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Вестник самарского государственного экономического университета
Vestnik of Samara State University of Economics
2023 №6 (224)
Consumer choice under uncertainty conditions
Abstract The article deals with issues of the efficiency of functioning and development of economic systems of various levels (national, regional, municipal, sectoral, etc.) and notes their dependence on the intensity and sustainability of the consumer choice. In general, the solvent consumer demand creates conditions for generating revenue and profits for business entities of various profiles and, as a result, for maximizing their market value, implementing corporate social programs, full and timely deduction of taxes and other obligatory payments to budgets of various levels. The paper clarifies a mechanism of the consumer choice, explores the structure of the consumer choice of individuals in the world economy. It is concluded that when studying trends and problems in the development of the consumer choice, it is advisable to use a synthesis of theoretical and methodological provisions and methodological tools of certain areas of the neoclassical economic theory, economics of neoinstitutionalism, as well as a number of provisions of postneoclassical synthesis, primarily the marketing theory.
Keywords: consumer choice, consumer demand, development of economic systems, information systems. Highlights: ♦ the special literature presents diametrically opposite approaches to the issue of the feasibility of using the potential of market intermediaries in the process of influencing the nature of the consumer choice in the conditions of uncertainty; ♦ a range of possible market intermediaries used by a company, subject to the criteria of potential efficiency, professionalism and integrity noted in the work, in terms of fulfilling contractual obligations, including issues of non-disclosure of confidential information about the company`s activities, should be sufficiently extensive, which will allow to use the potential of the mediation institute to the greatest extent, in different ways; ♦ one of the main tools of marketing manipulation of consumer choice processes used in the conditions of uncertainty is the activity in the field of SEO management, which is a purposeful activity of the company`s marketers to promote it as a whole or individual product positions in the space of search engines.
Email:zerocoldl979@mail.ru; mkonoval@mail.ru
Сведения:Evgeniy V. Evseev - Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan, Russia, Maria E. Konovalova - Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia
Economic security of Tajikistan in the context of the Eurasian integration
Abstract The current situation in the world demonstrates a need to find new ways to ensure the security of countries with developing small economies, like the Republic of Tajikistan. In view of the limited resources of such countries, an obvious option for maintaining the stability and ensuring further development is active participation in integration processes. In this regard, the author aims to determine the need for integration for Tajikistan and its possible prospects. The author touches upon a problem of ensuring the national economic security through ensuring the economic security within the integration, and also explores possibilities of Tajikistan`s participation in the Eurasian integration. The article is based on the application of the method of criteria-based assessment of the level of the economic security and on the use of dirigisme concept approaches to the development of integration processes. The author concludes that the integration of Tajikistan with the economies of the Eurasian countries has actually taken place, that there is a need for their further integration to eliminate existing threats to the economic security, and that it is necessary to pursue a targeted foreign policy based on the active position of the republic in order to eliminate internal and external obstacles for integration. The author proposes to use the integration model "from simple to complex", based on the development of a system for the implementation of joint mini-projects, which allows to identify the commonality of interests and prospects of individual areas of cooperation at the lowest resource and time costs. The study can serve as a basis for further theoretical and practical work in the field of ensuring the economic security on a collective basis and promoting integration processes in Central Asia. The results make it possible to adjust the foreign policy of Tajikistan to ensure the economic security of the country through the integration.
Keywords: economic security, integration, Eurasian integration, international security, economic wars, national interests Highlights: ♦ the prospects for the economic integration of Tajikistan into the Eurasian space were considered in the context of ensuring the economic security of the republic; ♦ an analysis of the level of the economy integration of the Republic of Tajikistan with the economies of the Eurasian countries was carried out; ♦ ♦ it is determined that regional integration is one of the most promising options for ensuring the economic security of Tajikistan; ♦ measures to enhance integration processes in the country and to ensure the active participation of Tajikistan in the activities of integration associations were proposed.
Сведения:Nadezhda Yu. Blinichkina - Tajik State University of Law, Business and Politics, Khujand, Republic of Tajikistan
Strategic directions for transformation of the tourism industry of the Penza region in response to the global trend of digital transformation
Abstract Today, digitalization is becoming one of the key trends in the development of various industries and areas of activity, including the tourism industry, where the use of digital technologies has changed algorithms for the provision of tourism services and the business models of tourism organizations, consumer behavior, influencing the entire paradigm of the tourism business. In the article, the authors identified a pool of digital technologies applied by tourism industry organizations, including the Penza region, and developed proposals for a roadmap for tourism development in the Penza region regarding achieving the goal of the digital transformation of tourism. Developing a tourism policy towards achieving the goal of the digital transformation of the tourism industry will help the Penza region build a customer-oriented strategy, increase its competitiveness in the online tourism market, create additional tourist flows of online travelers and contribute to the economic growth.
Keywords: digital tourism, digital tourism ecosystem, digital transformation of the tourism industry. Highlights: ♦ one of the goals for the development of the tourism industry of the Russian Federation and individual regions of the country should be the digital transformation; ♦ to achieve the goal of the digital transformation of the tourism industry, the formation of a digital tourism ecosystem, the application of digital data analytics and the development of a unified communication strategy in the online space are required; ♦ achievingthe goal of the digital transformation of the tourism industry will allow the Russian territories to increase their competitiveness and attract additional tourist flows.
Email:gamidullaeva@gmail.com; slatynova@mail.ru
Сведения:Leyla A. Gamidullaeva, Svetlana V. Zinchenko - Penza State University, Penza, Russia
Monitoring of subsurface use for territorial planning purposes at the regional level
Abstract At the regional level, issues of rational subsoil use are closely related to the problems of territorial planning and management. Currently, a number of mineral resources already require reassessment, taking into account changed economic conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to use as part of economic monitoring indicators both known quantitative indicators related to the volume of reserves and the cost of their extraction in specific and absolute terms, and qualitative indicators related to the possibility of developing subsurface areas, in relation to a certain territory, taking into account its development, the state of the mining industry, infrastructure security, etc. Within the framework of this work, we have seta taskof determiningand selecting economic monitoring indicators for purposes of territorial planning of geological exploration at the regional level. To solve it, it is necessary to build ontological models for each of the taxonomic objects (geological object, mining object, mining object). For each of the taxa, it is necessary to determine indicators of a clear and fuzzy assessment and a relationship between them. Then it is necessary to bring all the estimates to a single digital system. To bring it, you will need to use the mathematical apparatus of fuzzy logic. Based on the totality of the obtained digital estimates, it becomes possible to determine an integral indicator for each taxonomic unit in order to prioritize its development.
Keywords: economic monitoring, territorial planning, subsurface use, regional level. Highlights: ♦ for taxonomic units within the framework of economic monitoring of subsurface use, the whole set of parameters can be divided into quantitative (clear) and qualitative (fuzzy) characteristics; ♦ it is advisable to bring qualitative (fuzzy) characteristics to quantitative, digital (clear) by defasification by the Mamdani method; ♦ the combination of quantitative and qualitative characteristics forms a basis for determining the integral indicator of the assessment of taxonomic units.
Email:Dadykin88@bk.ru; Atamanova_281287@mail.ru; kaf.eim@yandex.ru; ss.zhuk@mail.ru
Сведения:ValeryS. Dadykin, Olga V. Dadykina, Natalia V. Odinochenkova - Bryansk State Technical University, Bryansk, Russia, Sofya S. Stukanova - National Research University of Electronic Technology, Moscow, Russia
Investigation of the implementation of industrial protectionism mechanisms during budget procurement by sports industry organizations
Abstract In conditions of the economic instability of markets and external sanctions, it is of great importance to find ways to harmonize the stability of the economy in order to reduce its dependence on global processes. This problem gives rise to urgent tasks of researching measures to support domestic producers in the context of the importsubstitution, as well as finding ways to increaseand localize production. Interestingly, the history of the development of industrial protectionism has its roots in the school of mercantilism and its function highlights the protection of the national economy from global competition. As a rule, when conducting a policy of protectionism, customs tariff and non-tariff restrictions are singled out. Among the options for non-tariff restrictions, one can note the way to support domestic industrial goods through the provision of preferences. The article examines the peculiarity of the influence of industrial protectionism on procurement (using the example of budgetary institutions of the sports industry). The study was conducted on the basis of reports of budget purchases of customer organizations for 2021-2022, published in open sources.
Keywords: industry, protectionism, public procurement, sports industry organizations, regional economy, domestic producers, importsubstitution, national regime, sustainable development. Highlights: ♦ the genesis and current state of industrial protectionism in Russia are studied; the state of industrial protectionism was investigated in the framework of public procurement; ♦ as a result of the content analysis of regulatory legal acts, the classification of regulatory documents according to the admission degree of foreign goods to public procurement was carried out; ♦ a meaningful analysis of the achievement of quotas for the procurement of domestic goods is given on the example of budgetary institutions of the sports industry and the relationship between the achievement of quotas and the centralization level of procurement procedures is revealed; ♦ based on the study of the regulated process of the competitive procedure, the key stages of the electronic auction are identified, which provide opportunities for the maximum influence of customers of sporting goods on the outcome of the purchase in order to achieve quotas for domestic goods.
Email:halbi@mail.ru; asiliar@yandex.ru
Сведения:Albina J. Khairullina - Volga Region State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, Kazan, Russia, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan, Russia, Asylyar I. Gubaidullina - Kazan Cooperative Institute (Branch) of the Russian University of Cooperation, Kazan, Russia
The current state and prospects of cross-border cooperation: the opinion of the West Kazakhstan region residents
Abstract The article presents a study of the current state and an assessment of prospects for cross-border cooperation based on the results of the statistical data analysis and a survey of the West Kazakhstan region residents. The source of information was social networks, which determined a significant proportion of young people amongthe respondents. The authors have identified a trend of weakening mutual ties between the population. The prospects relate to the development of humanitarian ties (cultural, sports), as well as overcoming existing problems, such as reducing the time of crossing the border, improving the border infrastructure, solving the issue of international payments.
Keywords: cross-border cooperation, region, global challenges, current state, prospects of cooperation. Highlights: ♦ a sociological study was conducted aimed atassessingthe current state and prospects of cross-border cooperation between the Samara Region and the West Kazakhstan region; ♦ against the background of increased transport and logistics activity between the West Kazakhstan region and the Samara region, compared with 2021, the number of those who are inclined to note the cooling of bilateral ties has increased; ♦ there is a need to expand humanitarian ties at the level of neighboring regions.
Email:galina.a.khmeleva@yandex.ru; gusevams@yandex.ru; klim0244013@gmail.com
Сведения:Galina A. Khmeleva, Maria S. Guseva, Klim 0. Kostromin - Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia
Digital technologies of forecasting and strategic planning of regional development: theory and practice
Abstract The article considers an approach to digitalization of forecasting processes and strategic planning of regional development based on the creation of digital tools that allow regional analysts to effectively solve practical problems of forecasting and strategizing. The main components of this toolkit are: a digital model of a region (a subject of the Russian Federation) describing the socio-economic activity of the region with necessary details, and a universal solver that allows solving direct and inverse problems of large dimension on the model of the region in an acceptable time. The experience of using methods and digital tools of forecasting and strategic planning developed at the Samara State University of Economics in the regional practice is discussed.
Keywords: forecasting and strategic planning digital macroeconomic models, inverse problem solver. Highlights: ♦ the analysis of foreign and domestic experience in the development of digital macroeconomic models used in forecasting and strategic planning tasks is carried out; ♦ the digital model of the region is considered in the form of a system of digital economic and mathematical models reproducing the socio-economic activity of the subject of the Russian Federation with necessary details; ♦ it is shown that the key element of forecasting and strategic planningtools is a solver of inverse problems of large dimension.
Сведения:Vladimir A. Tsybatov - Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia
Marketing technologies as a vector of development of the regional higher education system
Abstract The article examines the issue of the development of the regional higher education system based on the use of marketing technologies that directly or indirectly affect the competitiveness of a regional university. The versatile view of domestic scientists in the aspect of deepening marketing technologies in the educational activities of the regional university is taken into account. The modern aspects of the influence of marketing technologies on increasing the competitiveness of the regional education system are highlighted. The practical side of the issue is summarized on the basis of the results of online monitoring of the regional practice of using marketing technologies in the activities of regional universities, the participants of which were teachers of the Rostov State University of Economics (RSUE) and Don State Technical University (DSTU). The results were collectively discussed and summarized in the format of an interdepartmental online conference. At the conclusion of the study, a model of marketing technologies is presented, which is adapted to the specifics of educational activities of the Rostov State University of Economics, including for the educational system of the region. The author`s model as a vector of development of marketing technologies of a regional university does not require additional costs of any resources and can be applied in the educational process of differently segmented regional universities.
Keywords: regional university, higher education, marketing technologies, comparative analysis, marketing technology model Highlights: ♦ the theoretical aspect of the influence of marketing technologies on the development of the regional higher education system is highlighted, while it is proved that the pinnacle of marketing technologies in modern market conditions is the introduction of their online and offline tools in such a way as to ensure the competitiveness of the university in educational activities and comprehensively present a unique educational product to the target audience; ♦ the expediency of developing marketing technologies at a regional university based on a comparative analysis of the websites of two universities in the region is substantiated, as one of the key tools for forming public relations, interacting with target audiences and reflecting the educational activities of the university in such a way as to increase the influx of new applicants and form unique marketingadvantages of the university among regional competing higher education institutions; ♦ a model of using marketing technologies in the development of educational activities of a regional university has been developed, in particular, existing marketingtechnologies have been generalized and expanded by integrating online and offline communication tools, techniques and technologies for conducting the educational process and implemented educational programs, consolidating efforts of all interested subjects of the educational process in the format of the surveyed regional universities - RSUE and DSTU.
Сведения:Narine R. Khachaturian - Rostov State University of Economics, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Historically oriented approach to the formation of a profile of universal competencies of students of Russian universities
Abstract The article substantiates a historical component of the term "supra-professional competencies" and its various classifications within the framework of modern organizations that evaluate and conduct research on the relationship between manifestations of various kinds of competencies and the career component. The statistical analysis of the list of the most demanded competencies is given, as well as the advantages of universal competencies in building an individual trajectory of development of a participant in the labor activity are revealed. The authors, based on a number of studies by leading scientific institutions (Moscow State Research Center "Skolkovo", the project "Competence Centers" of the platform "Russia - the land of opportunities"), as well as the results of the assessment of universal competencies of students of Sevastopol State University, have proposed a justification that it is necessary to develop supra-professional competencies in the process of direct interaction of employer companies with educational institutions.
Keywords: competencies, universal competencies, supra-professional competencies, skills, knowledge, competence profile, labor market, labor activity. Highlights: ♦ the essence and historical approaches to the formation of the term "supra-professional competencies"; ♦ analysis of the generally recognized list of universal competencies (sociability, organization, ability to work in a team, multiculturalism, decision-makingskills); ♦ assessment of the manifestation of competencies among students of Sevastopol State University; ♦ development of proposals for the development of supra-professional competencies.
Email:ogchernykh@sevsu.ru; annasev2018@gmail.com
Сведения:Oksana G. Chernykh, Anna V. Bondar - Sevastopol State University, Sevastopol, Russia
Interbudgetary relations in Russia under Western sanctions
Abstract The relevance of the article topic is due to the following: in the conditions of an unstable foreign policy and economic situation caused by the unprecedented sanctions of the West in relation to Russia, a serious threat to the Russian economy creates a current state in which the system of inter -budget relations in the country instead of an effective stimulating development mechanism in the prevalence of the alignment mechanism has turned into a real brake of the economic development of territories. The purpose of the study is on the basis of official data to analyze the role and place of the tax - budget mechanism existing in the country, the influence of sanctions introduced by the Weston the formation of budgets. The research methods include analysis and synthesis, grouping, comparison, dynamics, logical, tabular, etc. The study revealed that the Russian tax policy does not ensure the economic growth of regions and municipalities, but it is aimed at reducing "ends meet", coveringthe deficiency of their budgets. Negative manifestations of Western sanctions are expressed in a decrease in the investment attractiveness of the regions, the country, the growth of inflation, the absence of access to advanced technologies, violation of foreign economic relations, a decrease in purchasing power and the standard of living of the population, etc. In these conditions, it is necessary to make fundamental changes to the tax - budget mechanism, conducting deep analysis and the search for effective measures to reform the system of inter - budget relations.
Keywords: economic sanctions, gross domestic product, tax revenues, oil and gas revenues, interbudgetary transfers, budget deficit, equalization, budgetary powers. Highlights: ♦ with the imposition of sanctions against the resource sector, oil and gas revenues have decreased, the federal budget has become in deficit, and its ability to allocate assistance to regional budgets has narrowed; ♦ interbudgetary transfers are distributed extremely unevenly throughout the country; the existing system of interbudgetary relations, the focus on equalization do not contribute to the self-development of the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities; ♦ significant financial dependence of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on interbudgetary transfers remains; ♦ the subsidization of local budgets is inherent in the tax-budgetary mechanism itself: assigningtaxes to them, which do not allow the formation of a budget in sufficient volumes.
Сведения:Nikolay Z. Zotikov - Chuvash State University named after I.N. Ulyanov, Cheboksary, Russia
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