An ideal economy focused on scientific and technological progress

Kairova FA., Datieva A.A.

Abstract: The relevance of the chosen topic is determined by the fact that currently there is a lot of criteria that the modern economic system has to meet, but it remains questionable how significant they are. The main problem of the study is to determine the functionally important conditions for a harmonious combination of private and collective interests inherent in current economic needs. Is there a need to adjust the modern system to global trends, or is it worth following your own beliefs and relying on strengths that make it possible to influence the prospects for the formation of ideal conditions for the functioning of the economy? It is very important to identify the target indicators and performance indicators of modern realities that the state prioritizes, to understand whether society will be able to achieve the state of an ideal economy that will further reduce the technological gap in the domestic economy. The aim of the work is to identify possible characteristic criteria for determining the ideal economy. To achieve this goal, it seems necessary to study the most promising areas of development of economic entities, regardless of the scope of their activities. In modern economic conditions, industrial enterprises have great potential, since innovations in production activities make it possible to produce high-quality and competitive products within the framework of import substitution and allow the commercialization of existing knowledge and skills. In order to expand knowledge on this issue, the works of domestic and foreign authors were studied, revealing the issues of the current state of science and the level of technological development. The study identified possible criteria suitable for the concept of an "ideal economy": low unemployment, high GDP rates achieved through production growth, low poverty, adherence to the principle of equitable distribution of resources, lack of dependence on imports, while maintaining strong international relations and, as a result, ensuringa high standard of livingthe population of the country. The research methods include comparative analysis, which allows to identify the factors of influence and patterns of development of the situation under consideration, a graphical method, methods of analogy and abstraction. Keywords: scientific and technological progress, ideal economy, production, GDP, social position, highly qualified personnel, progressive technologies, import, export, innovative economy. Highlights: - scientific and technological progress is a basis for building an ideal economy; - the formation of a stable economic system of the country depends more on the development of productive forces and industrial relations; - it is necessary to create conditions to achieve a balance between the demand for highly qualified scientific personnel and the supply of jobs for them.

Fatima A. Kairova, Agunda A. Datieva - Vladikavkaz Branch of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Vladikavkaz, Russia

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