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Вестник самарского государственного экономического университета
Vestnik of Samara State University of Economics
2022 №2 (208)
Exporter`s navigator as a tool for promoting a manufacturer to world markets
Abstract. The world market, being a combination of many national markets, is characterized by acute competition where there is a need for the formation or adaptation of effective tools to promote their goods. Entering foreign markets involves significant risks (political, financial, informational, business), and many of them can be removed already at the initial stage of assessing a potential foreign market, if the potential exporter has possibly complete and capacious information. In this regard, the relevance of scientific and methodological support of information support for the exporter is increasing. In the article, based on a comparative analysis of the best domestic practices of information and analytical support for exporters, the authors offer their vision of an analytical handbook that allows them to answer all information requests from manufacturers who have decided to enter foreign markets. The authors have developed criteria and requirements that meet the information needs of manufacturers who have decided to enter foreign markets. The proposed structure and requirements for the content of the exporter`s information and analytical handbook are based on the unity of approaches to obtaining information support from Russian manufacturers when entering foreign markets, they are universal in nature and can be used for various countries.
Keywords: concept, export, import, world economy, promotion of goods and services, support for exporters, export support tools Highlights: ♦ the authors have proposed an analytical reference book focused on the search for effective tools that promote and distribute products on world markets; ♦ the author`s development of the "Exporter`s navigator" is the main link in the concept of information and analytical support for information support of domestic producers when entering foreign markets; ♦ the criteria and requirements that meet the information needs of manufacturers who have decided to enter foreign markets are structured, described and analyzed.
Email: ssww28@rambler.ru; samdeloros63@gmail.com
Сведения:Svetlana S. Asanova, Dmitry V. Khilov, Vadim V. Nekrasov - Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia
Forward and reverse integration of leading countries of the world in global value chains and Industry 4.0
Abstract. The research subject is determined by the reconfiguration of global value chains in the form of changes in direct and reverse integration of the world leading countries under the influence of the processes of neo-industrial modernization of their economic systems. Using the techniques of economic and statistical analysis within the framework of evolutionary genetic and systemic approaches, the dynamics of indicators of direct and reverse integration of the leading countries of the world in the context of manufacturing industries for two periods of time, covering the twentieth anniversary of the current century, has been studied. The obtained results are substantiated by the influence of factors of participation of countries and industries in global value chains.
Keywords: global value chains (GVC), integration of countries and industries into GVC, forward integration, reverse integration, Industry 4.0, manufacturing, high-tech industries, reindustrialization Highlights: ♦ the factors are identified and characterized that determine the participation of countries and industries in global value chains; ♦ the analysis of direct and reverse integration of the leading countries of the world in the sector of the manufacturing industry in the GVC was carried out; ♦ identified and substantiated dynamic trends in the development of direct and reverse integration of the economies of the world`s leading countries into GVCs under the growing influence of Industry 4.0 factors.
Сведения:Valery N. Minat - Ryazan State Agrotechnological University named after P.A. Kostychev, Ryazan, Russia
Assessment of the Internet attractiveness of the territory (on the example of the Samara region)
Abstract. The article considers the concept of the attractiveness of the territory and describes its types. The need to increase the attractiveness of the territory in the media space is due to the competitive struggle of territories for resources. And in crisis conditions, this method of promoting territories is the most optimal because of the possibility of wide coverage combined with moderate costs. The paper proposes a methodology for assessing the attractiveness of a territory based on its presentation on the Internet for potential users as a source of first impressions about the territory. A rating scale has been developed with an indication of the amount of points in each direction: website, social networks, specialized Internet resources. From the point of view of the attractiveness that the territory forms, such most popular destinations as tourism, investment and residential were identified. The author is testing the proposed methodology in the municipalities of the Samara region.
Keywords: attractiveness, competitiveness, creative economy, territory, municipality, territory development, marketing tools, media space, authorities, territory marketing Highlights: ♦ a methodology is developed and tested for assessing the Internet attractiveness of the territory on the example of municipalities of the Samara region; ♦ the necessity of increasing the Internet attractiveness of territories as a factor of increasing their competitiveness is substantiated; ♦ the main types of attractiveness of the territory are identified and characterized.
Сведения:Olga V. Kuznetsova - Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia
Innovative potential of the company`s management personnel in modern economic conditions
Abstract. Modern processes taking place intensively in the world economy require national economies to constantly increase their competitiveness. The solution to this problem is impossible without innovations. However, despite a fairly active state policy in the field of innovations, the innovative activity of Russian enterprises remains at an unsatisfactory level. A study of the domestic scientific literature shows that a lot of attention has been paid to the problem of assessing the innovative potential of personnel recently. At the same time, the issues of assessing the innovative potential of managerial personnel have not been studied enough and require further study. This determined the subject and focus of this study. The informational, methodological and theoretical basis of the research consists of works by domestic and foreign specialists in the field of assessing the innovative potential of the company`s personnel. In the course of this research, various methods of scientific cognition were used. The article presents a comparative analysis of the approaches of Russian scientists and specialists to the interpretation of the concept of the innovative potential of the personnel of the enterprise in general and management personnel in particular. The purpose of creation and development of innovative potential of managerial personnel at the enterprise is established. The main structural elements of the innovative potential of managerial personnel are determined. A graphical model of the innovative potential of the management personnel of the enterprise in the form of a three-dimensional figure - cube is proposed. The intersection of the considered elements in this model gives an idea of: the state of the innovative potential of management personnel at each stage of the innovation process; the level of potential provision for each stage of the innovation process; an in-depth detailed description of all elements of the innovative potential of the analyzed enterprise. The present study develops the theoretical basis of the process of formation and development of the potential of managerial personnel of enterprises due to its innovative component. The conclusions and recommendations that have been received can be used to solve the problems of increasing the efficiency of using the potential of the personnel of the enterprise.
Keywords: innovative potential, enterprise management personnel, innovative potential of enterprise personnel, innovative potential of enterprise management personnel Highlights: ♦ the absence of a single view on the essence of the economic category "innovative potential of the management personnel of the enterprise" has been established; ♦ the author`s interpretation of the essence of the economic category "innovative potential of management personnel of the enterprise" is proposed; ♦ a model of the innovative potential of the management personnel of the enterprise is proposed.
Email:ilyaapelsin@gmail.com; palmavik@ya.ru
Сведения:Ilya A. Chebykin, Marina V. Palkina - Vyatka State University, Kirov, Russia
An alternative model for the development of organic agriculture: contract production
Abstract. The study is devoted to the search for an alternative model for the transition to the dynamic development of the production of organic agricultural products. Problem under consideration is a predominantly inertial and spatially heterogeneous development of organic agriculture in Russia. In this regard, there is a need to search for an alternative model for the development of the sector taking into account the balance of interests of participants in the value chains. The purpose of the study is the search for forms of management and ways of their interaction allowing to move to the dynamic development of organic agriculture. To achieve the goal, we analyzed (1) the experience of state support for organic agriculture in the developed and developing countries, (2) the data set of the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), the union of organic farming. The study is based on a synthesis of knowledge about the support of organic agriculture and the most popular models of export-oriented agricultural development. Scientific abstraction is applied in determining the main elements of the organic production development model. The results of the study showed that contract farming is an acceptable form of integration of an agricultural holding with small forms of farming, which should be united in communities. Such communities contribute to strengthening negotiating positions and defending their own interests within the framework of the proposed model. A sufficient condition for the implementation of the model at the initial stage is a favorable institutional environment that can be created by government bodies. At the same time, state support measures can be aimed at stimulating the interaction of economic entities by reducing export barriers to organic food and protecting the interests of small businesses.
Keywords: agro-industrial holding, state, integration, organic agriculture, contract, export Highlights: ♦ possible advantages and disadvantages of the development of organic agriculture based on the contract production are identified; ♦ an alternative model for the development of organic agriculture is presented uniting business entities; ♦ recommendations were given on the development of contract production of organic products, which could be used by government bodies.
Сведения:Denis G. Galkin - Altai State Agricultural University, Barnaul, Russia
Digital maturity as the basis for strategic development and digital transformation of educational organizations
Abstract. Prerequisites and necessary conditions of digital transformation of educational organizations are considered. The role of the digital maturity of the organization is being studied, the level of the achieved digital maturity is being assessed. Based on the analysis, recommendations are made to increase the level of digital maturity of the educational organization. Directions are proposed to improve the strategy of the educational organization in the context of digital transformation to ensure sustainable development. It is concluded that educational organizations need to introduce a set of client services that ensure the success of student`s education based on the use of digital transformation opportunities. The strategic goal of the development of educational organizations is to implement the concept of a client-centric approach to provide a barrier-free environment for higher, secondary and additional education based on digital client services and a transition to management based on the university`s digital twin model and management decisions based on predictive analytics.
Keywords: educational organization, digital maturity, digital transformation, digital services, digital technologies, business processes, management decision support systems Highlights: ♦ the achievement of digital maturity of educational organizations is a necessary condition for the implementation of digital transformation which in turn will ensure a qualitative change in the field of science and education; ♦ the processes of digital transformation impose new requirements to the solution of strategic tasks of the development of educational organizations, the priority is the implementation of the concept of a client-centered approach to ensure a barrier-free environment for obtaining higher, secondary and additional education using digital client services and the transition to management based on the model of a digital twin of the university; ♦ the tool for achieving the strategic objectives of an educational organization is an integrated service for providing a full cycle of training using a single platform approach with the possibility of automating any business processes of educational organizations.
Email:frantasov@mail.ru; balanovskay@mail.ru
Сведения:Dmitry N. Frantasov, Anna V. Balanovskaya - Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia
Modern practice of development of the sphere of physical culture and sports in Russia on the basis of public-private partnership
Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the modern practice of the development of the sphere of physical culture and sports (hereinafter referred to as the sports sphere) in Russia on the basis of public-private partnership (hereinafter referred to as PPP). The paper concludes that there are financial, economic, legal and other problems in ensuring the availability of mass sports in our country, which do not allow to achieve the set indicators of the sports sphere and, accordingly, necessitate the use of PPP in this area. The conclusion on the expediency of involving the partnership in the development of the sports sphere of Russia is supported by a number of objective reasons of a financial, managerial, social and other nature. Separately, emphasis is placed on areas in the sports field, where PPP has a high potential for use, and the importance of implementing complex PPP projects. The analysis of the indicators of PPP in the sports sphere and its state support allowed us to identify the limiting factors constraining the disclosure of the potential of PPP in this area (imperfection of current legislation and law enforcement practice, the lack of uniform standards for the implementation of PPP projects, limited access to financial resources, etc.). Guided by limiting factors, measures have been developed aimed at minimizing / eliminating the negative impact of these factors, in particular, improving the regulatory, methodological, financial, economic and other support for PPP in the sports field based on the analysis of established Russian practice and best foreign experience. A systematic approach has been applied; statistical, historical, logical and other methods. The practical applicability of the work lies in the possibility of their use in making decisions to ensure the progressive development of the sports sphere of Russia with the help of PPP.
Keywords: sports sphere, PPP, state, private investor, project, investment, state support, concession agreement Highlights: ♦ a study of the level of accessibility and funding of the sports sector at the present stage of Russia`s development has been conducted; ♦ the expediency of organizing and developing cooperation in the development of the sports sphere of our country through the implementation of PPP projects is substantiated; ♦ the necessity of implementing complex PPP projects in the sports field is argued taking into account the requirements for the distribution of risks and responsibilities, contributing to achieving a balance of interests of these parties; ♦ an assessment of the current state of PPP in the sports sector is given which made it possible to identify the limiting factors that restrain the disclosure of its potential; ♦ taking into account the limiting factors that restrain the disclosure of the potential of PPP in the sports field, measures are presented aimed at minimizing / eliminating the negative impact of these factors, as well as requirements for the organization of PPP in the sports field, contributing to the implementation of the principles of client-centricity and human-centricity of PPP projects in the sports field.
Сведения:Inna M. Shor - Volgograd State University, Volgograd, Russia
State digital financial control in modern conditions
Abstract. Recently, Russian scientists and experts in the field of practice have devoted their numerous works and speeches to the genesis of the digitalization process in financial and credit organizations. The corresponding regulatory and legislative framework and conceptual apparatus are being formed. In this regard, the purpose of the study is to substantiate the introduction of the category "state digital financial control" into scientific circulation. The work reveals its essence, its distinctive features. The article describes the main problems associated with the implementation of digital financial control in the context of the transition to modern information technologies.
Keywords: digital economy, digital ruble, digital control, tax control, treasury control, state digital financial control, Federal Treasury, Unified Information System in the field of public procurement Highlights: ♦ approaches to the definition of categories of state control and financial control are studied, on the basis of this, the definition of state digital financial control is formulated; ♦ the main problems and directions of development of tax and treasury control in the conditions of digi-talization are defined; ♦ types of violations in the sphere of state digital financial control are revealed.
Сведения:Artem K. Zubkov - Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia
Самарский государственный экономический университет © 2007-2025