Information security as an important component of the digital economy

Karlysheva K.O., Bulatova A.R., Ivaev M.I.

Abstract. The article investigates problems and importance of ensuring information security in the digital economy, ways to protect personal data and the concept of information protection. The digital economy leads to the development of all spheres of public life, but it is also accompanied by threats of loss of confidential data. To ensure security, it is necessary to develop an effective information security system, includingthe use and development of additional information resources. One of the important aspects is the formation of human resources in the field of information security through professional development programs. The transition to a digital economy is necessary, but ensuring a high level of information security is a key issue in this process. The article also highlights foundations of the formation of the information society and the digital economy, and provides a theoretical analysis of the basic concepts and features of the digital economy that distinguish it from other economic models. Keywords: information security, information systems, security, economy, digital economy, economic security, threats to economic security, national security Highlights: - the digital economy is inextricably linked to information security and is a key component for both security professionals and all participants in the development and use of information technology; - the digital economy has a number of characteristic features that distinguish it from other economic models; - the spread of the digital economy depends on ensuring the information security and protecting information systems from new threats.

Kristina 0. Karlysheva, Alina R. Bulatova, Marat I. Ivaev - Volga Region State University of Telecommunications and Informatics, Samara, Russia

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