The problems of improving the performance of financial institution are considered, which is especially important in the conditions of the formation and development of the digital economy. The growing processes of virtualization and technocratization of the monetary economy are the reasons for the transformation of objective economic reality and its subjective perception by economic entities. The nascent new space-time paradigm of monetary existence, which is char-acterized by the absence of both territorial and state borders in the process of financial flows movement, by the substantial flight of money from the material world to the virtual world, re-quires a fundamentally different approach to understand the process of formation and perform-ance of financial institutions. It is important to study mechanisms and ways of coordination of economic agents in the economic system, involving the transition from the vertical type of man-agement to the horizontal, based mainly on the fiduciary nature of the interaction.
Keywords: money, financial institutions, transformation, institutional environment, space-time paradigm, trust, technocratization, banks, monetary sphere, monetary economy, digital identification, digitalization.
currently, there is a growing interest in the study of key spatial-temporal parameters of a new stage of the global economic development, characterized by the presence of metabometrix effects;
there is a change in the economic nature of financial institutions, the key elements of the in-stitutional framework of the monetary economy are transformed;
at the present stage, we can identify a number of problems connected with performance of Russian financial institutions, which cause the emergence of institutional traps;
the study of social and economic conditions of technocratization and digitalization in the monetary sphere of the Russian economy is of great importance in the process of the research;
in the context of the formation and development of the global system of economic digitaliza-tion, the role of Russian financial institutions is being transformed.
Maria E. Konovalova, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, head of Department of Eco-nomic Theory; Olga Yu. Kuzmina, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor.
The political and economic analysis of the dynamics of the Russian education system using the example of higher education is carried out. The authors’ interpretation of the content of eco-nomics of education from the perspective of political economy is given. The evolution of the goal of higher education is considered. When comparing approaches to the definition of higher education goals, two mutually related but competing functions of higher education are found: training of qualified personnel for all sectors of the economy and general intellectual develop-ment, the formation of a creative, socialized personality. The nature of economic interests in the system of higher education is established. Models based on market principles, providing a com-promise agreement of economic interests in the field of higher education, are relevant to the market economy and the democratic organization of society. It is revealed that, the educational product is analyzed taking into account the principle of diglossia as a public and private good. The educational product, with very limited public good properties, is mainly a private good. The social significance of higher education is determined not by properties of the public good, but by extremely large positive externalities. In the foreseeable future, the combination of fee-paying and free higher education in Russia is inevitable, and that the share of fee-paying educational services of universities will consistently increase. The authors analyzed the activity of higher education institutions to create scientific products. Competition of universities in the market of scientific services for the most profitable orders and contracts with firms and corporations en-courages universities to improve their ranking. The conclusion is made about the inconsistency of the dynamics of the Russian education system.
Keywords: Russian education system, higher school, Economics of education, political and economic approach, goals of higher education, economic interests in the system of higher educa-tion, educational product as a public and private benefit, scientific product of universities.
the political and economic analysis of the dynamics of the Russian education system devel-opment is carried out;
the evolution of the goal of higher education is considered;
the nature of economic interests in the higher education system is determined;
the educational product is analyzed as a public and private good;
the activity of universities to create a scientific product is analyzed.
Vasily V. Chekmarev, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Kostroma State University; Vladimir A. Noskov, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Samara State University of Economics.
The question of compliance of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of information and communication infrastructure of the regional economic system with requirements of the program "Digital economy of the Russian Federation" as one of the most important conditions for the creation of a single digital space is considered.
Keywords: region, digital economy, information and communication technologies.
the analysis of the state and development of regional infrastructure of the digital economy is carried out;
the ecosystem readiness of the digital economy for to-date requirements of the global digi-talisation of society is assessed;
the directions for the development of the digital economy platform the regions of Russia (on the example of the Bryansk region) are presented.
Natalia Yu. Azarenko, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor; Olga V. Mikheenko, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor, Bryansk State Engineering-technological University.
The theoretical basis for the application of methods of building efficiency boundaries in the study of IT companies’ development at the regional level. The initial point was to consider the region as a complex system with a set of input and output parameters. At the same time, the sto-chastic frontier model includes components that reflect the impact of random factors and the in-efficiency of IT companies in the region. The integrated algorithm for the implementation of sto-chastic frontier analysis is developed to assess the efficiency of IT companies’ development in regions of the Russian Federation. The main drawback of the model is the need for a clear speci-fication of the functional form of the efficiency boundary and the law for distribution non-efficiency. In this case, the disadvantage is eliminated by using flexible functional forms and dis-tribution laws. The Cobb- Douglas function was chosen because it is characterized by a small number of parameters and the possibility of linearization by logarithmization in the functional form of the frontier. The stochastic frontier model of IT companies’ development in regions of the Russian Federation is constructed, the quantitative value of the coefficient of technical effi-ciency is obtained. The groups of regions with low, below average, medium, above average and with a high level of IT companies’ development were identified on the basis of the equal statisti-cal group.
Keywords: IT companies, methods for constructing the efficiency frontier, stochastic fron-tier analysis, functional form of the production frontier, production of unidentified factors, fron-tier model, coefficient of technical efficiency, equally internal statistical grouping.
on the basis of Cobb - Douglas function the stochastic frontier model of IT companies’ de-velopment in regions of the Russian Federation is constructed;
the quantitative values of the coefficients of technical efficiency of IT companies’ develop-ment in regions of the Russian Federation are obtained;
the problem of differentiation of regions of the Russian Federation by the level of IT com-panies’ development is revealed.
Stanislav V. Kazarin, Candidate of Economics, head of the Department of Information Systems and Technologies, Samara State medical University; Natalia Yu. Svechnikova, Candidate of Eco-nomics, Associate Professor, Samara State University of Economics.
The authors consider differences in the definition of "performance" and "efficiency". The concept of "efficiency" is primary used in economy, and the concept of "performance" should be used in all social spheres, including the demographic one. The article substantiates the position of incorrect application of the concept of "efficiency" for those processes where costs and results are estimated by heterogeneous indicators. The article represents specific calculations of the im-pact of the migration of population exchange, and states that it is the only demographic area where valid results of migration exchange determine performance, because the same estimates are used for costs and for reРsults. The methods of determining the direct (excluding the effect of other factors) impact of demographic policy on the performance are proposed, the assessment of demographic policy in the field of stimulating the increase in fertility and in reducing mortality in Russia since the middle of the first decade of the XXI century is given, the possible ap-proaches to the definition of regional performance in these two demographic spheres are pre-sented.
Keywords: efficiency, performance, comparative method, fertility, life expectancy, migra-tion exchange, demographic policy.
there are differences between the concepts of "efficiency" and "performance", related to their meaning and the nature of estimates of indicators based on these concepts;
in the economy, costs and results are determined in the same monetary estimates, while in other social spheres different estimates are used to assess performance;
there are two approaches to define the concept of "performance", one comparison of the out-come with the one that was planned (e.g., to reach a certain level of life expectancy), and the separation of the contribution of demographic policy estimates from the total set of factors that determined the achievement of this result;
the use of the comparative method makes it possible to determine performance in time and spatial coordinates, in the sphere of both fertility and mortality at the Federal and regional levels.
Leonid L. Rybakovsky, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Institute for Socio-Political Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Gabibulla R. Khasaev, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Samara State University of Economics; Natalia I. Kozhevnikova, Candidate of Economics, Institute for Socio-Political Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
The purpose of this study is to identify the problems of transition to integrated corporate re-porting in the modern Russian economic conditions and the development of a mechanism for their solution. Based on the review of different approaches to the definition of integrated report-ing, the authors’ approach to the establishment of the relationship between different types of public reporting and the interpretation of the concept of "integrated reporting" is formed. Based on the results of the analysis of the structure, co-holding and transparency dynamics of the larg-est Russian corporations’ reporting, whose branches and subsidiaries operate in the Samara re-gion, the main problems encountered by interested users in reporting of Russian business struc-tures are revealed. A complex of measures is proposed that will allow more effective develop-ment of the concept of integrated reporting in the Russian economic conditions.
Keywords: corporate reporting, integrated reporting, public reporting, transparency, quality of reporting, non-financial reporting, business model, social responsibility of business.
the essence and place of integrated reporting in the system of public reporting of domestic organizations are determined;
the main drawbacks hindering the formation of transparent reporting of Russian economic entities are identified;
the measures promoting more effective development of the concept of integrated reporting are offered.
The demographic policy of the authorities in Russia is aimed primarily at increasing life ex-pectancy. This is reflected in population programs that are being developed, implemented and funded. A holistic information and methodological approach to the factor analysis of life expec-tancy is proposed on the basis of the formed system of statistical indicators that characterize the various socio-demographic situation in which each indicator finds its place. Within this ap-proach, the authors used the method of principal components to estimate the coefficients of the econometric model of life expectancy. This allowed reflecting the positive impact of the main factors identified: the standard of living of the population, demographic and economic security, the quality of health care. The practical significance of the study is confirmed by the results ob-tained and the possibility of their application to optimize management decisions of regional au-thorities to change the living conditions within the framework of adopted directions of socio-economic development.
Keywords: increase in life expectancy, healthy life expectancy, principal component method.
the necessity of understanding the variety of factors that determine the average life expec-tancy is considered;
the results of the performed component analysis are presented: three main components are identified, which reflect the impact of the formation of the factor indicators system on the ex-pected life expectancy;
the interpretation of the main components on the basis of the heuristic method application to their content (logical-theoretical) analysis is carried out.
Olga Ph. Chistik, Doctor of Economics, Professor; Svetlana V. Blinova, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor, Samara State University of Economics.