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Вестник самарского государственного экономического университета
Vestnik of Samara State University of Economics
2023 №7 (225)
Basic elements and principles of irrational consumer choice in modern economy
Abstract. The article investigates principles of effective implementation of marketing activities of companies in the post-industrial economy. These principles should provide objective conditions for the sustainable growth of loyalty of the target segments of the consumer market and at the same time minimize the feasibility of using the tools of ethically incorrect marketing manipulation of consumer choice processes. The tendencies and problems of the implementation of the consumer choice of individuals in the conditions of a modern, post-industrial economy are also studied. At the same time, conclusions are drawn that it is advisable to use, in interconnection and complementarity, individual tools and methods related to the ordinal direction of the neoclassical paradigm, neo-institutional and post-neoclassical schools of the economic theory by substantiating the consumer behavior.
Keywords: consumer choice, principles, marketing, irrational behavior, post-industrial economy Highlights: ♦ excessive consumption of luxury goods can be classified as an irrational consumer choice - this kind of choice is usually made in order to demonstrate the status of a buyer or simply legalize part of the income received illegally, for example, through the corruption; ♦ the reinforcement of product and technological innovations of a business entity with organizational and marketing innovations (rationalization of a management system and organizational structure, job descriptions, formal and informal leadership at the company, application of new marketing systems and technologies, including virtual ones, potentially more effectively influencing consumer choice processes, etc.); ♦ preventive management, in which preliminary changes are made to the marketing system and the overall development trajectory of the organization as a whole, ahead of the actual processes of transformation of the external financial and economic environment.
Сведения:Elena V. Kargina - Togliatti State University, Togliatti, Russia
The investment process in relation to the development of human capital in the modern economy
Abstract. The subject of the study covers peculiarities of the development and implementation of the investment process in the modern economy in the context of the interaction of investment and innovation components of the economic development process, taking into account the peculiarities of the improvement and development of human capital in the Russian economy. The article is devoted to the analysis of parameters and conditions affecting the improvement of the investment process in the national economy. Based on the methods of systematic analysis and synthesis of the key features of the development of the Russian economy, which underlie the innovation and investment renewal of industries, the possibilities of ensuring the economic development and sustainable economic growth are assessed. Within the framework of the conducted research, it was revealed that management decisions by improving the efficiency of the investment process are formed by the potential opportunities for the development of human capital, the improvement of factors and forms of its implementation. Among the basic parameters of the effectiveness growth of the implementation of the innovative component of the investment process, features of scientific research in the national economy, forms and scales of the innovative activity of business and government, assessment of the quality of existing human capital at the level of an organization and the state are determined. It is the decisive development of human capital within the framework of the innovative economic renewal in the context of increased sanctions pressure and the development of import-substituting industries that is a necessary condition for improving the efficiency of the investment process.
Keywords: human capital, investment, innovation process, economic development, efficiency Highlights: ♦ the expert assessment of the possibilities of making effective investment decisions is aimed at using strategic planning methods in the development of organizations, at a comprehensive assessment of social, environmental and economic consequences of investment decisions; ♦ if the increase in the success of investment decisions made at the level of an organization or an economic agent is determined by the first two above-mentioned factors, then the innovativeness of decisions made, in turn, is determined not only by the activities of domestic producers themselves, but also by the general potential opportunities in the Russian economy; ♦ at the moment, conditions are being created in the Russian economy for the development of industry and production (in the context of increased economic sanctions) on the basis of organizational and managerial changes in production.
Email:vladimirmalaev@yandex.ru; safbulen@gmail.com
Сведения:Vladimir V. Malaev, Bulat L. Safiullin - Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan, Russia
Content of international industrial cooperation
Abstract. The article is devoted to topical issues of the development of forms of the international industrial cooperation which is presented in the work as a kind of interstate financial and economic communication processes, differentiated by the object composition. At the same time, it is emphasized that the type of the international industrial cooperation is a specific way of organizing and implementing this kind of cooperation, depending on some internal or external factors (temporary, innovative, analytical and methodological ones, etc.).
Keywords: international industrial cooperation, Russia, China, world economy, industrial franchising Highlights: ♦ forms of the international industrial cooperation include international consulting on industrial development issues. The objects of this kind of consulting can be both the industrial systems of states as a whole, for example, when developing strategies and programs for the long-term industrial development, and directions for improving the efficiency of individual industrial projects and companies; ♦ such a form of the international industrial cooperation as a sale of licenses to foreign countries is most often used in the following areas of the industrial production: scaling of industry know-how, creation of innovative equipment, etc. In the modern global economy, high-tech companies, like Apple, IT, General Electric, Chrysler, etc., are actively engaged in selling licenses abroad; ♦ in 2000-2020, a form of international industrial cooperation, called international franchising, was developing quite intensively. This kind of franchising mainly affects processes of international scaling of various types of paid services to the public.
Email:1036335757@mail.ru; Feelyous@qq.com; nedlen63@yandex.ru
Сведения:Sun Liangyang, Wang Shengming - Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan, Russia, Elena S. Materova - Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia
Factors of activation of the international economic cooperation in the oil and gas industry
Abstract. The article is devoted to topical issues of Russian-Chinese energy cooperation within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, which can become an institution that contributes to strengthening the regional economic integration and defending the national interests of the SCO member states. Energy cooperation between Kazakhstan and China is considered as one of the components of the SCO energy market in the current geopolitical conditions.
Keywords: energy cooperation, economic cooperation, Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), export, import Highlights: ♦ additional significant geopolitical factors affecting the intensity and potential financial and social effectiveness of the international economic cooperation at the present stage of the world economic development are territorial proximity, the similar attitude of official authorities of countries, and the entry of such countries into the same international political and economic alliances; ♦ an important objective financial and economic condition for the activation of the international economic cooperation in general and within the oil and gas industry in particular is a comparability of interest rates of the national economic systems whose residents are real or potential subjects of such cooperation; ♦ a significant prerequisite for the intensification and improvement of the effectiveness of the international economic cooperation relations is the entry of the states - subjects of this kind of cooperation into the same political and economic alliances.
Email:farkhat.faiz@mail.ru; mkonoval@mail.ru
Сведения:Faiz Farhat - Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan, Russia, Maria E. Konovalova - Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia
State regulation of the innovative activity and improvement of the innovation infrastructure
Abstract. The article discusses and substantiates directions for improving the state economic policy, these directions are focused on the progressive development of formal institutional support, which ensures the simultaneous solution of strategic tasks of increasing the intensity, diversification and financial and economic efficiency of the development of the innovation infrastructure of the national economy of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: state policy, innovative activity, economic system, infrastructure Highlights: ♦ additional stimulation of credit institutions of the Russian Federation is required to activate processes of crediting investment projects and programs implemented by business entities of the real sector of the economy; ♦ innovations related to the reorientation of production and technological processes of Russian business entities to the widest possible use of components, materials, fixed assets, mainly of domestic production, are the most relevant; ♦ for the comprehensive implementation of directions of the innovative development of domestic companies in modern, rather difficult economic conditions, it is necessary to rationalize the state financial and economic policy in terms of stimulating the innovative activity in the Russian Federation as a whole and improving the national innovation infrastructure in particular.
Сведения:Anna M. Albaeva - Togliatti State University, Togliatti, Russia
Countering threats to the economic security of individuals in the conditions of sanction restrictions
Abstract. The research conducted investigates the impact of international sanctions on the economic security of individuals. It is noted that ensuring the regular working level of all social, economic and political institutions and mechanisms of the country, as well as strengthening their security against the threat of sanctions is the main current task of the entire system of the economic security of the country. Based on the conducted indicative analysis of personal economic security indicators, the consequences (threats, risks) for the general state of the country`s economic security have been identified. The system of indicators of threats to the economic security of Russia, methods of their assessment, as well as the main strategic directions of countering threats to the economic security of individuals are presented in this article. In the final part of the article, based on the existing regulatory framework for regulating the economic activity under international sanctions, the directions of countering sanctions restrictions are proposed, primarily aimed at minimizing the damage from the introduction of these measures, as well as at creating mechanisms for circumventing these measures within the framework of the Russian foreign and domestic policy.
Keywords: economic security of the individual, international sanctions, risks, threats, countering sanctions, indicative analysis, threshold values Highlights: ♦ the theoretical foundations of the economic security of individuals in the context of international sanction restrictions are investigated, a general analysis of the state of the country`s economic security is carried out; ♦ a quantitative assessment of the economic security of an individual is given, the main risks and threats to the state of the economic security of the country are identified; ♦ the influence degree of sanction restrictions on the level of the economic security of an individual is determined, the main strategic directions of countering risks and threats to the Russian economic security are developed and justified.
Email:gai51@list.ru; Vaz21063@list.ru
Сведения:Anatoly I. Gretchenko - Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russia, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia; Alexander A. Gretchenko - Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russia
Creative industries and sustainable development of regional centers of the Volga Federal District: co-direction of development vectors
Abstract. The relevance of the research topic is determined by the need to fulfill tasks of the increasing role of creative industries as a resource for sustainable urban development. One of the goals of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) program is SDG #11 "Sustainable Cities and Human Settlements". The basis for a city`s sustainability is its demographic sustainability. One of the criteria that ensures it is the quality of life of the city`s population. For a long time, it has been customary to assess the standard of living of the population using such indicators as "income per capita", "level and dynamics of prices for basic consumer goods", etc. However, they do not fully reveal the quality of life of the population, which depends, among other things, and from the opportunity to spend quality leisure time, and from a comfortable urban environment. Today, ensuring conditions for a high quality of life is impossible without creative industries, which is confirmed by the inclusion of indicators for their assessment in the leading ratings and indices of sustainable development of territories. The research purpose is to study the relationship between sustainable development and the development of creative industries using the example of regional centers of the Volga Federal District of the Russian Federation (VFD). The object of the study is the creative industries of the regional centers of the Volga Federal District. The research object includes the relationship between the sustainable development of the city and the number of creative industries organizations, the level of employment in the creative sector and the contribution of creative industries organizations to the GMP. Analysis, synthesis, grouping, comparison, juxtaposition, a tabular method, a rank method are used in this work. Based on the results of the study, a potential relationship was established between the sustainability of the development of regional centers of the Volga Federal District - cities with a population of over a million people - and the level of development of creative industries in them, primarily in relation to the indicator "the share of organizations in the total number of organizations in the city."
Keywords: sustainable development, creative industries, creative economy, creative class, creative city, creative specializations, sustainable development, quality of life Highlights: ♦ the co-direction of sustainable development and the development of creative industries in the regional centers of the Volga Federal District have been identified, primarily in relation to the largest cities; ♦ a strong relation was identified between the position of a regional center with a population of more than 1 million people and the share of organizations in the creative industries sector in the total number of organizations in the city; ♦ business-oriented creative industries and the creative class are concentrated in the largest cities by population; ♦ a set of measures for the formation and development of creative industries for the purpose of sustainable urban development should be different depending on the size of the city.
Email:i.klimova88@gmail.com; lyubov.semerkova55@yandex.ru
Сведения:Irina V. Klimova, Lyubov N. Semerkova - Penza State University, Penza, Russia
Investigation of problems of functioning of the primary health care system in the federal districts of the Russian Federation through the analysis of sociological research data
Abstract. One of the important tools for determining the effectiveness of health system reforms is the assessment by the population of the work of the primary health care system, since it is a system that largely determines the availability of medical care to the population. The purpose of this article is to study the data of sociological studies on patients` dissatisfaction with the work of polyclinics in Russia as a whole and in the federal districts, to identify significant problems of functioning of this health care unit, as well as to identify federal districts where problems of primary health care are most pronounced. In the course of the study, index and graphical research methods were used. As a result of the study, the most significant problems in the work of polyclinic characteristic of all federal districts of the Russian Federation were identified (dissatisfaction with the work of specialist doctors, lack of necessary equipment and/or medicines, waiting time in the queues), and also identified federal districts where there is an increase in the proportion of residents dissatisfied with medical care according to almost all criteria of dissatisfaction, which were considered in the study. The study has practical significance. Since healthcare is traditionally considered as an industry that strongly influences the growth of social tension, analyzing data on the criteria of dissatisfaction with medical care in federal districts, we can not only assess the effectiveness of healthcare reforms, but also identify areas of possible social tension.
Keywords: primary health care, federal districts, social research, criteria of dissatisfaction with medical care Highlights: ♦ the analysis of criteria of dissatisfaction of the population with medical care in polyclinics makes it possible to assess the effectiveness of the reforms carried out in the healthcare branch, in particular the level of accessibility of medical care; ♦ the analysis of criteria of dissatisfaction of the population with medical care in polyclinics makes it possible to identify federal districts where the dissatisfaction with medical care is growing, and thereby identify territories in which social tension may arise; ♦ the analysis of criteria of dissatisfaction of the population with medical care in polyclinics makes it possible to identify problems in the most significant link of the health care system - the primary health care system.
Сведения:Elena V. Shamalova - I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Sechenov University), Moscow, Russia
Antimonopoly compliance as a system for preventing violations of antimonopoly legislation in the provision of technological connection services
Abstract. The article investigates current problems of risk management of the Russian network organizations in the provision of services for technological connection to electric networks. This activity has a risky nature, since it is associated with the possibility of violation of antimonopoly legislation and the imposition of significant administrative fines. The research purpose is to develop the concept of antimonopoly compliance as a system for preventing violations of the anti-monopoly legislation in the provision of technological connection services. The research result is the development of methodological approaches in the management of antimonopoly risks that can be applied by grid organizations in order to increase the efficiency of technological connection to electric networks, as well as to reduce costs associated with the imposition of fines.
Keywords: antimonopoly risks, risk management system, antimonopoly compliance, risks of a resource-supplying organization, a network company, risk culture, risk prevention measures, risk mitigation, loss prevention Highlights: ♦ the author`s concept of antimonopoly compliance as a system for preventing violations of antimonopoly legislation is given; ♦ the dominant role of antimonopoly compliance is determined, as well as advantages of its existence in the management system; ♦ the main antimonopoly risks that can lead to significant losses of network organizations have been identified and assessed, and measures have been developed to respond to them; ♦ author`s proposals for the integration of antimonopoly compliance into the management system of companies, as well as mechanisms for ensuring its activities, have been developed.
Email:halbi@mail.ru; shagvaliev007@gmail.com
Сведения:Albina D. Khairullina - Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan, Russia, Volga Region University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, Kazan, Russia; Ilnar R. Shagvaliev - JSC «Grid Company», Kazan, Russia
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