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Вестник самарского государственного экономического университета
Vestnik of Samara State University of Economics
2018 №11 (169)
The expediency of a new direction of economic science, which can be identified as a theory of economic security, is substantiated. The various points of view available in the literature on the problems of ensuring economic security are often very contradictory and not holistic, and the conceptual and categorical apparatus of researchers is very unstable. The authors of this article propose to eliminate the noted contradictions based on the use of a conceptual spatial approach, since the subjects of the study can be both economic actors (individuals, enterprises, firms, regions, states) and economic entities (phenomena and processes). At the same time, it is proposed to use the methods of new political economy as the methodological basis of the study, taking into account the multi-directionality, representation and expression of the economic interests of various subjects of economic relations.
Keywords: economic security, methodology of economic science, spatial approach, new political economy, theory of economic security. Highlights: the political and economy analysis of the theory of economic security is carried out; the application of the conceptual spatial approach to the analysis is proposed; the authors use the methods of new political economy as a methodological basis of the study.
Email:tcheckmar@ksu.edu.ru, noskov1962@inbox.ru
Сведения:Vasily V. Chekmarev, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Kostroma State University; Vladimir A. Noskov, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Samara State University of Economics.
The role of artificial intelligence, in particular, robotic systems, is consid-ered in the process of analyzing and forecasting the development of the stock market under the conditions of digitalization of the economic system. It has been proven that modern information technologies allow trading in an auto-mated form, assessing risks and arbitration, which leads to a significant in-crease in market liquidity, as well as increased opportunities for multivariate statistical analysis of the financial market. It justifies the need to improve the use of digital technologies in the financial segment in order to increase its effi-ciency.
Keywords: information, artificial intelligence, liquidity, neural networks, risks, robots, stock market, financial markets, digitalization. Highlights: the modern economy is unthinkable without the availability of complete information. Thousands of companies, millions of taxpayers, stock quotes, share registers - all this diversity of information flows, before decisions are made, require a fairly quick processing, understanding and qualitative assess-ment of the data; it is determined that the model of the financial market of Russia from a mathematical point of view is very changeable. This is due to the relative youth of the domestic market, its high monopolization, dependence on the activities of international investment funds, instability in hydrocarbon prices, the impact of sanctions and the overall volatility of world stock markets; the transition from the traditional trading system to the computerized one in the stock market took place in the last quarter of the twentieth century. The use of artificial intelligence led to the replacement of traditional traders with robotic systems, which led to an increase in the speed of transactions and a decrease in risks; the use of artificial intelligence, in particular neural networks, contributes to a noticeable increase in the level of market liquidity, a sharp decrease in transaction costs, and an increase in the efficiency of stock markets; in the leading sectors of the Russian economy, and above all in the fuel and energy complex, competition and the state-monopoly pricing mechanism are insignificant or completely absent, there are serious barriers and sometimes blocking entry and exit to the market; there is the need to improve the quality of corporate management. Over the past few years, much has been done in Russia to ensure the necessary qual-ity of corporate management. At the same time, in this sphere, Russia lags far behind the world level (according to RBC, among the 30 largest economies in terms of the gross domestic product of the Russian Federation it occupies only 27th place).
Email:mkonoval@mail.ru, 2427994@mail.ru, pisakina83@yandex.ru
Сведения:Mariya Eu. Konovalova, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the De-partment of Economic Theory; Aleksander M. Mikhailov, Doctor of Economics, Professor; Olga Yu. Kuzmina, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor - Samara State University of Economics.
A comprehensive assessment of financial potential of the subject of the Russian Federation is illustrated. Theoretical and methodological foundations that reveal the content of the studied economic category, the key components of regional financial potential and the combination of factors influencing it, as well as the goals and objectives of its assessment are presented. The authors illustrated a detailed analytical justification and assessment of the level of financial potential using the example of the Bryansk region, interpreted the results, and formed recommendations to improve the level of financial potential of the region.
Keywords: financial potential, methodology for assessing the potential of a region, regional economy. Highlights: The assessment of regional financial potential is given using the example of the Bryansk region; the analysis of key components of financial potential of the subject of the Russian Federation is carried out; the results of the assessment of regional financial potential in the context of its key components are interpreted in detail; directions for strengthening the financial potential of the Bryansk region are proposed.
Email:miheenkoov@mail.ru, vika0510@mail.ru
Сведения:Olga V. Mikheenko, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Administration and Finance; Victoria N. Kosyanova, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Administration and Finance - Bryansk State University of Engineering and Technology.
The purpose of this study was to develop a compact, consistent and statistically computable system of energy indicators, allowing you to fully and comprehensively evaluate the energy efficiency of the regional development (a subject of the Russian Federation). Since energy efficiency is presented through the reduction of energy intensity, increase in energy saving and energy security, and is also distributed across the region; when developing a system of energy indicators of the energy efficiency of the regional development was considered both in terms of its main aspects (energy intensity, energy saving, energy security), and in the context of regions (producers and consumers of fuel and energy resources (hereinafter - FER). The latter were considered the fuel and energy complex (hereinafter - FEC) of the region, the real sector of the regional economy (excluding FEC), the sector of non-market services and households. Such systematization of energy indicators allows: evaluating the components of the energy-efficient development by region`s subjects and by aspects of energy efficiency; identifying the fuel and energy sector in the region and evaluating its contribution to the overall energy efficiency of the regional development in all its aspects; evaluating aspects of the energy-efficiency of the regional development from the point of view of the main consumers of fuel and energy resources. In forming the energy indicators system, domestic and foreign experience was used to comprehensively evaluate the energy efficiency, as well as Russian regulatory documents (GOSTs, orders, federal laws). The developed system of energy indicators may also be useful in describing the target state of the subject of the Russian Federation from the point of view of the energy efficiency within the framework of the regional socio-economic development strategy.
Keywords: energy efficient development of the region, energy intensity, energy security, energy saving, energy indicators. Highlights: for the formation of goals and objectives of the energy-efficient development of the subject of the Russian Federation, a system of energy indicators is needed, which would allow evaluating the level of the energy efficiency in the regional development; the existing systems for evaluating the energy-efficiency of the regional development are not perfect, the indicators are not balanced among themselves, to calculate most of them, an inaccessible system of statistical data is required, there is no unified approach to evaluating the energy efficiency of the subjects of the Russian Federation; the advantages of the developed system of energy indicators for a comprehensive evaluation of the level of the energy efficiency in the regional development (the subject of the Russian Federation) are compactness, balance and statistical computability; the proposed system of indicators makes it possible to evaluate the energy efficiency of the regional development, both in terms of its main aspects (energy intensity, energy saving, energy security), and in the context of regional actors - producers and consumers of fuel and energy resources.
Email: tva82@yandex.ru, NaugolnovaIA@mail.ru
Сведения:Vladimir A. Tsybatov, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Regional Economics and Management; Irina A. Naugolnova, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics, Organization and Strategy of Enterprise Development - Samara State University of Economics.
The reserves for increasing the production of enterprises of the private business sector are considered on the basis of engaging in a wide economic turnover the innovative production capabilities of the branches of the military-industrial complex (MIC), with a corresponding reciprocal transfer of prospective research and development. The purpose of the study is to identify the features of the growth of high-tech industries, which are found at the junction of private-business structures’ activities in the production of consumer goods and defense industries, which remain public. An important condition for further technical development of entrepreneurial structures in industry is to ensure military-civil integration (MCI) with the consistent diversification of high-tech equipment of defense industries in accordance with the peculiarities of the production of technically complex civilian products. Structural and morphological analysis of the studied phenomena, methods of technological foresight, international comparisons and meaningful economic interpretation of MCI processes in the digital economy were used. As a result, the directions of technical development of enterprises in the private sector of the country have been formed through the implementation of MCI mechanisms taking into account the possibility of active joint commercialization of R & D results, the creation of new competitive products and services, and their promotion to new markets. A model for the combined military-civil integration with the subsequent formation of growth points in production facilities and the development of defense enterprises during the transition to the production of consumer goods created on an entrepreneurial basis in the competitive market for the consumer sector of the economy is proposed.
Keywords: entrepreneurship, civil-military integration, technology transfer, innovation, high-tech manufacturing, commercialization, digitalization, growth points. Highlights: At present, the paradigm of development of production systems is being transformed around the world: models of gradual, incremental improvement of traditional technologies and methods of industrial production are being replaced by fundamentally new, super-efficient solutions based on extensive digitalization of socio-economic processes of production, distribution, exchange and consumption; under these conditions, the domestic industry, which has missed several cycles of modernization during the transition to market-based business methods, has the opportunity to immediately jump to the production on a digital basis, entering the number of developed economic systems according to the “overtake, not overtaking” model. Thanks to the development of the Internet, info-communication technologies, sociality, even traditional industries achieved an acceptable level of digitalization, allowing the creation of digital twins of existing production lines; an important condition for the transition to digital production is the development of high-tech entrepreneurship with the involvement of innovative production solutions from the defense industry, whose support for models of military-civil integration, organized in accordance with the characteristics of the national economy, is always a priority for a sovereign state.
Email:oisrpp@mail.ru, dmms7@rambler.ru
Сведения:Aleksey V. Streltsov, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Economics, Organization and Development Strategy of the Enterprise; Gennady I. Yakovlev, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Economics, Organization and Development Strategy of the Enterprise - Samara State University of Economics.
The risk management system is the basis for planning and monitoring the continuous operation of the economic entity, to ensure its economic security. A characteristic feature of the activity of the economic entity in modern geopolitical conditions is the constant real-time monitoring of risks and threats arising from the uncertainty of the external environment, in particular risks associated with the environmental and social threats to the company`s economic security. The creation of the effective system of identification and risk management in the economic security implies the solution of a number of organizational and methodological issues discussed in this article. The objectives of the study are to systematize the approaches to the formation of the environmental, social, and managerial risk management system within the framework of ensuring the economic security of the economic entity and developing the organizational structure of the environmental and social risk management system. In the present work, general scientific methods of cognition were used: a systematic approach, a logical generalization, analysis, synthesis, and a hypothesis. As a result, problems of formation of the environmental, social and management risks of the economic entity are identified. It is proved that the disclosure of information about environmental and social risks in corporate reporting affects in the long term the decisions of investors. An approach aimed at integrating the management of risks into the corporate risk management system of the economic entity is proposed. Environmental, social and management risks are an important factor in business development, giving the company great opportunities to increase the efficiency of its operations. Managing risks helps companies in all stages of the value chain from reducing costs to gaining competitive advantage in the market. The task of managing environmental, social and managerial risks is becoming increasingly important for economic actors in the light of rising expectations from shareholders, regulators, local communities and other stakeholders. To optimize the process of implementing the environmental, social and management risk management system, it is advisable to use the proposed organizational structure, processes and tools for monitoring the management of these risks.
Keywords: risk, risk appetite, risk management policy, economic security. Highlights: the authors systematize the approaches and conditions for the formation of the environmental, social and management risks management system in the contour of ensuring the economic security of the economic entity; it was proved that the disclosure of information on environmental and social risks in corporate reporting affects the decisions of investors in the long term, identifies key characteristics of the risks disclosed in integrated corporate reporting; the authors identify and systematize groups of social and environmental risks that have a significant impact on the strategy of the company, as well as measures taken to manage these risks in the contour of economic security; the organizational structure of the environmental and social risk management system is justified and the processes for risk management are highlighted; the authors propose a tool for monitoring the implementation of the risk management system; the authors propose an approach aimed at integrating the management of risks in the corporate risk management system.
Email:korneeva2004@bk.ru, svetkinairina@yandex.ru, dhrsseu@gmail.com, piskunov-va@mail.ru
Сведения:Tatyana A. Korneeva, Doctor of Economics, Professor; Irina A. Svetkina, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor; Elena S. Morozova, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor; Vladimir A. Piskunov, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Auditing - Samara State University of Economics.
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