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Вестник самарского государственного экономического университета
Vestnik of Samara State University of Economics
2023 №4 (222)
Assessment and principles of ensuring the effectiveness of the international economic cooperation
Abstract. The article reveals the main provisions ensuring the effectiveness of international cooperation. A classification of key methods for assessing forms of the international cooperation is proposed in order to increase its effectiveness. It is shown that socio-economic assessment methods are the most relevant, since they allow us to analyze a positive synergetic effect of inter-star interaction. The paper also reflects development principles of the international cooperation, the implementation of which will ensure the achievement of long-term goals and priorities of the economic cooperation.
Keywords: international cooperation, cooperation, efficiency, assessment methods, socio-economic methods, comparative studies, focus group, sociological survey Highlights: ♦ the development of the international cooperation in conditions of the geopolitical instability requires not only the implementation of practical measures, but also a competent and deep scientific understanding of its principles, forms, and consequences; ♦ there are a sufficient number of various methods that allow us to evaluate and qualitatively analyze the process of international integration, in order to conduct a normative analysis and develop practical recommendations that ensure an increase in the synergetic effect of the long-term cooperation; ♦ the effective international economic cooperation must comply with certain basic principles - certain stable requirements that ensure a long-term growth of the financial, economic and social effectiveness of the process under consideration.
Сведения:Farhat Faiz, Lenar N. Safiullin - Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan, Russia, Maria E. Konovalova - Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia
Creative industries as a factor of sustainable development of the region (by the example of the Samara region)
Abstract. The article shows the influence of creative industries development on the sustainability of the regional development. The perspective development of creative industries in the region (on the example of the Samara region) has been assessed and the following perspective spheres of creative industries have been revealed: activities in the field of architecture, engineering and technical design, activities in the field of computer software development, advertising activities. The development problems of creative spaces in the Samara region were revealed: the failure to use the creative resource as a resource for the development of the business sector; the lack of a regulatory framework in this area; problems associated with the protection of the intellectual property rights and commercialization of the intellectual activity results; the dispersion of creative human capital; insufficient investment in the creation of intangible assets; the uneven distribution of creative objects; the lack of a comprehensive program for the development of creative spaces in the urban agglomeration. The public policy tasks in the development of creative industries and creative real estate are defined: the creation of an enabling environment for the development of creative entrepreneurship; improving the education system in this area; increasing the capitalization of intangible business assets; preservation of historical, cultural heritage, revival of folk crafts; promotion of creative clusters and spaces; development of a comprehensive program for the development of areas adjacent to creative properties; development of working schemes for the involvement of financial resources.
Keywords: creative industries, creative spaces, development problems of creative industries, public policy objectives in the development of creative industries, creative entrepreneurship Highlights: ♦ creative industries are factors in the development of a region, as they affect the development of neighboring areas, the real estate market, improving the standard of living and the quality of life; ♦ factors contributing to the increase in the value of creative real estate were identified: infrastructure, consumer, human factors, the factor of the permitted type of the land use, property factor, the factor of transport and pedestrian accessibility, the presence of cultural and historical heritage, the urban development factor; ♦ on the basis of the modified formula for assessing the prospects for the development of creative industries in the region proposed in the study the promising areas of creative industries in the Samara region have been identified; ♦ the problems of creative spaces development in the Samara region have been revealed and the tasks of the public policy in the field of creative industries and creative real estate have been defined.
Email:olegushqa@mail.ru; swdomnina@mail.ru
Сведения:Oleg V. Domnin, Svetlana V. Domnina - Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia
National projects and problems of ensuring the connectivity of the economic space of Russia
Abstract. One of the key problems of the spatial development of the country, as follows from the Strategy for the Spatial Development of the Russian Federation until 2025, is the insufficient transport connectivity of its territories. At the same time, at the federal and regional levels, the development of the main transport infrastructure is carried out within the framework of a specialized national project. The purpose of the article is to substantiate directions and tools for improving the project approach to managing the connectivity of the Russian economic space. The work revealed conceptual foundations of the connectivity of the economic space. It was revealed that the application of the project approach in 2019-2021 led to a number of positive results in terms of increasing the commercial speed of movement in the railway transport; the reduction over this period of the delivery time of goods within the international transport corridors (until the aggravation of the sanctions "war"), as well as the "clearing" of a number of "bottlenecks" at the infrastructure facilities. At the same time, due to the aggravation of existing and the emergence of new challenges, the task of improving the management efficiency in this area remains relevant, and therefore, in the final part of the work, directions and tools for improving the project approach to managing the connectivity of Russia`s space were substantiated. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that the directions and tools for improving the implementation of the profile national project were substantiated in the context of ensuring the connectivity of the country`s economic space.
Keywords: economic space, region, European North of Russia, non-urbanized (rural) territories, population, forecast, depopulation, migration outflow Highlights: ♦ application in 2019-2021 at the federal and regional levels, the project approach has made it possible to increase the connectivity of the Russian economic space; ♦ in modern conditions, a number of problems have become aggravated that can reduce the effectiveness of the national project in the medium and long term (restrictions on the import of the necessary equipment, disruption of logistics chains, etc.); ♦ increasing the connectivity of the country`s space will be facilitated by the conjugation and coordinated development of various modes of transport; introduction of "end-to-end" digital technologies in the industry; support for public private partnership (PPP) projects; the use of special modes of transport in the remote areas and with difficult economic conditions, etc.
Сведения:Sergei A. Kozhevnikov - Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vologda, Russia
Economic sustainability and strategic competitiveness of an industrial enterprise
Abstract. In the current situation, characterized by unfavorable circumstances due to the introduction of numerous economic sanctions against Russia by the Western countries, the role of the competitiveness of an industrial enterprise in ensuring the strategic economic stability and increasing the economic potential is increasing. The article reveals the author`s understanding of the relationship and interdependence of the goal of maintaining and increasing the competitiveness with other main goals of an industrial enterprise, provides a new classification of types and levels of an industrial enterprise competitiveness, substantiates a criterion of the strategic competitiveness, reveals its relationship with the factors of formation and development of the ability to keep up and surpass competitors. Based on the synthesis of system, situational and resource-targeted approaches, the author`s methodology for assessing the strategic competitiveness of a machine-building enterprise has been developed, the testing results of which are described in the work. The study was conducted using the monographic method, methods of comparative analysis and modified analysis of hierarchies, computational-constructive and deterministic-limiting methods, the mix method (combining quantitative and qualitative estimates). The scientific and practical provisions given and substantiated in the article can be used in the industry for assessing the strategic competitiveness level, studying the life cycle of industrial enterprises, searching for reserves to increase their economic stability.
Keywords: industrial enterprises research, economic stability, strategic competitiveness, criterion of strategic competitiveness, factors of strategic competitiveness, level of competitiveness, economic potential of an industrial enterprise Highlights: ♦ the full implementation of the strategic goals of survival and development of an industrial enterprise is inextricably linked with ensuring its economic stability, a key direction of which is the formation of the strategic competitiveness; ♦ the assessment of the strategic share of the enterprise in the markets is recognized as a natural criterion of the competitiveness; attempts to construct an integral criterion are impractical due to the low level of the reliability due to distorting effects; ♦ methods for assessing the actual and forecast (expected or potential) strategic competitiveness of an industrial enterprise should be differentiated; ♦ when interpreting the competitiveness levels of an industrial enterprise, the possibility of forming strategic profits should be taken into account; ♦ the methodology described in the article for assessing the strategic competitiveness based on measuring key components of the economic potential (production and commercial potentials) is suitable for practical use at the industrial enterprises when developing and implementing a survival strategy based on the increase in the economic sustainability leve.
Email:ark.lifshits2011@yandex.ru; irozalia2017@yandex.ru
Сведения:Arkadiy S. Lifshits, Rozalia S. Ibragimova - Ivanovo State University, Ivanovo, Russia
Individualization of development strategies as a basis for shaping the image of the future
Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of strategies of the socio-economic development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The author`s chronology of the approval of the first strategic documents of the socio-economic development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is given. An individual approach to the creation of a development strategy is demonstrated by the example of the evaluation of the main strategic documents of the Republic of Karelia. The conclusion is made that the individualization of development strategies is based on the specifics of the regions and requires the use in each case of a certain set of indicators reflecting the unique characteristics and needs of the territories to build their positive image of the future.
Keywords: development, individualization, development strategies, actualization, image of the future Highlights: ♦ strategic development should not focus only on the economic aspect, it requires coverage of all aspects of the social life; ♦ based on the analysis of texts of the strategies for the socio-economic development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, five development stages and subsequent updating of the main strategic documents of the territories have been identified; ♦ an analysis of the development strategy showed that it is necessary to move away from typical ones in favor of individualized strategies.
Сведения:Polina S. Trifonova - Institute of Economics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Yekaterinburg, Russia
Development business in the new economic reality: problems and prospects
Abstract. The sanctions have had a negative impact on the construction industry. Many researchers and practitioners began to study this issue. They are particularly closely examining the impact of sanctions on the development business and the level of its profitability. The article investigates system problems. The possibilities of solving problems are also being considered at the present time. Special attention is paid to new, rehabilitation problems that negatively affect the economy of projects in the housing segment. The authors outlined a development vector of the industry without imported construction materials and equipment, with a reduction in the consumer demand and a lack of access to cheap funding for development projects.
Keywords: sanctions, development business, project financing, housing market, digitalization, labor productivity Highlights: ♦ the analysis of the systemic problems of the construction industry and development business is carried out; these problems are formed by internal and external factors; ♦ the place of the construction industry is marked relatively according to the economic indicators; ♦ the consequences of the impact of new problems on the development business are listed.
Email:wkoshman@rambler.ru; goncharova-n@mail.ru; afanasev-brstu@mail.ru
Сведения:Valentina N. Berdnikova -State Budgetary Institution of Krasnodar Region «Regional the Bureau of Technical Inventory», Krasnodar, Russia; Natalia A. Goncharova, Alexey S. Afanasiev - Bratsk State University, Bratsk, Russia
Marketing control in the activities of higher education institutions
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to update and clarify theoretical and methodological aspects of the organization of marketing activities based on the use of marketing control and the practice of its application at the higher education institutions. The realization of the research goal was achieved by solving the following tasks: consideration and systematization of theoretical and methodological approaches to the organization of marketing activities based on the concept of marketing control; determination of specific features of marketing activities and strategic management at the contemporary institutions of higher education. The theoretical and methodological basis was the scientific works of foreign and domestic scientists in the field of organization of marketing activities at educational institutions. The study was conducted using a retrospective genetic analysis of the conceptual apparatus, methods of system analysis and comparison, generalization and systematization, a comprehensive analysis of the identification of cause-and-effect relationships, visualization of the results of the study.
Keywords: marketing activity, marketing control system, marketing control, types and levels of marketing control, marketing control tools, strategic and operational ingredients of marketing control, marketing control functions, benchmarking Highlights: ♦ the role of marketing control in the activities of higher education organizations is determined; ♦ the structure of the marketing control system is presented; ♦ the content and key directions of the implementation of the concept of marketing control in the field of education are systematized.
Сведения:Svetlana A. Kucheryavenko - Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod, Russia
Genesis and evolution of the concept of digital transformation of enterprises
Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the digital transformation concept, the evolution of understanding of this term and the analysis of its modern interpretations. The features of the use of the terms "digital transformation" and "digitalization" in relation to modern companies are considered. The approaches to determining the development stages of the digital transformation of the company are also studied and the author`s classification is formulated. As a result of the work, the author formulated the own definition of the term digital transformation.
Keywords: digital transformation of the company, digitalization of production and business processes, digital tools, stages of digitalization of the enterprise, digital maturity of the company Highlights: ♦ the history of the emergence and evolution of the concept of digital transformation is analyzed; ♦ the process of digital transformation is investigated and its stages are formulated; ♦ the author`s approach to the definition of the term "digital transformation" through the correlation with human labor resources has been developed.
Сведения:Andrey V. Yurtaikin - Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia
Самарский государственный экономический университет © 2007-2025