Mathematical modeling of price characteristics of the Russian wholesale market of industrial equipment
Abstract. The article investigates the wholesale market of industrial equipment in the Samara region and the Russian Federation using methods of multidimensional statistical analysis. The main factors influencing its dynamics and territorial differences are identified, key trends are noted, and a forecast of development is made. In the course of the research, standard procedures for modeling market indicators were used, which include time series analysis and forecasting. Models of price characteristics of the Russian wholesale market of industrial equipment are constructed. It was found that the export rates of equipment and machinery are highest in regions with developed infrastructure, trade and digitalization, with predominantly manufacturing-specific production. As in the case of exports, the import of equipment is relevant for regions with good production infrastructure and manufacturing industry. At the same time, the budget security of the region does not affect the growth of imports. To increase the volume of wholesale trade at the regional level, it is important to have financial resources from individuals and enterprises, primarily in the field of information technology and digital communications.
Keywords: industrial equipment wholesale market, wholesale trade market indicators, economic and statistical modeling, forecasting, inter-territorial analysis.
- the main factors influencingthe dynamics and territorial differences of the wholesale market of industrial equipment have been identified;
- models of price characteristics of the Russian wholesale market of industrial equipment are constructed;
- the forecast of the development of the Russian wholesale market has been fulfilled.
Sergey I. Makarov, Maxim A. Lukianov - Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia, Dmitry V. Ivanov - Samara State Transport University, Samara, Russia, Samara National Research University, Samara, Russia