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Вестник самарского государственного экономического университета
Vestnik of Samara State University of Economics
2024 №3 (233)
Network structural transformation of the economy as a factor of increasing its resistance to external shocks
Abstract. The article examines the problem of increasing the economy`s resilience to external shocks, which create a long-term obstacle to economic, technological, and social development. The solution to this problem is considered from the position of the structural transformation of a network-type economy, during which the redistribution of production factors accelerates and their efficiency increases, and the range of national advanced technologies expands. The author`s methodology is formed by approaches to analyzing the structure of the economy and the impact of shocks on it, factors of shock resistance are shown, and a set of factors of network structural transformation is proposed. The article presents a set of factors for increasing the economy`s resilience to external shocks associated with its network structural transformation (the formation of network-centerless alliances of large and medium-sized businesses, the development of innovation and investment cooperation, the network reproduction of human capital within the framework of a neural network technology platform). They are designed to complement the circle of known factors, such as acceleration of capital accumulation, innovative and technological modernization, increased mobility of production factors, and adaptability to shocks. In the article, particular attention is paid to the reproduction of human capital in the network system of the "quadruple" spiral of innovative development, ensuring technological parity of the national economy with advanced states.
Keywords: network economy, structural transformation, external shocks, factors of production, resistance to shocks. Highlights: ♦ the approaches to the study of the problem of determining the factors of national economy stability to external shocks associated with the network form of structural transformation are analyzed; ♦ network factors of long-term increase in resistance to shocks are revealed, they are associated with changes in the structure of investment, market, production relations in favor of collective investment and consumption in non-centric alliances of business entities, with platform and "spiral" innovation-investment cooperation of participants in the creation of new technologies, accelerating the reproduction of human capital using neural networks; ♦ the need for a multi-level deployment of network structural transformation is highlighted, which should affect the processes of creation and distribution of national income, intersectoral distribution of production factors and their use, creation of technologies and reproduction of human capital.
Email:zhironkinsa@kuzstu.ru; yusi_p@mail.ru
Сведения:Sergey A. Zhironkin - Kuzbass State Technical University named after T.F. Gorbachev, Kemerovo, Russia, Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia; Vladislav E. Skripko - Kuzbass State Technical University named after T.F. Gorbachev, Kemerovo, Russia
Logical coordinates of the market scene: a methodological aspect of Aristotle`s Economic Theory
Abstract. The article is devoted to the problem of relevance of Aristotle`s principles of market exchange, which initiated Western economic thought, and his theory of logical substantialism. The initial circumstance of the emergence of market exchange is the horizon of diversification of professional specialization, which causes the emergence of both an excess of labor products of a particular professional and an inevitable shortage of labor products of other specialists. The presence of a surplus of one and a deficit of the other induces the phenomenon of a market scene designed to overcome a personal consumer-productive imbalance. In the market, a person as a carrier of economic interest is divided into a buyer and a seller. Being on different sides of the counter, however, the buyer and seller pursue the same motive of profit. The generic identity of the exchange motive of the subjects of supply and demand generates a contrast of its specific expressions that come into collision: it is more expensive to sell for the seller and cheaper to buy for the buyer. It was at the instigation of the ancient Greek metaphysician, who centered the horizon of collective management on the market scene of commodity and money trading, that the system of arbitrary balancing of consumer and productive interests of economic figures was called "market". The center of gravity of the scales of market exchange is the coin as a material carrier of logical substantiality, which in Aristotle`s metaphysics is assigned the role of a "fixed mover". Approximately in this capacity, the monetary substation determines the functioning of the market economy.
Keywords: coin, exchange, need, market, money, commodity, exchange ratio, conclusion, conclusion of a transaction, logical square. Highlights: ♦ in the history of civilizations, two fundamentally polar concepts of the harmonization of supply and demand have taken place - the theory of socialist-state distribution, dating back to Platonism, and Aristotle`s "capitalist" theory of market exchange; ♦ Aristotle`s economic theory is based on the immanent laws of human rationality, which lies within the contour of the laws of logic formulated by him; ♦ the market exchange scene includes the poles of a logical square, reproducing its structure.
Сведения:Oleg K. Koshmilo - Tolyatti Academy of Management, Tolyatti, Russia
Fuzzy assessment of the effectiveness of financial support for small and medium-sized businesses
Abstract. The subject of the author`s research is elements of the financial support system for SMEs: support tools, infrastructure organizations, SMEs, their relationships, the integrative effect and its assessment. This article is part of research aimed at studying the impact of regional financial support on the activities of SMEs. The purpose of the author`s research is to develop a model for assessing the effectiveness of financial support for the activities of SMEs. The impact of government support on the activities of SMEs has been studied by different researchers, various methods for assessing the impact are proposed, and this article uses a mathematical apparatus that is atypical for this area of research. The author proposes to use a fuzzy assessment of the impact of support on the activities of SMEs using the mathematical apparatus of the theory of fuzzy sets, fuzzy logic and a fuzzy inference system. The article presents the developed model of fuzzy assessment of the effectiveness of regional financial support for SMEs. This model is tested on empirical data. The obtained result is compared with other studies, which confirms the quality of the model. A positive assessment of the impact of regional financial support on the activities of SMEs in the Samara region was also given. Assessing the effectiveness of support has important practical significance; it can provide an opportunity to assess the effectiveness of regional economic policy, the distribution of budget funds and the activities of infrastructure organizations.
Keywords: small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), financial support, fuzzy sets, fuzzy logic, fuzzy inference system, efficiency assessment. Highlights: ♦ assessment of the effectiveness of financial support for SMEs is important for assessing the effectiveness of regional economic policy, budget allocation and the activities of infrastructure organizations; ♦ the model of fuzzy evaluation of the effectiveness of support using the mathematical apparatus of the theory of fuzzy sets, fuzzy logic and the fuzzy inference system allows us to evaluate a complex economic system; ♦ the impact of financial support is positive and significant for the activities of SMEs, financial support in the Samara region and the activities of a specialized infrastructure organization are effective for recipients of support.
Сведения:Sergey V. Andreev - Institute of Finance, Economics and Management of Togliatti State University, Togliatti, Russia
Cluster analysis of Russian metallurgical complex enterprises
Abstract. The article presents a cluster analysis of an enterprise in the Russian metallurgical complex based on 12 selected indicators of the company`s financial and economic activities. In the course of the correlation analysis, three main factors were selected that influence the activities of enterprises in the Russian metallurgical complex. These factors were net profitability, EV and net debt. Dunn`s method was used to determine the most optimal number of clusters. The most optimal number of clusters was three clusters. In the course of the cluster analysis, a transition from one cluster to another of a number of communication companies with an increase in profitability and EV indicators was identified. In 2021 and 2023, significant improvements in the performance of companies in the metallurgical complex are observed. The company PJSC Ashinsky Metallurgical Plant continues to maintain its high position, both in 2016 and in 2021 and 2023. The company PJSC Severstal, unfortunately, has not sufficiently improved its activities by 2021 and 2023. The results obtained indicate that economic conditions and the situation in the country are becoming more balanced, and development is becoming homogeneous in this industry.
Keywords: metallurgical complex, correlation, cluster analysis, net profitability, net debt, EV, metallurgical industry, Dunn method. Highlights: ♦ the main factors affecting the activities of enterprises of the metallurgical complex of Russia were the net profitability indicator, EV and net debt indicator; ♦ in 2021, compared with 2016, there are significant improvements in the activities of companies in the metallurgical complex; ♦ three clusters can be considered as the most optimal number of clusters for companies in the metallurgical complex of Russia; ♦ the cluster analysis revealed the transition from one cluster to another number of companies due to the growth of profitability and EV indicators.
Сведения:Leonid D. Savenkov - Institute of Finance, Economics and Management of Tolyatti State University, Tolyatti, Russia
The degree of development of digital services in an innovative environment in crisis conditions
Abstract. The article examines the specifics of the development of digital services in an innovative environment in crisis conditions. Any transformations and crisis phenomena oblige society to seek a way out of the current situation at the lowest cost. In this case, it is innovation and digitalization that come to the rescue. At the same time, it is important to note that they must act together, because the synergistic effect of these two components is potentially more effective than using technologies separately. When writing the article, the author used the methods of theoretical research. The main method was the analysis of the literature, as well as the method of comparative analysis. As a result of the study, it was concluded that the crisis phenomena act as a booster for the development of the digital services market and its interaction with the innovative environment.
Keywords: digital services, digitalization, innovation, innovation environment, management, crisis. Highlights: ♦ currently, the Russian and international community is undergoing significant metamorphoses associated with changes in the geopolitical situation and sanctions influence, and the question arises about changes in the pace of development of digital services in an innovative environment; ♦ the crisis is a powerful impetus for digitalization and development of digital services; ♦ the development of digital services is becoming an integral factor for economic stability and recovery after crises.
Сведения:Denis V. Yurenkov - Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, Samara, Russia
Some aspects of the organization of parity, permanent scientific and technical activities in the conditions of the digital economy according to the types of development of industrial enterprises
Abstract. The article proposes a conceptual system-contextual model of scientific, technical and related types of development based on the principles of parity and permanence, with the allocation of "quality of life" as a significant factor ensuring the development of individuals. The conditions for obtaining rational and consistent with the principles of the digital economy results from the activities of this model are given. An economic and mathematical formula has been developed for periodic and general assessment of the quality of life from scientific and technical processes. A conceptual network basic model of motivation for scientific and technical activities is proposed, in which motivation is represented by two independent directions - socio-industrial and general social, which makes it possible to concretize, make a qualitative selection of the factors forming these directions, as well as to engage in their improvement to the necessary extent. As a scientific guideline for the support of scientific and technical activities of industrial enterprises, its methodological model has been developed. Taking into account the fact that the organization of scientific and technical processes of industrial enterprises as carriers of social transformations and their results cannot be rationally built, being completely isolated from the state in which macro- and meso-level economies are and what rules they use, a methodology for interaction of all levels, including micro-economics, in solving social problems has been developed and, specifically, the task of improving the quality of life of people is significant for their livelihood.
Keywords: scientific and technical activities, industrial enterprises, quality of life, motivation, productivity, development, factors, social outcome, methodology. Highlights: ♦ increasing productivity and overall production efficiency is directly related to solving the problem of improving people`s quality of life; ♦ the solution to the problem of improving the quality of life of people should be considered in an interdependent relationship with other types of development; ♦ It is advisable for enterprises to be guided by a certain methodology for building rational inter-level relationships, including microeconomics (enterprise economics) with an exit to reflect the results achieved in terms of the quality of life of individuals; ♦ a model of a multilevel motivation organization system is proposed; ♦ the motivational factors that encourage employees to increase their productivity in the field of scientific and technical activities are considered.
Email:kaf.eim@yandex.ru; m@vdadykin.ru
Сведения:Natalia V. Odinochenkova, Valery S. Dadykin - Bryansk State Technical University, Bryansk, Russia
Designing an information system to improve the efficiency of managing the work of medical institutions
Abstract. The article discusses stages of designing the information system "Medical information System" for use in medical institutions. This topic seems relevant at the present time due to the presence of large information flows related to the service of people. In order to improve the quality and accessibility of medical care in public health institutions, reduce inaccuracies and loss of information, save resources, reduce the burden on staff, free up space in premises intended for document storage, reduce the time required to fill out documents on counterparties, it becomes necessary to create an information system that would solve these problems. The purpose of the study is to design and develop the information system "Medical Information System" using the IDEF0 diagram reflecting the functionality of the information system. During the research, applications were used draw.io, 3SL Cradle, phpMyAdmin, HTML hypertext markup language, CSS cascading style sheet, multi-paradigm JavaScript programming language and PHP scripting programming language. Based on the results of the analysis, an information system was designed that significantly improves the efficiency of medical institutions in terms of organizing electronic document management and information collection and processing processes.
Keywords: information system, design, management system, management, medical institutions. Highlights: ♦ an important task of an information system, taken into account in its design, is not only the processes of collecting and storing information, but also the processes of its systematization, exchange and dissemination; ♦ the medical information system is designed to improve the quality and accessibility of medical care in public health institutions; ♦ from a practical point of view, a medical information system can help reduce technical errors, reduce the likelihood of information loss, and reduce the time required to fill out documents.
Email:evgenhar2012@yandex.ru, https://orcid.org/0009-0000-8653-721X; daria.july@bk.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7507-8086
Сведения:Evgeniy A. Kharitonov - Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russia; Daria V. Kharitonova - Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia
Transformation of the Russian stock market in the face of external shocks
Abstract. The stable development of the economy largely depends on the state of the securities market in the country, including the stock market. The relevance of the research topic is determined by the crisis phenomena, the constant variability of the external conditions in which the securities market operates. The subject of the study is the economic relations that are formed in the process of transformation of the functioning of the Russian stock market in modern conditions. The purpose of the study is to determine the prospects for the development of the stock market in conditions of external pressure, which occurs through sanctions imposed by other countries. In the course of the work, the authors revealed the industry affiliation of shares traded on the market, analyzed the current state of the stock market in Russia, in particular, the state of the IPO market, as well as the secondary stock market. When considering the transformation processes in the Russian stock market, the main focus was on the problems of sanctions restrictions, which led to a change in the number of bidders and their structure. In addition, the authors identified the consequences of the influx of private investors into the Russian stock market, namely, increased volatility and an increase in the number of discrete auctions in third-tier issuers.
Keywords: stock market, IPO, secondary stock market, sanctions restrictions. Highlights: ♦ today, the oil and gas sector is still the first largest sector in the Russian stock market; ♦ the Russian securities market currently acts as almost the only possible source of capital attraction, which is a consequence of the absence of non-residents on it; ♦ the fundamental condition of many Russian issuers is gradually improving due to the adaptation of the economy to external shocks.
Email:evgeniya.bl-1999@yandex.ru; nedlen63@yandex.ru
Сведения:Evgenia A. Ivanushkina, Elena S. Materova - Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia
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