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Вестник самарского государственного экономического университета
Vestnik of Samara State University of Economics
2022 №5 (211)
The influence of socio-economic and institutional factors on conspicuous consumption in the Russian Federation: Econometric analysis
Abstract. The purpose of this study is an econometric analysis of the impact of socio-economic and institutional factors on conspicuous consumption in the Russian Federation. To calculate these indicators, a four-factor regression model was proposed describing the relationship of the obtained factors. Based on the obtained regression equation, the coefficients of the influence of factors on d conspicuous consumption were calculated. These coefficients do not contradict the theoretical studies of foreign and Russian scientists.
Keywords: conspicuous consumption, luxury, factor, regression, econometric analysis Highlights: ♦ the methodology of the study of the influence of socio-economic and institutional factors on the demonstrative consumption is analyzed; ♦ an econometric analysis based on statistical data has been carried out; ♦ the regression coefficients of the influence of the obtained factors on demonstrative consumption are calculated and justified.
Сведения:Inessa K. Mancheva - Donetsk National University, Donetsk, DPR
Spatial organization of the Russian transport infrastructure: The regional dimension
Abstract. The transport infrastructure development is a key factor for the economic growth of the whole country and its individual territories. Objectives for the development of transport infrastructure in the regions are determined by the importance of the indicators that have been achieved and are planned, which reflect the transport availability and accessibility of the country`s territories. This article focuses on the development of methodological approaches to assessing the transport availability and accessibility of the territory of the Russian Federation from the perspective of its constituent entities and federal districts based on non-linear coefficients. The authors explain the results of the calculations of the regional dimension in the development of transport infrastructure in Russia based on the Engel and Holz coefficients. The results of the study can be used in further econometric assessments of the influence of various factors on the overall socio-economic development of the regions.
Keywords: transport infrastructure, transport availability, transport accessibility, spatial organization Highlights: ♦ the development of transport infrastructure is a specific tool for the state administration of spatial development, aimed at reducing disparities and inequalities in the development of territories, ensuring economic growth, implemented by means of the state transport policy; ♦ the non-linear parameters of transport connectivity assessment (such as the Engel and Holz coefficients) allow to assess the spatial organization of transport infrastructure in the context of the subjects of the Russian Federation in terms of transport development and territorial connectivity; ♦ the calculations of the above stated nonlinear coefficients show a clear asymmetry in the development of the Russian regions, and the overall level of socio-economic development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is not always directly correlated with the development of their transport infrastructure, which is proved empirically.
Email:mvkurnikova@gmail.com; rea101@mail.ru
Сведения:Marina V. Kurnikova - Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia; Alexandr G. Timofeev - Russian University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov, Moscow, Russia
Assessment of the impact of agglomeration processes on the socio-economic development of municipalities in the region
Abstract. The scientific community is increasingly interested in the study of agglomerations and agglomeration processes occurring in it. Particular attention is paid to the study of issues on the impact of agglomeration processes on the socio-economic development of municipalities in the region and the dependence of such influence on the fact that the territory of the municipality belongs to the agglomeration. The article proposes a methodology for assessing the impact of agglomeration processes on the socio-economic development of municipalities in the region. The methodology was tested on the statistical data of the Samara region and, in particular, the Samara-Togliatti agglomeration (STA). The obtained results made it possible to form recommendations on the regulation of agglomeration processes in the Samara region taking into account the factor of strategic goal-setting for the development of the STA.
Keywords: agglomeration, agglomeration process, spatial development, socio-economic development, region Highlights: ♦ the increasing scientific interest in the study of agglomerations generates a variety of methodological approaches to the analysis of socio-economic development of agglomerations and the assessment of the impact of agglomeration processes on the administrative units of the region. Meanwhile, there is no universal methodology that allows an objective and comprehensive analysis of agglomeration development and assessment of the impact and nature of processes occurring in urban and rural agglomerations; ♦ the authors proposed and tested on the municipalities of the Samara region a methodology for assessing the impact of agglomeration processes on the socio-economic development of municipalities in the region; ♦ the dependence of the socio-economic development of municipalities on their territorial affiliation to the agglomeration is revealed.
Email:aliya.sarymova@mail.ru; gusevams@yandex.ru
Сведения:Aliya A. Sarymova, Maria S. Guseva - Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia
Ensuring the investment attractiveness of Russian regions in the conditions of post-pandemic reality
Abstract. The relevance of the study is justified by the need to identify key problems of the Russian regions that contribute to reducing their investment attractiveness during the pandemic. The purpose of the study is to analyze the impact of the pandemic on the territorial development and investment attractiveness of the Russian regions during the pandemic. The scientific novelty of the study consists in assessing the impact of the pandemic on the level of investment attractiveness of the Russian regions, as well as in determining directions of strengthening the regional policy to ensure the full realization of the investment potential of the Russian regions at the stage of the post-pandemic recovery. The authors revealed features of the impact of the pandemic on the natural resource, labor, infrastructure, and production potential of regional economic systems in Russia, as well as characteristics of the regional demand and financial stability of territories. The article reveals changes in the level of the investment attractiveness of Russian regions during the pandemic. The main problems of the Russian regions that reduce their attractiveness for investors are highlighted. The authors justified the transformation vector of the state policy in order to fully realize the investment potential of the Russian regions (including increasing the level of industrial production and stimulating the investment activity of enterprises, reducing the public debt of the region, stimulating employment and social support for the population of the region).
Keywords: region, investment, investment attractiveness, pandemic, regional socio-economic policy Highlights: ♦ a comprehensive analysis of changes in the investment attractiveness of territories during the pandemic was carried out; ♦ the main problems of the Russian regions that reduced their investment attractiveness during the pandemic crisis are systematized; ♦ a toolkit has been formed to increase the investment attractiveness of the Russian regions during the post-pandemic recovery.
Email:kod219@mail.ru; pionerday@yandex.ru; economresearch@mail.ru; o-vandanimaeva@yandex.ru
Сведения:Tatiana D. Strelnikova - Lipetsk Branch of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Lipetsk, Russia; Sergey V. Ponomarev - Kaluga Branch of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Kaluga, Russia; Natalia P. Nazarchuk - Tambov State Technical University, Tambov, Russia; Oyuna M. Vandanimaeva - Moscow Financial and Industrial University "Synergy", Moscow, Russia
Development of a model of predictive analytics of financial income from educational activities based on the digital footprint of students
Abstract. The article examines the role of the use of digital technologies in educational organizations. A model for assessing professional skills and competencies as an automated point-rating system is being developed. A variant of the point-rating system (PRS) functioning is proposed, factor variables determining the student`s summary rating are determined, and a graphical model of a neural network is presented that allows predicting financial results from the implementation of educational activities at the university.
Keywords: individual educational trajectory, digital technologies, student`s digital twin, intelligent digital assistant, digital footprint Highlights: ♦ predictive analytics is one of the tools for improving the educational performance due to the possibility of corrective influence on the student at the early stages of the educational period; ♦ artificial neural networks allow to build a flexible predictive analytics model that receives digital footprint data from automated tools accompanying the educational process to predict personalized learning outcomes; ♦ forecasting academic performance allows not only to increase the efficiency of the educational process, but also to estimate the planned financial income from educational activities for a period of up to one year.
Email: frantasov@mail.ru; balanovskay@mail.ru; violet261181@mail.ru; voroninae.v@sseu.ru
Сведения:Dmitry N. Frantasov, Anna V. Balanovskaya, Evgenia G. Repina, Elena V. Voronina - Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia
Transformation of the organization`s risk management system in the conditions of increasing uncertainty of the operating environment
Abstract. This article examines current problems of the risk management in the Russian and foreign companies. The purpose of the study is to identify problematic areas of companies in the field of risk management. The relevance of the study is due to the need to manage risks in order to achieve the company`s goals. Various types of risks have become an integral part of the economic activities of companies, as due to the influence of uncertainty, the actual results often do not correspond to the planned ones. The results of the study include recommendations aimed at adapting the risk management system to new realities. The conducted research will help managers to adapt the risk management system to unforeseen business events, identify problem areas and use new opportunities created by the pandemic and sanctions.
Keywords: risk management system, "black swan", risk culture, COVID-19 pandemic, sanctions, crisis anti-risk management Highlights: ♦ the main obstacles to the implementation of risk management in organizations are: the perception of risk management as a distracting process, a low level of the risk management culture, lack of responsibility, disparate IT systems, lack of competence in risk assessment and management`s lack of involvement in the risk management; ♦ a new concept of risk management is being developed - "Risk Management 2.0", which states that the risk management system is not a goal, but a means to achieve the goal. Risk management is not a separate department, but a cross-cutting process covering the entire company and aimed at making optimal management decisions taking into account risks; ♦ reactive crisis management is gradually being replaced by a proactive risk management system. Investments in the risk management system are increasing. The pandemic and the political situation have accelerated the development of risk management as a science and opened new horizons for business.
Email:halbi@mail.ru; yuliafedorovna@mail.ru
Сведения:Albina D. Khairullina, Yulia F. Volkova - Institute of Management, Economics and Finance of Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan, Russia
Positioning of labor productivity in the management system
Abstract. The article substantiates the need to allocate the labor productivity management in the management system of the enterprise. As a result of the decomposition of objectives of the production system, the author comes to the conclusion that there is a need for more accurate positioning of labor productivity in the value chain and the transition from setting the goal of the labor productivity growth to solving the problem that ensures the efficiency of the entire system. As a result of the research, a model has been compiled for coordinating the labor productivity growth and investment directions to achieve high rates of productivity of the economic system. The purpose of the work is the scientific substantiation of the modern approach to economic concepts related to the productivity and the positioning of the labor productivity in the value chain of the product and enterprise management. The development of a value-added model with the allocation of a stage in it where live labor is used allowed the author to determine priorities in setting goals for short-, medium- and long-term periods for various stages of production, which makes it possible in the short term to increase the labor productivity by low investment methods.
Keywords: labor productivity, management, strategy, efficiency, value added, modeling Highlights: ♦ modeling of the process of creating added value of products was carried out, which made it possible to determine stages of the process at which, in the current economic situation, there will be an increase and a reduction in the number of jobs; ♦ the structure of target needs has been developed depending on the prospects of setting goals for short-term, medium-term and long-term periods when creating added value; ♦ the separation of the principles of calculating the labor productivity depending on the stages of creating added value and the field of the activity is proposed; ♦ the decomposition of objectives of the production system has been carried out, which made it possible to position the increase in the labor productivity in the enterprise management system at the level of tasks, which determines priorities in the management logic; ♦ the dynamics of the growth rates of the productivity of the economic system and investment costs for traditional and innovative technologies are determined, showing the long-term investment in various types of the production development.
Сведения:Marina V. Simonova - Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia
The role of the state in regulating the Russian securities market in modern conditions
Abstract. In the situation with financial markets, regulation is the development of common rules of conduct, common principles of work, the order of interaction between all participants in the securities market. The market can be regulated from the outside and from the inside, and the state plays a significant role in this process. The article examines the role of the state, which it plays in the process of regulating the securities market. Obviously, this topic is relevant for the Russian securities market, given the recent events taking place in the world, in particular, related to the sanctions policy of most countries towards Russia. This article also discusses the main methods for improving the anti-crisis regulation of the Russian securities market. The influence of the main macroeconomic indicators of the global financial market, investment volumes and the geopolitical situation are investigated. The results obtained in the course of the study allowed us to come to the conclusion that it is necessary to modernize the mechanisms and methods of management in the industrial and production sphere.
Keywords: innovation, investment, market system, crisis management, self-regulatory organizations, stock market, sustainability, socio-economic system Highlights: ♦ the role of the state in regulating the securities market is reduced to such functions as ideological, legislative, stimulating, administrative, supervisory, arbitration ones; ♦ the state acts not only as a regulator of the securities market, but also performs special tasks, which include creating an information system for the state of the stock market, protecting investors from adverse factors, protecting the stock market from negative influence from other types of the state regulation, for example, currency or monetary one. In addition, the state is the main participant in the stock market, acts as an issuer of bonds and an investor, performs important functions on behalf of the Central Bank of Russia; ♦ the country`s economy is in such conditions mainly because of the outdated management mechanisms of industrial enterprises, and the modernization of market and enterprise management mechanisms is focused on market management mechanisms tested by economically developed states that develop the ability of enterprises to adapt to market conditions; ♦ self-regulating organizations in their essence can become an additional institution of regulation by the mega-regulator.
Сведения:Diana A. Kurazova - Kadyrov Chechen State University, Grozny, Russia
Самарский государственный экономический университет © 2007-2025