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Вестник самарского государственного экономического университета
Vestnik of Samara State University of Economics
2019 №8 (178)
To the question of the development of new turism types between China and Russia and prospective forecasts
The study analyzes the current state of mutual tourist flows between China and Russia. The economic importance of tourism for these countries was identified, the contribution of tourism to the formation of their GDP was established, and the expenses of tourists in traveling were considered. The dynamics of visits and the estimated economic situation in the countries, contributing to the development of entrances and exits from them were shown. It was determined that the flow of tourists from China to Russia accounts for 39% of the total number of visits. Based on an analytical assessment of the situation using mathematical methods, forecasts were made for the next two years, respectively, for each country. In order to increase the reliability of calculations, a confidence interval was determined, according to which optimistic and pessimistic indicators of tourist flows were predicted. The new types of tourism for citizens of each country were offered. The importance of the Red Route and China Friendly projects implemented in Russia was emphasized. Further implementation of these projects will create a comfortable environment for Chinese citizens in Russia.
Keywords: tourism, Russian-Chinese relations, tourism in China, China Friendly, medical tourism, gastronomic tourism, geography of regions, Red Route. Highlights: the importance of the tourism industry for the economy of each of the studied countries was determined; the new, promising types of tourism, contributing to the growth of tourist flow from each country were established; the forecast values of tourist flows were calculated.
Сведения:Svetlana A. Shabalina, Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor, Volga Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, Kazan; Vesta I. Maksimova, a Bachelor’s Degree student of Kazan Federal University.
The issue of a rational structure of the regional economic potential in the context of solving the problems of modernization and innovation was considered. The need to study the regional economic potential is due to the search for answers to questions about the impact of structural changes on the ongoing transformations. The analysis of the regional economic potential is based on the structural and dynamic approach, which involves the study of the main components of the potential and consideration of their dynamic range. In contrast to the existing studies of the regional economic potential, the novelty of a formulated task is the understanding that the vector of regional development is formed when managerial influences are exercised on those components of economic potential that are capable of creating a resonant effect in the regional economy. The study area was the Rostov region. The analysis was carried out on the basis of the following indicators determining the rationality of the structure of the regional economic potential: the volume of GRP, the level of innovation activity of enterprises, the supply and demand for products of high-tech economic sectors, the number of people employed in the innovation and traditional sectors of the regional economy; the dominant scale of enterprises, the state of the material and technical base and the level of investment in fixed assets, the financial condition of enterprises, the energy and resource intensity of technological processes; the spatial distribution of innovation-oriented enterprises. It is shown that the resonance effect occurs in those components of the economic potential that provide the strongest connectedness of regional actors and processes, projects and environments in which they are carried out. It has been substantiated that for the Rostov region the launch of modernization processes in the region is largely related to solving the tasks of restoring the industrial economic sector on a modern technological basis, as well as the tasks of involving multi-business peripheral entities in projects for the formation of innovative industrial clusters.
Keywords: regional economic potential, modernization development, structural and dynamic analysis, resonant effect. Highlights: the effective, from the point of view of solving the problems of modernization, realization of the regional economic potential can be achieved by influencing the factors that determine the development of individual components that stimulate the emergence of innovative responses in the regional system; the use of the structural and dynamic approach to the study of the regional economic potential allows identifying those points that, firstly, have their own internal dynamics, secondly, are capable of generating innovative impulses when they are subjected to managerial influences; the most strongly resonant innovation effects in the regional economy are in the implementation of complex management influences on the components of the economic potential, which provide the strongest coherence of regional actors, processes and projects, as well as environments in which they are implemented; the development prospects of the Rostov region were related to the implementation of import-hindering projects in the field of the agro-industrial sector, the implementation of which will allow to obtain significant synergistic and multiplicative effects, ensuring not only the solution of food safety problems, but also the formation of complete production-technological chains, including economic subjects of various scales of activity with various types.
Сведения:Olga A. Chernova, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Information Economics of the Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don.
The transformation of the electricity market in Russia is characterized by a change in the role and nature of the ordinary consumer and his transformation into a prosumer, which has a completely new value system, including power supply security, environmental friendliness, open communication. Accompanying trends in the digitalization industry are forming a certain sustainable system of challenges for generating companies. The transition from a traditional business model to a model with elements of a product-service system is underway. At the same time, various groups of companies, due to their institutional characteristics, transform their business model in different ways. The purpose of this study is to identify new elements of business models of generating companies that are characteristic of the product-service system, as well as to analyze the response of various groups of companies to this trend. Analytical and systematic approaches used in the course of work allowed solving the set tasks. The main results of the research indicate that the transition of business models of generating companies to a product-service model has begun, which is faster carried out by companies with foreign participation.
Keywords: business model, customer focus, product-service model, generating companies, consumer. Highlights: the most important challenges for generating companies in the Russian market due to the emergence of proactive consumers were highlighted; the main characteristics of the formed product-service model in the generation segment were described; the main elements of the generalized business model of generating companies, which are characteristic of the product-service model were presented; the correspondence of the business models of generating companies from various product-service model groups was analyzed.
Сведения:Maria V. Gorgisheli, an analyst of the Laboratory for Research of Industrial Markets, National Research University of Higher School of Economics, Moscow.
The dynamically changing labor market, the need for quick decision-making, a high level of uncertainty determine new requirements for the implementation of project team formation processes. A methodical approach to solving the task of automating the process of forming an effective team with optimal integral characteristics for the development of an IT project was described. The purpose of the study is to find out what basic requirements a team should meet with optimal integral characteristics and what impact they have on the team’s performance and characteristics and competencies of its participants. On the basis of the correlation-regression analysis of the survey of members from project teams and the characteristics of the sites they created, the authors determined those team parameters that more often have an impact on performance. Further, using the typologies of the roles of participants of the project team for Belbin, for Adizes and for Myers-Briggs, the authors projected the selected parameters onto the roles of team members and determined the most effective composition of the roles of team members. Thus, the authors found out the characteristics of the members of the effective team and results that you can get if you know the characteristics of specific team members. Characteristics can be determined based on automated testing of candidates. The authors’ methodical approach to a program for recruiting has no analogues in the software market and allows facilitating routine operations, but also proactively solving management tasks, ensuring the work of the project team at a high level of efficiency and effectiveness.
Keywords: project team, performance, team roles, automatization Highlights: the characteristics that often have an impact on the effectiveness of teams were determined empirically; the interdependence of the integral characteristics of the IT project team with the roles of its members were established; a methodical approach to automate the process of forming the effective IT project team was proposed.
Сведения:Tatiana F. Paley, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor; Pavel A. Afonin, a Master’s Degree student. - Kazan (Volga) Federal University.
The relevance of the study is determined by the need to generalize the economic nature of the digital economy as a phenomenon of increasing the efficiency of social development. The nature of economic digitalization, the classification of technological forms of information communication technologies ICT, the features of reproduction aspects in ICT conditions were considered. The effect of a number of economic laws in digital platforms in society was summarized. The fundamental provisions on changes in the forms of optimization of management processes, taking into account new economic and social properties of digital relations were provided. It emphasizes the need to deepen the knowledge of the digital economy to explore ways to increase economic growth. The stages of the added value of goods in ICT conditions, new forms of value relations under economic digitalization, commodity-money relations, optimization of systems and processes of organization and management in society, forms of communication in information network technologies were analyzed. The influence of ICT platforms on the change in capital, on the rate of achieving market equilibrium, the ratio of consumption and accumulation of the social product, on the rate of reproduction processes, on the ratio of production factors was emphasized. The understanding of efficiency in a network economy, the impact of social networks on the economy was summarized. The possibilities of optimizing systems and control processes in society using digital platforms were explored. Further deepening of the economic content of digitization in the reproduction process in social life will contribute to the search for rational ways of developing digital platforms in the system of organization and management of society.
Keywords: digital economy, economic law, economic growth, technology classification, databases, system optimization. Highlights: the functioning of digital platforms in the network economy leads to a significant increase in the mobility of technological forms of interaction between the spheres of production and circulation, acceleration of reproduction processes, changes in value relations in society; the manifestation of objective economic laws under economic digitalization economy highlights both the new facets of their actions and the features of the forms in society and government; the new phenomena require a detailed analysis of their content and generalization in order to establish reasonable directions for the development of the digital economy in Russia.
Сведения:Leonid I. Sergeev, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Economic Theory, Kaliningrad State Technical University.
The study considered the goals and objectives of staff motivation. The authors` conclusions on the ways to ensure the material and non-material motivation of the staff are made in the light of current trends in the modern world of human resource management. New ways and tools of personnel motivation, various approaches to motivation under economic digitalization, taking into account the existing fundamental theories of motivation, were analyzed. The purpose of the study is to analyze the effect of digitalization on various methods of motivation in the organization. To achieve this purpose, a survey and analysis of legal acts and scientific publications were used. The survey results were used in the proposals for reforming the currently used labor motivation systems. Conclusions and recommendations made in the work on staff motivation under economic digitalization are important for real business practice.
Keywords: motivation, economic digitalization, potential, competitiveness, automation, management decisions. Highlights: the methods of staff motivation that are the most effective under economic digitalization were identified; by conducting a survey, the influence of barriers on the way of staff motivation was studied; the non-material staff motivation in the organization was developed.
Email:e-troshina@yandex.ru, mantoulenko@mail.ru
Сведения:Elena P. Troshina, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor; Valentina V. Mantulenko, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor; Julia V. Levashova, a student. - Samara State University of Economics.
The rapid emergence of new financial and technological companies contributes to the transformation of the value chain by financial intermediaries. The presented study is aimed at identifying opportunities and prospects for the formation of new consumer value based on the interaction of credit institutions and high-tech companies. To this end, FinTech-companies were classified according to their functionality, their options for cooperation with banks were identified, the impact of digital technologies on the transformation of business processes and on the formation of new consumer value by financial intermediaries were analyzed. In conducting the study, the following methods were used: classification, description, comparative analysis, system analysis, synthesis. The result of the study was to identify areas of the transformation of business processes that ensure the creation of competitive advantages of the bank for the long and short term, their impact on customer value.
Keywords: digital technologies, financial intermediaries, business processes, innovations, FinTech, customer value, Open API, outsourcing. Highlights: the main points of the research are the following: changes in management business processes of banks based on the use of digital technologies contribute to the formation of a competitive advantage for the long term due to the transformation of supporting and mainstream business processes, and also affects a whole range of consumer value components; the transformation of individual core business processes of the bank is associated with the short-term effect of competitive advantages due to the rapid copying of the introduced transformations and the impact only on individual components of consumer value; within the framework of the sharing economy, the formation of ecosystems that minimize risks and costs of innovation, allows FinTech companies to strengthen their market positions and to form customer services together with banks; digital technologies have a direct impact on improving the convenience, speed, availability and transparency of financial services for customers, which over time leads to an increase in trust - the qualitative characteristics of relationships that shape customer value; the proliferation of comparative services increases the rationality of customers, fills the lack of their financial knowledge, contributes to increased transparency and creates conditions for the development of non-price competition between financial intermediaries, where the timeliness of personalized offers and the quality of services provided are of great importance.
Email:on.korableva@gmail.com, gusevamargarita@yandex.ru
Сведения:Olga N. Korableva, Doctor of Economics, Professor, St. Petersburg State University, Institute for Problems of Regional Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Margarita I. Guseva, a doctoral candidate, St. Petersburg State University of Economics.
Самарский государственный экономический университет © 2007-2025