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Вестник самарского государственного экономического университета
Vestnik of Samara State University of Economics
2022 №7 (213)
Analysis and priorities of the Samara region tourist and recreation cluster development
Abstract. Recently, Russia has begun to pay much more attention to the regional socio-economic development. After all, almost each of the regions has a special potential for the development of its own territory. One of the most popular and effective sources of the regional socio-economic development is a cluster approach. In the future, the cluster is a large-scale public-private partnership project. On the one hand, the state finances engineering and transport infrastructure, i.e. key objects of attraction of tourist traffic. On the other hand, the business community creates various accommodation facilities and tourist services on the territory of the creative cluster using the advantages of the cluster unification. In the Strategy for the Samara Region Socio-Economic Development for the period until 2030, one of the priority clusters is a tourist and recreational one. In the Samara region, there are significant prospects for the development of a tourist and recreational cluster due to the multinational composition of the regional population, rich cultural and historical heritage, the presence of unique recreational resources in the region, as well as land not involved in the economic circulation. On the territory of the region, there is a tourist and recreational cluster "Samarskaya Luka", which is very popular among tourists due to its unique ecosystem and rich cultural heritage. There are large industrial enterprises, which contributes to a high concentration of business activity in the region. Also, due to the availability of a convenient transport interchange in the Samara region, large interregional events can be organized, that will lead to the prosperity of the tourist and recreational cluster. The purpose of the study is to analyze development priorities of a tourist and recreational cluster in the Samara region. During the study, methods of theoretical, economic and statistical analysis, synthesis, comparative and graphic methods were used. The results of the study are of practical importance for the development of tourist and recreational clusters in the region.
Keywords: tourist and recreational cluster, tourism industry, potential, assessment, priorities, region, socio-economic development, the Samara region Highlights: ♦ the tourist and recreational cluster concept and role in the development of the region tourism industry were determined; ♦ the state and place of the Samara region tourism industry in federal and regional statistical reporting were analyzed; ♦ an assessment was made of the impact of the tourist and recreational cluster of the Samara region on its socio-economic development; ♦ the priorities for the tourist and recreational cluster development in the Samara region were determined.
Email:liliya.agaeva@yandex.ru; belyaeva.gi@mail.ru
Сведения:Liliya K. Agaeva - Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia; Galina I. Belyaeva - Samara State Technical University, Samara Russia
Methodology for assessing the competitiveness of trading enterprises
Abstract. The problem of managing competitiveness of a trading enterprise is becoming particularly relevant in the context of diversification of logistics supply chains for goods caused by sanction restrictions, digital transformation of business models and business processes. In this regard, there is a need to improve methodological approaches to assessing the competitiveness in the trade. The article presents the author`s assessment of the competitiveness of a trading enterprise based on the study of theoretical and practical research in this field. Based on marketing, process and integral approaches, a methodology for assessing the competitiveness of a trading enterprise is proposed, the core of which is the effectiveness of the (main) business processes support in the trade. A system of indicators for assessing the competitiveness of a trading enterprise by groups of resources, results, with the allocation of digital indicators has been formed and supplemented. The weighting values of integral assessments of the business processes such as "purchase of goods", "packaging and storage of goods", "sale of goods", "delivery, after-sale service" were determined in the course of this research. Based on them, a general integral indicator of the competitiveness of the main business processes for a trading enterprise was proposed. The results of the study can be used in the activities of trading enterprises in assessing the competitiveness, comparing with competitors, developing strategic and tactical decisions, including improvement, reengineering, designing new business processes.
Keywords: competitiveness assessment, the system of competitiveness indicators, integrated assessment, the main business processes of a trading enterprise Highlights: ♦ assessment of the competitiveness in the context of digital transformation is considered as a process of monitoring and calculating indicators of a trading enterprise both by the external conditions of the business activity and by business processes, resources and obtained results, in order to identify problems in a timely manner and develop effective management solutions; ♦ an integrated assessment of the competitiveness of the main business processes of a trading enterprise takes into account key performance indicators, allows you to identify advantages and disadvantages in order to improve service relationships with suppliers, buyers and service organizations; ♦ the correlation and regression analysis of the criteria made it possible to establish the degree of importance of the main business processes of a trading enterprise in the integrated assessment of competitiveness, and the value of the integral indicator serves as a guideline for improvement, reengineering, design and formation of new business processes.
Email:katrina_80@bk.ru; tatiyana.berg@gmail.com; cornetteenigma@gmail.com
Сведения:Ekaterina V. Belonogova, Tatiana I. Berg, Anna V. Churaeva - Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Feasibility study of the use of a multi-vortex classifier-separator
Abstract. The article presents a feasibility study of the use of a multi-vortex classifier-separator for fractionation of fine bulk material based on silica gel. In the course of the study, the technical and economic method of comparing devices was applied. Technically, the analysis is based on a comparison of technical characteristics, fractionation efficiency, air flow, hydraulic resistance, and other parameters. From an economic point of view, the comparison process is determined by financial characteristics, factors affecting the cost. The objects of evaluation were the following indicators: annual savings of funds due to a decrease in the electricity consumption for the year and savings of funds due to a decrease in the electricity consumption spent on obtaining 1 kg of the finished product. The paper compares the multi-vortex classifier-separator developed by the authors with 3 positions of close analogues. During the evaluation calculations, it was assumed that in the case of not 100% fractionation efficiency, repeated grinding is performed once. The air flow rate for all devices was assumed to be 2000 m3/hour, the specific concentration of the material was assumed to be 200 g/m3, the fractionation efficiency was set from 20% to 100%. During the evaluation calculations, it was found that the use of a classifier-separator allows to obtain annual savings of money by reducing the electricity consumption for the year relative to classifier № 2, cyclone classifier and classifier № 4 on average with fractionation efficiency from 20% to 100% equal to 45.4, 503.1 and 421.5 million rubles, respectively. At the same time, the annual savings of money due to the reduction in the electricity consumption spent on obtaining 1 kg of the finished product, relative to classifier № 2, cyclone classifier and classifier № 4, on average, amounts to 10.1, 111.7, 93.6 rubles/kg, respectively.
Keywords: classifier, cyclone classifier, technical and economic method, economic justification, profitability of the use of the device, the introduction of the device, technical and economic comparison Highlights: ♦ a feasibility study of the application of the developed multi-vortex classifier-separator for fractionation of fine bulk material based on silica gel with a separation boundary of less than 50 microns has been carried out; ♦ the cost of electricity spent on obtaining 1 kg of the finished product by various classifier models with fractionation efficiency from 20% to 100 is obtained%; ♦ the article considers the change in the annual savings of money due to the reduction of the electricity consumption for the year when the finished product is released and the savings of money due to the reduction of electricity consumption spent on obtaining 1 kg of the finished product.
Email:vadd_93@mail.ru; galimovaar00@mail.ru; irina_akhmetova@mail.ru; ilnyr_91@mail.ru
Сведения:Vadim E. Zinurov, Alsu R. Galimova, Irina G. Akhmetova - Kazan State Power Engineering University, Kazan, Russia; Ilnur N. Madyshev - Nizhnekamsk Institute of Chemical Technology (branch) Kazan National Research Technological University, Nizhnekamsk, Russia
Interaction of small businesses and banks: Why mutual benefit is so important
Abstract. The small business sector is one of the drivers of the economic development at the present stage of the development of the Russian economy. Factors of instability of the external environment, the economic and political situation, the reduction of real incomes of the population pose a threat to business development in Russia. Microenterprises demonstrate a certain decline in the business activity during the period 2020 - 2022. The implementation of a profile national project, measures of the state support for business contribute to some improvement in the well-being of business entities, which is confirmed by authoritative studies such as the RSBI Support Index. However, not only the state, but also the banking sector, realizing the prospects and profitability of working with the corporate segment, certainly strive to create optimal conditions for doing business. In the current situation in the banking services market, corporate customer service forms the main source of income for commercial banks. One of the best successful practices of small business interaction with a banking organization is the digital ecosystem of Sberbank PJSC, which has a wide range of complex packages of banking services that create prerequisites for facilitating business, creating opportunities for access to credit resources at a cost acceptable to businesses.
Keywords: small business, indicator, development, complex packages of banking services, ecosystem, Sberbank Highlights: ♦ the objective threats to the development of small business are geopolitical instability and a drop in the consumer demand as a consequence of the economic downturn in the country; ♦ the banking sector, along with the state, strives to create optimal conditions for doing business; ♦ complex packages of banking services embedded in the digital banking ecosystem are the optimal mechanism for facilitating business, providing access to credit resources at a cost acceptable to businesses.
Email:el.ka2003@mail.ru; violet261181@mail.ru; alinenaria@mail.ru
Сведения:Elena A. Kandrashina, Evgenia G. Repina, Alina D. Tikhonova - Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia
Development institutions of as a tool for increasing the resistance of the education sector
Abstract. The article explores theoretical and methodological approaches to the category of "development institutions". It is indicated that in the context of the increasing influence of various exogenous and endogenous shocks, the limited amount of available funds necessitates the priority distribution of funds by development institutions to socially significant projects aimed at increasing the resilience of the social sphere, in particular education, healthcare, etc. An analysis of the data characterizing the state of the education sector in the Volga Federal District was carried out. It has been established that against the background of growth in the regional budgets of health care costs, there is a corresponding reduction in education costs. Thus, compared to previous years, the decrease was 1-4%, including in the Volga Federal District - 3,7%. An analysis of the structure of the labor market in the Volga Federal District showed that the share of the unemployed with a higher education (HE) is twice, and in some regions even three times less than the share of the unemployed with a secondary vocational education (SVE). Since 2017, there has been a decrease in the number of teachers, masters of industrial training, teaching staff who train specialists in SVE and HE by 1,06, 1,21 and 1,68 times. The number of students enrolled in these programs in the Volga Federal District has decreased since 2017 - by 1,004 and 1,79 times, graduation - by 1,49 and 1,4 times, respectively. Income of educational organizations of SVE and HE varies between 92% and 75%, with a corresponding increase in the share of machines and equipment older than 5 years. The factors influencing the resilience have been established, the targeted support of which will ensure an increase in the resistance of the education sector to negative manifestations of the environment by development institutions. On the example of these regions of the Volga Federal District, an assessment of the resilience of SVE and HE was carried out taking into account the educational, personnel, logistical and financial support of the analyzed system. Measures have been formed, the implementation of which by development institutions will ensure an increase in the resilience of the education sector.
Keywords: endogenous and exogenous shocks, development institutions, education, financial and investment support, resilience, sustainability, socio-economic development Highlights: ♦ the limited amount of available funds necessitates the priority allocation of funds by development institutions to socially significant projects aimed at increasing the resilience of the social sphere, in particular education; ♦ personnel, educational, logistical and financial support of various educational organizations affect the resilience potential of SVE and HE; ♦ activities aimed at increasing the resilience of development institutions imply the participation in the formation of a system of advanced training for personnel to meet the needs of the real sector of the economy, network educational organizations of SVE and HE by combining them to adjust educational programs to the needs of a particular region, etc.
Сведения:Aliya U. Farkhutdinova - Ufa Federal Research Center of Russian Academy of Sciences, Ufa, Russia
Financial and managerial complexity in achieving universal health care coverage in Russia
Abstract. The level of public health directly affects the socio-economic development of the country. The subject of the study is the achievement level of universal coverage of the population with medical care. This article discusses indicators for assessing the level of access to medicine in Russia, the reasons that negatively affect these indicators. Health system challenges are structured according to the indicator they directly affect. The interrelations of causes of their occurrence are analyzed, recommendations for improving the indicators are developed.
Keywords: financing, medical organizations, problems of the healthcare system, compulsory health insurance (CHI), Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund (FCMIF), World Health Organization (WHO) Highlights: ♦ the authors grouped the key problems of financing and managing the healthcare system according to the reasons for their occurrence; leading drivers which exacerbate emerging problems are presented; ♦ as a result of the study, the problems affecting metrics responsible for assessing the achievement level of universal health care coverage of the country`s population are presented.
Email:fourafteram@gmail.com; keg55@list.ru
Сведения:Timur M. Fakhrutdinov, Elena G. Knyazeva - Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Yekaterinburg, Russia
Relationship marketing as a tool for building a network interaction between market entities in the field of education
Abstract. The article investigates problems and positions of the application of relationship marketing as a tool for building social communications in the educational field. The purpose of the study is to reveal a possible effective structure of interaction between educational organizations and employers at the network level. The structure of interaction of educational organizations with employers at the network level is proposed. Market entities are identified in the following way: the state represented by federal, regional and municipal authorities, employers, suppliers, consumers and other organizations (participants in partnerships in the field of education).
Keywords: relationship marketing, structure of interaction of educational organizations, subjects of partnership, network level Highlights: ♦ the relevance of this direction is obvious in the context of the transformation of the economy and the field of education, where relationship marketing occupies the first place among the tools for the formation of competitive advantages of educational organizations in a highly competitive environment; ♦ as the practice of recent decades shows, the use of marketing in modern conditions of economic transformation is an important tool in the management of socio-economic systems, which manifests itself in the processes of interaction between market actors and provides a competitive advantage to market actors and allows all participants to gain benefits by achieving a long-term compromise; ♦ in the course of the study, the perception of the heads of educational organizations and their deputies of the need to use relationship marketing to increase the competitive advantages of an educational organization was evaluated; ♦ the considered positions allow us to propose a project of a network format as a structure for the joint use of research, resource, personnel potential, in order to increase the competitiveness of the graduate.
Сведения:Irina А. Firsova - Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
Economic efficiency of the university innovative activity as a phenomenon of benchmarking technologies
Abstract. The purpose of the article is a comparative analysis of elements of the innovative activity of regional universities that affect its effective development, while benchmarking technologies act as a direction of the university activity that provides an opportunity to search, analyze and verify conditions for compliance with the ecosystem of a modern university. The relevance of the study is emphasized by the complex social, market, and geopolitical conditions of the development of education and society as a whole. The topic of benchmarking technologies is so relevant that it has been actively discussed by both domestic and foreign authors over the past decades. The study was conducted by monitoring innovative activities of regional universities, which are a cluster of the development of the labor market and the economy of the region. The monitoring results led to the development of a model for assessing the economic efficiency of innovation activities of the Rostov State University of Economics (RSUE) (Russia, Rostov-on-Don) as a key element of its ecosystem. The identified constants of the economic efficiency of the innovative activity are adapted and implemented in the educational process of this university in such disciplines as «Marketing», «Branding», etc. The section of the university`s participation in the public life of the region today seems to be one of the important conditions for the implementation of innovative activities of the university and the economic efficiency of this process.
Keywords: regional universities, monitoring, comparative analysis, economic efficiency, innovation activity model Highlights: ♦ the innovative vector of the university`s development can be economically profitable and effective not only in the financial aspect; ♦ a relevant aspect is the organization of a structure that will functionally and professionally contribute to the development and progression of this direction through the use of all the tools of benchmarking technologies; ♦ a model of the use of benchmarking technologies in the economic assessment of the university`s innovative activity with the prospect of its qualitatively new development has been developed.
Сведения:Narine R. Khachaturian - Rostov State University of Economics (RINH), Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Formation of sustainable Logistics 4.0 in the Russian market
Abstract. Among the representatives of the scientific and business community, a request is being formed to study the necessity and expediency of developing logistics strategies based on the principles of sustainable development. Sustainable Logistics 4.0, which is in its infancy, attracts the attention of researchers and experts, as it provides an opportunity to improve aspects of business sustainability through digital intervention. The purpose of the study is to identify key directions and trends in the formation of sustainable supply chains. The research is based on the use of the results of scientific research, expert assessments and public data of the Russian companies. The results of the study can be used as a basis for making decisions on the implementation of sustainable initiatives in logistics activities.
Keywords: logistics, sustainable development, supply chains, digital technologies Highlights: ♦ implementation directions of sustainable initiatives in the field of logistics and supply chain management have been identified; ♦ some trends characterizing the concept of sustainable logistics in the Russian market are shown.
Сведения:Irina V. Yakhneeva - Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia
Самарский государственный экономический университет © 2007-2025