From the perspective of new institutional economics the author analyzes a set of incentives operating in primitive economy. Using an example of anthropological research the article illustrates the fact that this set of incentives does not form effective motivation for agents in tribal economy. The author assesses the impact of low-level and leveled individual well-being in primitive economy on motivation. According to results the author formulates his ideas of motivation from economic perspectives.
Keywords: motivation of economic activities, incentives, property rights, institutions, level of welfare.
The paper illustrates the essence of development from the perspective of institutional environment evolution in a non-equilibrium economy, reveals the institutional and economic mechanism of social and economic development of the region, analyzes social and economic indicators of the Samara region and the role of regional development institutions in the transition to the innovation-driven growth model, and proposes measures to improve the efficiency of regional development institutions.
Keywords: institute, regional development institutions, institutional failure, the non-quilibrium economy, innovation-driven growth model.
Yuri V. Matveev, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of "Institutional Economics" Department; Kirill Y. Matveev, candidate of Economics, Associate Professor - Samara State University of Economics.
The paper illustrates the essence of development from the perspective of institutional environment evolution in a non-equilibrium economy, reveals the institutional and economic mechanism of social and economic development of the region, analyzes social and economic indicators of the Samara region and the role of regional development institutions in the transition to the innovation-driven growth model, and proposes measures to improve the efficiency of regional development institutions.
Keywords: market, competition, developed (mature) competition, developing (immature) competition, imperfect competition, pro-competition, real competition, market of banking services, banking competition, types and forms of banking competition.
The author analyzes the entrance of Kenyan multinational corporations to the markets of neighboring countries, and there have been organized both industrial, commercial and marketing facilities, and branches of banks, insurance and media companies. The increased competitiveness of Kenya multinational corporations abroad is due to advantages in identifying consumer preferences and staff, as well as the motives of foreign direct investment in the Kenyan higher profit margins companies and the desire to obtain the capital and innovative technology.
Keywords: Kenya, multinational corporations, foreign direct investment (FDI), trade, banking, symbiotic methods, consumer preferences.
Andrey L. Sapuntsov, candidate of Economics, Associate professor, a senior research assistant. Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
The author illustrates the current state of the economies of the BRICS countries in conditions of the turbulent motion in the global economy, and characterizes their level of competitiveness. The author assesses the strengths and weaknesses of the economies of the BRICS countries that have to be overcome in order to equalize the level of economic development of these countries.
Keywords: Global Competitiveness Index, macro-economic situation, turbulence, branching business, terms of growth, institutional framework, innovation.
The authors suggest their approach to baseline goal plan formation of social and economic development of the region that is able to be "an incompressible core" at the goal-setting stage in strategic planning of regional development. The proposed plan is founded on the category of "well-being" in the interpretation of the Statistical Commission - OECD and the Commission Stiglitz - Sen - Fitoussi. The plan contains a hierarchically ordered set of goals and targets of significant indicators that describe the desired level of well-being and potential of its reproduction.
Keywords: region, regional strategic planning, welfare, goal-setting, baseline goal plan.
The article analyzes the social services in Moscow and defines the priority directions to develop mechanisms of the state social support in times of anti-Russian economic sanctions. The authors represent measures to support high-tech enterprises of the real economic sector of employment, and to make bank loans more reasonable.
Keywords: social services, social support mechanism of the state, state control of the economy, support for the real economy, support for the population.
Vitaly A. Shumaev, Doctor of Economics, Professor, member of the Academy of Sciences of RANS, Professor. Moscow Witte University, Professor of Moscow State University of Railway Engineering MIIT); Dmitry E.Morkovkin, candidate of Economics, Associate Professor. Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation; Valentina V. Ranyuk, candidate of Social Sciences, Associate Professor. Moscow State University of Information Technologies, Radio Engineering and Electronics.
The author analyzes and assesses by dollar equivalent a number of ecosystem services of 27 municipal districts in the Samara region, using R. Costanza’s method and expert information of the "REGION" system.
Keywords: ecosystem services, natural capital, the Samara region, EIS REGION.
The author forms a model that can provide the competitiveness of enterprises on the basis of leadership in innovation, international technology transfer, cooperation in research and development, both within the enterprise and with the subjects of the world market.
Keywords: economic security, international economic relations, international technology transfer, import-substituting development, foreign direct investment, new technical solutions, international sanctions, new industrialization and modernization.
In the petrochemical industry of the Samara region, there is a new positive trend of development, when the company in petrochemical and chemistry industry began to be consolidated in a single petrochemical cluster. The program of petrochemical industry development is supported at the regional and national levels and it will contribute to revival and development of the Samara petrochemical cluster. The author represents the main perspectives for the efficient use of investment in refining assets in order to develop the petrochemical cluster in the region and to justify management decisions. The article covers the key aspects of investment incentive activities in the field of refining and petrochemical industry.
Keywords: cluster approach, modernization, petrochemical cluster, development strategy, investment.
The article illustrates the strategy of economic growth by stimulating activity of small and medium-sized manufacturing businesses in industrial parks. The author develops a category of innovative and industrial areas such as advanced forms of industrial parks, ensuring the technical development of enterprises, their high level of competitiveness and sustainability. The author suggests directions to improve organizational forms of public-private partnership for new industrialization.
Keywords: industrial parks, public-private partnerships, innovative and industrial area, balance of interests of enterprises and the government, investment, industrial infrastructure, industrial policy.
The paper illustrates the features of components procurement by aviation companies, and provides a solution to the problem of non-transit batch procurement of material resources by aircraft construction enterprises by means of commercial and logistics center.
Keywords: procurement of components in the aircraft industry, problems of contract procurement and placement of small-lot orders for material resources, commercial and logistics center of the aviation industry.
The author formulates and characterizes the main directions and measures to create a marketing mechanism for formation of a rational distribution network in the branch of OJSC "Brewing company" Baltica "-" Baltika-Rostov. "
Keywords: distribution network, customer-oriented approach, CRM-system, customer value, channels of communication, information technology, marketing mechanism.
The article describes the stages of the innovative process, provides statistics on innovative project implementation, and represents an assessment model of the innovative project having applied the real options.
Keywords: innovative project, innovative process, real options.
Dmitry Y. Ivanov, Doctor of Economics, Professor; Christina Y. Orlova, Master’s Degree student - Samara State Aerospace University (National Research University).
The author analyzes the market of agricultural land plots in the Novosibirsk region, and calculates their average market value. The article represents the dynamics of land plot transactions in the region for the period 2008 - 2014.
Keywords: market of agricultural land plots, land, market value, market regulation, market infrastructure, rational use of land.
Aleksey I. Suchkov, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of “Economics and Management of Rural Areas” Department; Milena Y. Repotetskaya, a senior lecturer - Novosibirsk State Agrarian University.
The article illustrates the issues of labour norming management system at enterprises in accordance with the process approach. As part of such a system the authors define a set of key performance indicators to monitor and control the results of labour norming, differentiated by areas.
Keywords: labor norming, labour norming management system, key performance indicators, process approach, assessment of norming.
Ayna E. Makhmetova, candidate of Economics, Associate Professor; Marina V. Kiseleva, a post-graduate student. Saratov Social and Economic Institute (branch of "Plekhanov Russian University of Economics").
In the current context of relations strengthening and rapid development of industrial and information technology, management of personnel costs becomes considerably more complicated, and it determines the use of modern control tools in the form of compliance, which is characteristic for the risk management of foreign companies and is actively put into practice by domestic businesses. The author illustrates the essence and kinds of compliance personnel costs, and a model of the system at enterprises.
Keywords: enterprise, personnel costs, compliance control.
The author considers unilateral Grubbs`s tests statistics, i.e. standardized maximum and minimum calculated by the normal sample. Because of joint distribution of these statistics the author develops a new one-parameter copula function by inversion and the graphs of the simulated values of this copula. It is proved that Grubbs’s copula allows describing the negative relationship between random variables. The author develops approximation for Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient of this copula and makes model calculations of the joint distribution function of random variables when their relationship is described by Grubbs`s copula, and each of the random variables has Cauchy`s distribution.
Keywords: copula function, joint distribution of unilateral Grubbs`s tests, scatterplots, Spearman`s rank correlation coefficient, normal distribution, standardized minimum and maximum, Monte Carlo method.
The monograph, published by Samara State University of Economics in 2014, analyzes theoretical and methodological problems of forecasting and programming of the integrated development in regional social and economic systems.
Deputy Director for Research of Samara Institute (branch) of Russian State University of Trade and Economics, Doctor of Economics, Professor T.E. Stepanova