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Вестник самарского государственного экономического университета
Vestnik of Samara State University of Economics
2023 №5 (223)
Actual problems of promoting regional brands in Russia
Abstract. In modern economic conditions, a lot of regions of the Russian Federation are forced to independently find ways to attract investments and increase their competitiveness. The difficult period for the country is aggravated by the deficit of regional budgets, a decrease in foreign investments, the departure of foreign manufacturers, leading to a decrease in the supply of a number of goods and services. At the same time, it is impossible not to note the positive side of the current situation: the country`s active course on the import substitution. Despite the fact that the Russian economy is going through hard times, perhaps now it is the time when the regions will be able to show their capabilities and, by changing their positioning, attract the attention of the country`s population to domestic goods and services. A strong regional brand can become a serious strategic tool that helps to increase the attractiveness of regions. The purpose of this study is to identify the main problems of the development of regional brands in Russia and to develop priority directions for their promotion. The data necessary for the study were obtained during a survey of residents of Russia, as well as on the basis of an analysis of the experience of the formation of regional brands by the subjects of the Russian Federation and subjects of a number of foreign countries. As a result of the conducted research, the authors conclude that it is necessary to introduce an integrated approach to the development of a regional brand strategy, including the application of design tools.
Keywords: regional brand, branding, marketing communications, identity, import substitution, image of the region. Highlights: ♦ the substantiation of the relevance of the formation and promotion of regional brands in the current economic situation in the country is given; ♦ with the help of marketing research, the reasons for the low demand for goods from domestic manufacturers and the current problems of promoting regional brands in Russia have been identified; ♦ the authors have proposed ways to promote regional brands by means of design in such areas as improving product design, brand communication and environmental design.
Email:tanya-b1@yandex.ru; catherine.chudinova@gmail.com; klimenko@siberia.design; ceo@themuseum.design
Сведения:Tatiana I. Bannikova, Ekaterina A. Chudinova, Victor A. Klimenko, Anastasia E. Voronina-Darintseva - National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia
Improving the methodology for assessing the level of economic security of agricultural enterprises
Abstract. Economic security, which originated in the twentieth century, has become an integral part of the national and world economy at all stages. In order to ensure stable functioning, enterprises are forced to constantly analyze threats to their activities and take measures to minimize or neutralize them. To simplify a process of analyzing the economic security of enterprises, various methods are used, which should take into account industry specifics. One of the groups of enterprises with specific features of the economic activity are agricultural enterprises. This study is intended to complement the methodology for assessing the economic security of agricultural enterprises. As a result of the analysis of threats and risks to the economic security of agricultural enterprises, the methodology includes additional functional components that increasingly affect the activities of these enterprises. The functional components are defined through the relevant indicators, which made it possible to improve the existing methodology for assessing the economic security. The results obtained can be used by the management of enterprises and economic security specialists to more accurately assess the level of the economic security of agricultural enterprises.
Keywords: economic security, agricultural enterprises, economic security assessment, economic security indicators, the level of economic security. Highlights: ♦ agricultural enterprises have their own specific features of doing business, they are also influenced by the processes of digitalization, are influenced by world politics, and develop innovative activities; ♦ a comprehensive methodology for assessing the economic security of agricultural enterprises must be supplemented with political, legal, power, environmental and informational components; ♦ the methodology is supplemented with functional components through the introduction of additional indicators that reflect modern threats to agricultural enterprises.
Email:olga.ilina@klgtu.ru: tamk.manja2@mail.ru
Сведения:Olga B. Ilina, Valeria I. Tamkovich - Kaliningrad State Technical University, Kaliningrad, Russia
Analysis of the implementation of the regional component of the national project "Demography" in the Samara region
Abstract. In modern conditions, special attention in the country is paid to the implementation of demographic policy due to the fact that the last few years have been characterized by a decrease in the population with a decrease in the number of births and an increase in the number of deaths, which accordingly leads to a natural population decline in the whole country and in the vast majority of the Russian regions. The Samara region is no exception. The article presents analysis results of the effectiveness of the implementation of the regional components of the national project "Demography", designed to ensure the solution of key issues in the field of demography. To achieve this goal, economic-statistical, logical, method of comparative and graphical analysis were used based on publicly available official sources of information. The results of the study are aimed at developing possible directions for the development of tools for implementing the demographic policy in the region.
Keywords: national project "Demography", demographic policy, birth rate, death rate, natural population growth. Highlights: ♦ the role of the national project "Demography" in the implementation of regional demographic policy is determined; ♦ an analysis of the implementation effectiveness of regional components of the national project "Demography" in the Samara region was carried out; ♦ the key problems of the implemented demographic policy in the region are identified; ♦ based on the results of the study conducted, directions for improving the measures for the implementation of the national project "Demography" were proposed.
Сведения:Elena V. Korobeynikova - Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia
The main approaches to the content of the investment attractiveness of the region and the management of investment projects of industrial enterprises
Abstract. The article highlights the issues of management of investment projects of industrial enterprises, highlights factors affecting the development of the region, investment attractiveness and investment activity. The purpose of the study is to consider the investment attractiveness of the region from the perspective of the implementation of investment projects at industrial enterprises, their relationship with economic and geopolitical factors affecting their effective development.
Keywords: investments, investment project, investment activity, industrial enterprises, investment attractiveness, development of the region. Highlights: ♦ the investment attractiveness of the region can be assessed from the point of view of the distribution of investment resources in the industrial enterprises of the region; ♦ three main approaches to the content of the investment attractiveness of the region are identified; ♦ the development of an investment project can be considered as a key moment in the investment activity of an industrial enterprise.
Email:oksana.vyakina@mail.ru; vikigor163@mail.ru
Сведения:Oksana E. Startseva - JSCo «RZD», Samara, Russia, Olga A. Bulavko - Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia
Organizational aspects of improving the production of an economic expertise
Abstract. The article describes specifics of theoretical and practical campaigns for conducting economic examinations and their improvement in accordance with new realities. It also investigates tools for conducting economic examinations, focuses on specific methods and techniques used during the examination in order to identify violations of corporate and legislative requirements in the field of economic activity, specifies conditions for conducting complex examinations and requirements for their conduct. Examples of financial and economic research in the fight against corporate and commercial fraudulent actions are given, for instance forensik, the essence of which is to conduct a comprehensive study of business transactions, which allows you to identify an object, a subject, grounds and consequences of violations, thereby determining the scale of violations and the amount of damage; due diligence as a method of a comprehensive review of economic activities of an organization in order to identify violations in the process of integration activities (mergers, acquisitions and others). Special attention is paid to issues of preparation and organization of economic expertise procedures, a description of stages of actions is given, principles and approaches of their conduct are specified, a classification of economic examinations is presented and a detailed description of the methods used by experts during economic examinations is given, which allows determining the format of work and forming the necessary resources, first of all, personnel for their conduct.
Keywords: economic expertise, complex expertise, economic analysis, general methods, special methods, classification of examinations, sequence of stages, due diligence, forensik. Highlights: ♦ the existing theoretical aspects of the production of economic expertise are systematized, which made it possible to describe the basic principles, foundations, approaches and algorithm for conducting expert research, as a result of which trends in improving the conduct of economic expertise are identified, which determines the improvement of its quality and effectiveness; ♦ the organizational specifics of conducting economic examinations, such as due diligence and forensik, as well as the requirements for experts to conduct them are revealed; ♦ a comprehensive approach to conducting economic expertise, including due diligence and forensik procedures, is substantiated, in the main directions of which the investment and financial activities of the organization are studied, a decision is made on risk management.
Email:batorshina1990@mail.ru; ebrezneva@list.ru; tema73rf@gmail.com
Сведения:Nadezhda A. Galchina, Ekaterina V. Pustynnikova - Ulyanovsk State University, Ulyanovsk, Russia, Artem D. Frasov - Nizhniy Novgorod Academy of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation, Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia
Research and production enterprise management in modern conditions
Abstract. Research and production enterprises today play a serious role in shaping the competitiveness and defense capability of the domestic economy. The main distinguishing features of the development of this group of enterprises are the high capital intensity and the knowledge intensity of products (services) being developed and produced. A distinctive feature of the group of enterprises under consideration is that research and production organizations combine research and production sectors, which together are aimed at producing the necessary innovative products. Key enterprises are concentrated in the most significant industries. In the presented study, the author attempts to explore key features and problems of the development of research enterprises, as the most complex and cumbersome socio-economic systems developing in the dynamically changing socio-economic and political conditions.
Keywords: efficiency, control, company, research and production enterprise, enterprise management. Highlights: ♦ the key features of the development of research and production enterprises in the conditions of modern economic realities and from the point of view of functioning of business systems are analyzed; ♦ the main problems of the development of research and production enterprises are outlined; ♦ an organizational and economic mechanism for managing the development of a research and production enterprise is proposed, based on taking into account peculiarities of the development of the group of organizations under consideration.
Email:el.ka2003@mail.ru; e-troshina@yandex.ru
Сведения:Elena A. Kandrashina, Elena P. Troshina - Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia
Change management for interaction with clients of spa industry organizations as a driver of their development
Abstract. The relevance of the research topic is related to the ongoing search for possible changes in the spa industry services for the purpose of economic growth and development of the spa industry organizations. The expansion and modification of services requires active intervention and innovation in the internal environment, taking into account changes in the external environment of the organization, which, in turn, becomes a driver for the development and growth of organizations in the spa industry. Currently, the spa industry is the most promising fast-growing segment of the wellness services market. Along with the peculiarities of the organizational and economic nature, the Russian spa market differs from the world by specifics of customer demand. In this case, it is the work with the clientele and its needs as elements of the external environment that is the determining driver of the development of organizations in the spa industry market. In this article, the author explores the practice of managing changes in the activities of spa industry organizations, through the formation of a number of measures aimed at optimizing the satisfaction of existing customers and attracting new customers for the purpose of economic growth of spa industry organizations. The author has studied the historical aspect of the interpretation of the concept of "change management". Activities that will affect customer demand and increase customer interest in the services of spa organizations have been identified. The article describes potential events that can allow representatives of the spa industry to strengthen relationships with customers of all segments present in the market. The author identified and characterized 7 changes in relation to the activities of organizations of the spa industry through the impact on customers, including post-procedural support, segmentation and analysis of the customer base, requests - motives -needs, customization of service, loyalty and promotions, advertising, social networks and website, image of the organization of the spa industry.
Keywords: management of spa industry organizations, change management in the internal environment, change management, changes, development of organizations, clients. Highlights: ♦ the authors` opinions on the importance of change management in the organization in historical retrospect are studied, on the basis of which an assumption is made about the relation between the process of effective change management and the fullest possible satisfaction of changing customer needs; ♦ the directions of changes related to the internal environment of the spa industry organizations have been clarified; ♦ recommendations on managing changes at spa industry organizations related to the internal environment through clients are proposed.
Сведения:Lyudmila S. Petrik - Volga State Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, Kazan, Russia
Using the discount rate in the analysis of the weighted average cost of capital
Abstract. Within the framework of the article, the author raises a problem of using the discount rate when analyzing the weighted average cost of capital. The discount rate is the interest rate that is used to determine the present value of future cash flows. When analyzing the weighted average cost of capital (WACC), the discount rate is used as an estimate of the value of money over time and as an indicator of how risky investing in a particular project or company is. WACC is a weighted sum of the cost of capital and borrowed funds used by a company to finance its projects. To calculate the WACC, it is necessary to determine the cost of capital and the cost of borrowed funds and then multiply each of these costs by its weight in a unit of value. To calculate the cost of capital, the income capitalization formula (CAPM) is used, which takes into account market risks and the expected return of investors on the securities market. The CAPM formula includes a risk-free return rate, a risk premium and a company beta. The weighted average cost of capital is an important indicator for evaluating the effectiveness of investments and making decisions on financing projects. The use of the discount rate in the analysis of the weighted average cost of capital is one of the key components of this process.
Keywords: discount rate, weighted average cost of capital, risk, investment. Highlights: ♦ the discount rate reflects the minimum return that an investor requires from his investments; ♦ using the discount rate in the WACC analysis allows companies to determine how effectively they use their capital, and how risky investing in their projects is; ♦ using the discount rate when analyzing the weighted average cost of capital can also help investors assess how profitable it is to invest in a particular company or project and what risks are associated with it.
Сведения:Zhaslan R. Abdilmanov - Investment and Consulting company «Bearox», Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan
Analysis of the financial and economic activities of organizations of physical culture and sports in the Republic of Belarus (on the example of the Grodno region)
Abstract. Considering the importance and relevance of the development of the physical culture and sports industry in the Republic of Belarus, the article investigates financial and economic activities of physical culture and sports organizations in the Grodno region that receive state support (clubs for team sports), in dynamics from 2018 to 2022. This made it possible to identify certain problems both in the financial support of their activities and in the directions of using the formed financial resources. Based on the study, the author developed proposals to improve the efficiency of financial and economic activities, which can be used by organizations of physical culture and sports both directly in the Grodno region and the Republic of Belarus as a whole.
Keywords: financial and economic activity, income, expenses, analysis, organizations of physical culture and sports, efficiency. Highlights: ♦ development of physical culture and sports is one of the leading directions of the state`s social policy; ♦ for the purpose of rational use of budgetary funds, the analysis of the effectiveness of the financial and economic activities of physical culture and sports organizations receiving state support is of particular relevance; ♦ in the course of the study, problems were identified in the financial and economic activities of physical culture and sports organizations receiving state support; ♦ recommendations were given to improve the efficiency of the financial and economic activities of physical culture and sports organizations receiving state support.
Сведения:Elena V. Skvoroda - Institute of Sports and Tourism Management of the Educational Establishment "Belarusian State University of Physical Culture", Minsk, Republic of Belarus
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