In the article the main stages of strategic process in a corporation are considered as well as the possible contribution of every participant to the strategic process.
Keywords: strategic process, corporation, analysis of internal and external environment.
In the article the development of communal infrastructure of the region from the different methodological points is discussed. The concept of CIR given by different authors is analyzed; the authors personal definition is presented. The aim of CIR functioning is formulated; the author underlines the necessity of construction of indicator system to show its development.
Keywords: communal infrastructure of a region (CIR), systematic approach to the formation of
CIR, objects of CIR, management system modernization of CIR, functional structure of CIR.
Features of small business and its differences from entrepreneurship are considered. The historical views on innovational features of entrepreneurship are given. The analysis of influence of factors on small enterprises functioning is carried out.
Keywords: small business, entrepreneurship, advantages of small business, the development of
entrepreneurialism, gross revenue of small enterprise, innovations, factors of small business
development, business infrastructure.
In the article there are given definitions of TSS, their types, interrelation of all subsystems in TSS on macro, mezo and micro levels. The concepts of socio-economics, its interactions with TSS and the influence of socio-economics on the living standards level of population, interconnection of this science with social geography are under discussion.
Keywords: region, natural, labour, human potential, TSS, socio-economics, living standard of
The necessity of reconsideration of approaches to the organization of logistic activity as a result of significant changes in economics is revealed. In the article the transformational mechanism of logistics organizational forms depending on the conditions of the environment and inner factors of the companys development is represented.
Keywords: logistics, logistics network, logistic system, cluster.
The methods of multicriteria estimation of logistical risks based on fuzzy-set theory are described. The use of the suggested methodical approach to the risk estimation can help to make an alternative decision causing a positive effect on the result of reaching the marked targets by logistical system.
Keywords: development opportunities, methods of multicriteria assess alternatives, indeterminacy,
fuzzy source information, reduction of the negative impact, fuzzy-set theory, logistical risks
management, membership function.
Tatyana Yu. Kichaeva, a post-graduate student; Larisa K. Kirillova, candidate of Economics, associate professor. - Samara State University of Economics.
The article deals with problems connected with the reflection of accounting statements of the companies which exert a negative impact on the environment, the reflection of information about this impact and about environmental protection measures. The suggestions for disclosure of the information about ecological security of enterprise activities in accounting and financial recording are worked out.
Keywords: ecological costs, accounting and financial statements, ecological payments, costs of
environmental protection measures.
The main notions of corporate management are discussed; the review and comparative analysis of the existing conceptions and models of corporate management are represented; the organization of the strategic corporate management is considered.
Keywords: corporation, stakeholders, corporate management.
The evolutionary process of corporate structure development is suggested; the comparative analysis of corporate management models is given. The significance of corporations in the modern economic life of countries is revealed.
Keywords: corporate structures, strategic management, corporation.
The article submits the causes of the entrepreneurial risk; the definition of risk management is given and the main tasks of the risk management to achieve business goals are described.
Keywords: business environment, risk management, goal, result model.
The main indicators which characterize purchase logistics of manufacturing enterprise and factors influencing the efficiency of procurement activities are under discussion. The dependence of costs on execution of purchase order from purchase order volume is specified.
Keywords: procurement, synergetic effect, efficiency, logistic system, indicators, factors, costs,
supply, steadiness.
Ekaterina V. Loginova, candidate of Economics, associate professor; Sergey N. Kornilov, candidate for a Master’s degree.- Samara State University of Economics
It is suggested to treat costs management system as an innovative factor of upgrading the efficiency and enterprise competitiveness due to costs domination. The necessary conditions for formation of the effective cost management system are defined and the main causes of complexities while implementation of modern methods of costs management in Russian enterprises are formulated.
Keywords: innovative factor, efficiency, competitiveness, costs management system, forming
conditions, complexity of implementation.
Natalya S. Mikhaylova, candidate of Economics, associate professor. E-mail:; Artem A. Mikhaylov, candidate.Togliatti branch of Samara State University of Economics.
In the article the main criteria of strategic management efficiency are worked out, major areas of improvement of the key organizational mechanisms of strategic corporate management as well as recommendations concerning the enhancement of separate mechanisms of strategy implementation are suggested.
Keywords: strategic management, corporation, corporate management.
For the enhancement of civil passenger traffic the model of transport enterprise management system reformation is worked out. The basic stage of the model involves the technology of choice among the relevant functional management tasks.
Keywords: management system, transport enterprise, functional tasks of management, technology
of task solutions.
Theoretical approaches to disclosure of the maintenance of enterprise financial stability as a characteristic feature of its financial position are considered. The interrelation of the category "financial stability" with other financial categories is revealed.
Keywords: financial stability, financial condition, solvency, liquidity, creditworthiness.
The main trends of strategic management theory are discussed. The analysis is carried out and the systematization of management strategies for retail trade organization of household appliances and electronics is worked out.
Keywords: retail trade organization, analysis and systematization of management strategy, strategic
and operational solutions.
Yuliya O. Platonova, a post-graduate student; Lilyana A. Sosunova, Doctor of Economics, Professor, the Head of Marketing and Logistics Department. - Samara State University of Economics.
The category of "financial results" is described, its content is revealed by presenting the classification of profit and loss as an object of accounting, analysis and management. Accounting and analytical information system on the basis of this classification is considered.
Keywords: financial results, strategic management, operational administration, controlled object,
accounting entity, test object, accounting information space.
The article comprises the analysis of the history and modern tendencies of corporation development and their management systems, the differences from the other forms of business organization. The article also deals with the significance of corporations for modern economy as well as definition of the key factors influencing the tendencies of evolution of corporate structure management forms.
Keywords: corporate management, entrepreneurial activities, forms of ownership.
The authors discuss dynamics of a number of indicators which characterize healthcare system development in Samara region: the number of hospital beds and the number of doctors on 10 thousand population. Econometric models describing index changes of accumulated experience index with a course of time are worked out. The analysis of changing trends of the accumulated experience index for mortality rate in Samara region from 1990 to 2010 is carried out.
Keywords: accumulated experience index, healthcare system, region, comparative analysis, development
tendencies, econometric model.
Oleg A. Repin, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Science, the Head of the Mathematical Statistics and Econometrics Department. Е-mail:; Lyudmila K. Shiryaeva, candidate of Phical and Mathemati-cal Science, associate professor. – Samara State University of Economics.
In the conditions of development of the theory of services the scientists pay attention to the need of terminological definiteness more actively. Theoretical representations of service are considered, the essence of the category "service" the treatments of which varies considerably is revealed. Problems of development of classification of services are defined.
Keywords: services, functions, classification of services.
The notion of site monetization and different methods to gain profit from it are discussed. To illustrate this there are given the methods of income acquisition from regional web-portals of Internet mass media in Russia.
Keywords: monetization, site, Internet, Internet mass media.
The article considers the features of economic diagnostics of the quality and efficiency of informational and knowledge processes in industrial enterprise.
Keywords: informational and knowledge processes, diagnostics, informational and knowledge sphere.
The article deals with characteristics of formation and reflection of activities indicators of organization with long-term discontinuing production cycle in reports, their influence on analysis methods of liquidity and financial stability. The methods of net wealth accounting is suggested taking into consideration the classification of the organization and stages of the project implementation which can give objective assessment to organization financial condition using the data of accounting reports.
Keywords: accounting (financial) reports, financial analysis, assessment of the liquidity and financial
stability, calculation of duration of financial and operational cycle, net wealth.
The article deals with the characteristics of national innovation systems in developed countries. The author provides a definition of the national innovation system and analyzes the tools of development of innovative activities. In conclusion the author points out that using the tools of innovation development will make possible the creation an effective innovation system in Russia.
Keywords: national innovation system, applied innovations, science park, venture capital funds,
Innovation Index, tax incentives, innovation vouchers, ñluster.
Dana V. Chernova, Doctor of Economics, Professor, the Head of Commerce and Service Department; Mariya V. Malyshkina, a post-graduate student of Samara State University of Economics.
In this work the main historical milestones of development and formation of institute of the contract which is the integral component of the civil and enterprise law of Russia are covered.
Keywords: Contract, evolution of ideas of the contract, Roman right, deal, obligation, Code of
laws of the civil, economic contract.
Anatoliy E. Piletskiy, Doctor of Jurisprudence, Professor, the Head of the Civil and Enterprise Law Department; Elena O. Utina, undergraduate student.- Samara State University of Economics.
The article deals with examination of the legal status of social union as a subject of public law. The conclusion about the possibility of inclusion social unions into sphere of public law is given. This possibility requires the following conditions: a) the activity of social union must lead to realization of public interest; b) this activity must be realized in the interaction with bodies of public power on the systematic, regular basis.
Keywords: social union, subject of public law, juridical person of public law, public interest.
The article represents transformation of ideological and value aims and interests of party elite in the course of market alterations. The main paths of these changes are revealed, the analysis of economic elite structure is given; the traits of economic elite involvement into exchange relations are defined.
Keywords: elite, bureaucratic establishments, values, economic interests, property.
The increase of life quality and living standards is absolutely essential precondition of economic growth. On the basis of analysis of the priority national project "Education"(PNPE) realization in Samara region on the example of strategic development program of Samara State University of Economics there are worked out recommendations concerning the further improvement of the implementation mechanisms aimed at the increase of innovative and investment activity in the region.
Keywords: living standards, life quality, life quality indicators, problems of life quality enhancement,
innovative product, directions of priority projects realization, performance targets of strategy
development programs.
In the article the timely character of consumptives taking into account the epidemiologic indicators is proved, the basic constituents of complex rehabilitation: medical, physical, psychological, professional, social as well as the stages - clinical, sanatory, outpatient care and polyclinic are represented. The main measures of rehabilitation of consumptives on the each stage are described in the detail.
Keywords: tuberculosis, integrated rehabilitation, types of rehabilitation, stages of rehabilitation.