Approaches to segmenting the IT market in the digital era and studying its state in Russia

Guzieva L.M., Bogatyreva A.A.

Abstract. The active spread of information technologies is accompanied by the formation of an IT market, the structure of which is becoming more complex with the expansion of the range of services in the field of digital transformation of companies. The rapid transformation of the IT industry has a major impact on public life and is one of the key areas of the economy. Despite the harsh conditions caused by the structural transformation of the economy in which companies currently find themselves, the processes of digitalization, in-vestmentand implementation of technological solutions not only do not stop, butareeven intensifying. Inthis regard, clarifying industry boundaries and developing approaches to systematizing companies related to the IT market, as well as its segmentation, is one of the most important tasks for the development of the industry. The market for information technology, software and hardware is expanding. The product offerings of IT companies are improving, and, consequently, the models of interaction between IT companies both with each other and with clients are becoming more complex. In the course of this study, the current state of the Russian IT industry was analyzed based on various assessments, and various approaches to segmentation of the information technology industry were analyzed. Conclusions are drawn about the trends and prospects of the domestic IT market. Keywords: digital transformation, segmentation, IT market, IT company, information technology, development, software and hardware, IT services. Highlights: - there is no uniform approach to IT market segmentation; - the IT market is one of the fastest growing and strategically important for the Russian economy in the current conditions; - there is a fairly high concentration in the Russian IT market, while it remains competitive in many segments and subsegments.

Leyla M. Guzieva, Alina A. Bogatyreva - Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after Kh.M. Berbekov, Nalchik, Russia

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