The article deals with the competitiveness of industrial enterprises according to the qualitative index of reputation. The model, describing the objective function of an enterprise and investing a lot into its reputation, is considered in the article.
Elena V. Kirilina, a post-graduate student of Samara State Aerospace University.
Dmitriy Y. Ivanov, PhD in Economics, associate professor at Samara State Aerospace University.
The article deals with market conditions analysis of the Russian Federation North-Western Federal District towns and cities according to the criteria of market information sufficiency and reliability, in order to prove the methodology of lands cadastral value estimation.
Vladimir A. Kiselev, Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor of Saint-Petersburg State Mining Institute named after G.V.Plekhanov (Technical University).
Olga Y. Lepikhina, a post-graduate student of Saint-Petersburg State Mining Institute named after G.V.Plekhanov (Technical University).
The essence of a paradigm of municipal public health services system development is fixed, its main principles are presented. The stakeholders of municipality public health services are allocated, their functions are presented. The essence of organizational-economic model of municipal public health services and their organizational and financial mechanism are considered in the articl
The article deals with the management bases of corporate loan portfolio and its quality described in the normative documents of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The definitions of the notions of loan portfolio and its quality are suggested by the author. The measures of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in the sphere of corporate loan portfolio are analyzed in the article.
The article deals with the problems and prospects of regional innovative system institutional bases improvement in the Republic of Bashkortostan based on the creation of the inter-university center for innovative activity, taking into account the necessity of innovative services and intellectual capital regional market development.
Konstantin A. Kuzminykh, PhD in Economics, the senior lecturer of Tourism and Hospitality Department of the Ufa State Academy of Economics and Service.
The article deals with the solution to the problem of management of a great number of discrete objects (transportation units) network relocation taking into account technical possibilities of communication scheme of a production system
The article deals with the analysis of depreciation. Mathematical bases of a few most widespread depreciation methods, the possibilities of usage of equations, which link value of variables in different moments of time, are considered in the article. Mathematical approach makes it possible to analyze the reality critically, develops the abilities to get all the necessary information independently
Sirgak K. Kydyraliev, PhD in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, associate professor of Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University.
Pavel V. Druzhinin, Doctor of Economics, associate professor of Petrozavodsk State University.
The article deals with the basic factors forming demand on innovative services. Economic and mathematical model of demand forecasting and Internet-television life cycle formation for the Samara region users are considered in the article.
The author considers the influence of seasonal fluctuation of demand for production volumes and the level of oil stocks. The corresponding way of of its optimization is suggested. The mathematical model and the algorithm of solving are represented. Calculation results are represented
With the help of multi-dimensional statistical methods the author accomplishes the typology of municipal institutions in Mordovia Republic due to the level of budget-taxation potential development on the basis of the developed multitude of the main components
The article discusses evolution of approaches to the concepts of level and quality of life, the author defines and proposes the modern complex analysis system of welfare. The level and quality of life are complex and multifaceted economic categories. Their study is especially important for all countries, regardless of their political system, level of socio-economic development, social structure or mentality of the population
The article considers the issues of the interrelation of organizing the system of industrial enterprises management and investment processes in the country. The issues interesting for the investors while analyzing the potential Russian investment objects are studied. Factors influencing the investment attractiveness of the enterprises are examines (micro level) and investment climate in the country ( macro level) are analyzed.
The article considers the issues of developing and implementing portfolio strategy of the enterprise, hierarchical structure of strategies, . te mechanism of their interaction. The author has developed the overall strategy of transport enterprise "Kuranty", representing the complex of strategies in each strategic economic zone
The notions of clinical and social efficiency are closely interrelated. The author adds one more component - economic efficiency. The legislative mechanism is considered as the possible way of partial troubleshooting of maximizing the economic efficiency of providing high-technology medical aid
The basic logistical processes at the car-care center enterprises are considered. "Narrow" places in the activity of the enterprises are revealed, the reasons of their occurrence are defined.
Dana V. Chernova, Doctor of Economics, Professor of Samara State University of Economics,
Svetlana E. Stepina, post-graduate student of Samara State University of Economics.
The article is devoted to establishing virtual enterprise in construction on the basis of self-regulated institutions of construction companies. The components of integrated information space are represented. Logical results of establishing virtual enterprises are defined