiency of the region. Highlights: • the development of the agro-industrial complex (AIC) is the basis for economic diversification of many regions in Russia; • regions specializing in the production of agricultural products can develop related directions, strengthening economic growth; • the development of the agro-industrial complex promotes the development of transport, catering, strengthens food security and increases the employment of the rural population; • developed regions and territories with a complex socio-economic situation can increase the level of welfare of residents due to economic diversification using the agro-industrial complex.
Сведения:Matvey S. Oborin, Doctor of Economics, Professor of Economic Analysis and Statistics Department, Perm Institute (Branch) of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Professor of World and Regional Economics, Economic Theory Department, Perm State National Research University, Professor of Management Department, Perm State Agro-Technological University, Professor of Management and Technology in Tourism and Service Department, Sochi State University.
Two main directions of the migration development in modern Russia are revealed: the provi-sion of positive dynamics and rational distribution structure for the permanent population and the recruitment of the missing labor power in the country`s economy, its individual industries and territories. It is necessary to pay more attention to scientific substantiation of the concepts of the demographic and migration policy in the Russian Federation, the current versions of which have a confusion of concepts, fragmentation of individual parts, the inconsistency with the main goal of the country`s demographic development. The issue of considering temporary labor migration as a potential to supply the country`s new citizens has been raised. The main contradiction of this problem is revealed: the growth of the number of citizens by means of low-skilled labor migration contradicts the doctrine of innovative development of the Russian economy. The conclusions give suggestions on the growth of permanent migration to Russia. This, in particular, creates new opportunities for labor migrants from the new abroad to obtain Russian citizenship, granting Russian-speaking people from South-Eastern Ukraine similar benefits as compatriots in the State program for their return; in additional benefits need fami-lies of compatriots and other permanent immigrants with underage children.
Keywords: permanent migration, temporary labor migration, concepts of demographic and migration policy, professional and gender differentiation of labor of migrants, compatriots. Highlights: • migration of the population is the second most important component of the gen-eral movement of the population in Russia. Unlike the latter, migration is not a strategic com-ponent of Russia`s demographic development and is called upon to solve only current short-term and medium-term tasks. Currently there are two main directions of the migration devel-opment in the Russian Federation. The first direction is to ensure the positive dynamics and rational distribution structure for the permanent population, which are set in the current con-cept of Russia`s demographic policy. The second direction is the recruitment of the missing labor power in the country`s economy, its individual industries and territories. • of course, in both directions there are strategic, long-term, indefinite, compo-nents-subtasks, such as the return of compatriots living abroad to Russia, the maximum possi-ble involvement of highly qualified specialists, youth involvement through educational migra-tion with the prospect of staying in the country, the solution of humanitarian problems, a de-crease in the level of emigration. But these subtasks do not contradict the basic directions of development; therefore, it is not correct to single out them in some basic tasks, especially in the direction.
Сведения:Olga A. Tayunova, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor, Samara State University of Economics.
Issues of the effective financing the health system remain relevant for many countries, includ-ing Russia. The reform of the national health care system continues, and after switching to single-channel financing, not only its advantages but also its shortcomings became visible. The main objective of insurance medicine is to increase the interest of health workers in the final results of their work - to treat patients. However, this task is obviously associated with financing, providing for the renewal of equipment and tools, upgrading the skills of medical workers and purchasing all necessary drugs. This article is of an overview nature and is aimed at considering the specifics of financial flows in the system of compulsory medical insurance with its single-channel financing. The article analyzes and systemizes strengths and weak-nesses of single-channel financing of medical services in the framework of compulsory health insurance. The main conclusion is the authors` opinion that the role of insurance companies in the system of compulsory medical insurance is to analyze accounts of medical organizations and transfer money to their accounts, while the responsibility for the results of treatment is completely borne by medical workers.
Keywords: health care, compulsory medical insurance, financing of public expenditures. Highlights: • a scheme of cash flows in health care with its one-channel financing is illustrated; • the advantages of single-channel financing are revealed; • the directions and principles for functioning of financial flows in the system of com-pulsory medical insurance (OMC) with its one-channel financing are disclosed.
Email:rasumovskaya.pochta@gmail.com, 080980Y@mail.ru, jobs.mail35@gmail.com, val-f@inbox.ru
Сведения:Elena A. Razumovskaya, Doctor of Economics, Professor of Finance, Currency Circulation and Credit Department, Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin; Professor of Social and Economic Sciences Department, Ural Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Professor of Financial Markets and Banking Department, Ural State University of Economics, Professor of the Applied Econom-ics Department, Technical University of Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company, Ekaterin-burg; Julia V. Istomina, a senior lecturer, leading document manager, Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Ekaterinburg; Denis Yu. Razumovsky, a Master`s degree student, Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Ekaterinburg; Valeria V. Fomenko, a lecturer, Ural Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Ekaterinburg.
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