The main foreign and domestic concepts of defining glocalization and their correlation with the notion of globalization are given, examples of the economic definition of glocalization are given, parameters for studying globalization in the economic sphere are derived.
Keywords: glocalization, globalization, glocal marketing.
glocalization does not oppose globalization, but is a concomitant process of the penetration of global trends into local practices and, conversely, the acceptance of local characteristics by local actors (societies, states, enterprises).
glocalization in the economic sphere can be defined as a mixture of local and global characteristics within the economic activities of states, regions, local enterprises and transnational corporations;
parameters of globalization in the economic sphere can be: adaptation of international economic practices by local enterprises to enter the international market; change in the output of international corporations to meet the demand of local markets; the application of international experience of economic reforms in the state or regional economy.
The analysis of intellectual potential of the Russian Federation and the leading countries of the world in 2016 is considered. The indicators – «the number of applications for patents», «the number of patents for inventions granted», and «the number of applications for 1 million people» have been considered and shown that such countries as Switzerland, the Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Japan have been in the top10 countries. Russia in this indicator also occupies leading positions, - 7th place after Germany. The rating of countries and organizations by the number of patent applications is presented. It was revealed that more than 85% of all international applications were from the commercial sector, followed by individuals, universities and the public sector. The leading companies in the ranking of the leading PCT applicants in 2016 were international telecommunications companies «ZTE Corporation» and Huawei Technologies. At the same time, seven of the top ten applicants were from Asia. The Swedish company Ericsson (11th in the rating) took the highest position among European companies. For a comprehensive assessment of intellectual potential, the use of the country`s intellectual potential index is suggested, which takes into account all aspects of intellectual potential: human, organizational and consumer (image). This will take into account the educational component, the technical side (patents for inventions) and commercial (trademarks) one. It is justified that assessment is not the goal, it is one of the stages of commercialization of intellectual property items. The scheme of commercialization of intellectual property items is developed and graphically presented in connection with assessment of intellectual potential and the actual result.
Keywords: intellectual property items, intellectual potential, commercialization of intellectual property items, intellectual potential index of the country.
the analysis of intellectual potential of the leading countries of the world in 2016 showed high quantitative indicators of filing applications for international patents for inventions;
the Russian Federation, despite the decrease in the number of applications and patents granted in 2016, held the leading position in terms of the number of applications for 1 million people (7th place after Germany);
the rating of countries and organizations by the number of patent applications showed that seven organizations out of the top ten applicants were from Asia, three were from the United States. More than 85% of all international applications were the commercial sector, leading companies in the ranking of leading applicants in 2016 were the telecommunications companies «ZTE Corporation» and Huawei Technologies;
for a comprehensive assessment of intellectual potential, it is proposed to use the country`s intellectual potential index, which includes the following indicators: the proportion of the population with a higher education; the number of issued patents for inventions per 1 million of the population; the number of certificates for a trademark per 1 million of the population valid at the time of the assessment;
assessment of intellectual potential is an important stage while commercializing intellectual property. The scheme of the commercialization process presented in the study, based on the full consideration and evaluation of both potential opportunities (at the input) and actual results (at the output), will make it possible to turn intellectual property items into a powerful tool of the country`s innovative development.
Svetlana V. Domnina, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Professor of Land Management and Cadastre Department, Samara State University of Economics; Svetlana Y. Salynina, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Management and Economics of Culture Department, Samara State Institute of Culture.
Low quality of life of the population and low rates of regions development suggest the need to find their potential drivers of growth. It is shown that some instruments of the state economic policy, for example, regulating accrual of depreciation, are institutional traps: they reduce the flow of taxes to the budget, but do not lead to the renovation of fixed assets.
Keywords: economic development, assets, Teyla index, inequality, institutions, infrastructure, financial management, risks.
Goal. Identify opportunities and risks of the regions by capitalizing existing assets.
Tasks. Propose a methodology for analyzing the implementation of regional capacity; give a quantitative assessment of the influence of macro- and micro-level factors; show the possibility of establishing risks through the dynamics of potential factors; determine the contours of economic policies aimed at achieving regional security.
Methodology. General methods of scientific knowledge are used in the work. The evaluation of factors is based on the entropic approach, which, unlike standard factor analysis, allows obtaining not only quantitative measures, but also meaningful ones. Taking into account high uncertainty and differentiation of ongoing processes and phenomena, the choice of the entropy approach to economic security research seems justified.
Results. To eliminate the existing disparity in the spatial development of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to improve the institutional structure of the country, primarily formal institutions - a weak regulatory and legal framework. At the same time, it is required to ensure not only a qualitative growth of production and economic activity, but also a certain correlation between qualitative and quantitative indicators.
Conclusions. The sustainable development of the regions is determined by factors of both macro- and microlevels. The difference in the significance of these factors from the point of view of ensuring economic security will improve the effectiveness of policies pursued by the state or by individual economic entities.
the realization of the region`s economic potential is aimed at achieving its sustainable and safe development;
the entropy approach allows obtaining a quantitative and meaningful assessment of factors and risks while realizing the regional potential;
the difference in the importance of macro- and micro-level factors will enhance the effectiveness of the policy in the field of ensuring economic security of the regions.
The issues of the value proposition of a small city for its inhabitants are considered. The high importance of sustainable interaction with local residents is theoretically justified on the basis of the value proposition of the territory. Particular attention is paid to the study of the value proposition of small cities in the Vladimir, Tula regions and Perm Krai. Based on the open data presented on official Internet portals, using the dialectical cognition method of economic and social processes, the method of system analysis, the comparative method, key factors in the formation of the small city perception by its residents and their satisfaction are determined. The system of value preferences of residents in the studied territories has been formed, which should be used as a basis for systematic program planning to improve the social and economic situation in small cities.
Keywords: territorial marketing, small cities, city brand, tourist attraction, sustainable development, relationship marketing, value proposition, network interaction, Russia.
the key role of inhabitants of small cities, their interests and values, which must be taken into account while improving the quality of municipal management, is revealed;
the negative tendencies on decrease in a population of small cities which are the basic stakeholders of material goods and services are investigated;
the need to develop a marketing strategy for the development of small cities on the basis of studies revealing the value preferences of the local population is justified;
a system of values is described that should be put in the basis of improving the quality of the social and economic space of small cities,
the main problems of implementing values in practice are described, which are connected with the level of social and economic development of small cities, with initiatives of administrations.
Marina Yu. Sheresheva, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Applied Institutional Economics Department, Director of the Center for Network Economics Studies, Laboratory of Institutional Analysis of the Faculty of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University; Matvey S. Oborin, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor of Economic Analysis and Statistics Department, Perm Institute (branch) of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Professor of World and Regional Economics, Economic Theory Department, Perm State National Research University; Svetlana M. Berezka, Marketing Director of the Center for Research in Network Economics of Lomonosov Moscow State University
The domestic and world market of the iron ore industry has been analyzed, its main players and growth points have been determined. The problems facing the iron ore industry are outlined and ways of their solution based on geoeconomic zoning as an integral element of the geoeconomic monitoring system are suggested. As methods of research the author suggest using the system analysis of subsoil management, factor analysis, cluster approach, methods of mapping and economic grouping of objects and graph method. The result of the analysis is the determination of three metallurgical bases on the territory of the Russian Federation: the Ural, Central and Siberian with the definition of the main sources of their mineral and raw materials potential.
Keywords: mineral resource base, geological and economic monitoring, economic security, campanile industry, mineral and raw materials potential, metallurgical enterprises, geo-economic zoning, metallurgical base.
in the location of ferrous metallurgy enterprises of the full cycle, the leading role is played by the availability of sources of basic and auxiliary raw materials, fuel, electricity, and the location of the main consumers of metal products;
The conducted analysis allowed determining the problems of the metallurgical sector in the state economy, including those related to the irrational location of the main metallurgical bases and consumers;
to solve the identified problems, it is proposed to apply geoeconomic zoning on the level of mineral and raw materials potential in the framework of the implementation of the author`s methodology for implementing a comprehensive information and analytical system for geological and economic monitoring.
The effectiveness of demographic policy measures in the last decade of the 21st century is considered. It is shown that indicators, outlined by the "Concept of the demographic policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025" for the 1st stage, i.e. for 2015, are gained pre-schedule and Russia withdrew from the depopulation regime at the beginning of the second decade. At the same time, the study reveals that the demographic situation will worsen since 2017, as a result of the demographic wave created in the 1980s of the last century. It will reduce the number of the reproductive population, the number of the able-bodied population and, conversely, will increase the number of the elderly, etc.
Keywords: depopulation, fertility, mortality, migration, demographic wave, reproductive age, life expectancy, total fertility rate.
in Russia the second stage of depopulation begins from the middle of the second decade of the 21st century. The special feature of the new stage is the reduction in the birth rate, due mainly to a decrease in the number of women in reproductive age. These are the consequences of the demographic wave created in the 80-90s of the XX century;
the demographic wave will lead to a reduction in the number of people of working age, there will be a further aging of the population, which will create limitations in the formation of labour structures, and the demographic burden on people of working age will increase. One should not underestimate the geopolitical consequences of the oncoming demographic development;
the demographic dynamics in Russia will be significantly affected by the reduction of the migration potential in the states formed in the post-Soviet space after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Vyacheslav V. Lokosov, Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor, Director of the Institute of Social and Economic Problems of Population, the Russian Academy of Sciences; Leonid L. Rybakovsky, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Chief Scientific Officer, Institute for Social and Political Studies, the Russian Academy of Sciences; Oleg L. Rybakovsky, Doctor of Economics, Head of the Department of Demography of the Institute of Social and Economic Problems of Population, the Russian Academy of Sciences; Gabibulla R. Khasayev Gabibulla, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Rector of Samara State University of Economics.
The essential characteristics and features of business intelligence technology as an information phenomenon, its methodological characteristics, as well as areas of economic analysis as a sphere of integration of this technology allow asserting that projects in the field of implementing business intelligence (BI) in the analysis of economic information and financial, accounting and statistical reporting organizations have their unconditional specificity both in functional and organizational terms. Based on the comparative analysis of various BI solutions, the thesis has been formulated and substantiated that standard projects for the implementation of these solutions are associated with a group of risks, which requires a comprehensive justification for the implementation of the informatization project, including from the position of management in general. The analysis of theoretical and methodological sources in the work allows determining the scheme for implementing the project BI solution in the sphere of economic analysis based on the study of the methodology of standard solutions in this area and corporate practice as a search for a compromise between aspects that can be conditionally indicated by questions: "What?","When?","How much? ","What?", "Why? " i. e. between purpose, time and cost, performer, tools and technology. The theoretical and practical significance of this research is that the findings will update the current research on possibilities of applying modern information systems in the analysis of economic information obtained from the official reporting of organizations and the use of these systems for making managerial decisions.
Keywords: analysis of economic information, organization reporting, business intelligence, modern information technologies, project management.
the definition of a specific scheme for the implementation of the project BI solution in the sphere of economic analysis always implies a compromise between the purpose, timing and cost, the executor, tools and technology;
among the leading manufacturers of information solutions on the domestic market, few at the moment can offer a carefully developed and adapted to Russian conditions methodological support for the implementation of BI in economic analysis, which actualizes the development of corporate methods in this area;
in order to avoid typical and most common mistakes in the organizational and functional plan when implementing the project BI solution in economic analysis, it is necessary to apply the integrated approach that develops individual simple processes and tasks within the project with the subsequent consolidation.
The article is devoted to research of tendencies in the field of human development in the regions of the Russian Federation. At present, the main priority in the transition to the innovative development path is the human potential development in the subjects of the Russian Federation. The relevance of the study is due to the need to apply a statistical approach to assess the relationship between the components of the human development index at the regional level and to identify qualitative differences in the level of human development in the regions (subjects) of the Russian Federation. The aim of the work is to compare the quality of the human development level in the regions based on the adaptation of the measurement approach applied at the level of intercountry comparisons. The systemic and complex approach, index method, ranking method and typological grouping are applied. The originality and practical significance of the study determines the relationship between the components of the human development index in the regions and identifies differences in the level of human development between the subjects of the Russian Federation. The results obtained can be the basis for the development of federal and territorial programs, as well as the basis for implementing managerial decisions in the area of social and economic development of the regions.
Keywords: life expectancy index, living standard index, education index, human development index.
the measurement of the human development index, which is an integral assessment of education, activity and quality of life at the level of the subjects of the Russian Federation, has been implemented;
the subjects of the Russian Federation on the human development index and its components have been ranked;
three blocks of the subjects are distinguished, differing in the quality of the human development level.
In October 17-20, 2017 the IV International Conference "Innovative approaches to ensure sustainable development of social, ecological and economic systems" was held on the basis of Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla, with the participation of Samara State University of Economics, the Institute of Ecology of the Volga Basin of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Togliatti), the UNESCO Chair "Study and preservation of the biodiversity of the Volga Basin ecosystems" at the Institute of Biology, RAS, the Institute for Sustainable Development of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation , the Center for Environmental Policy and Culture of the Russian Federation, the State Assembly of Kurultai of the Republic of Bashkortostan, the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan, the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resource Usage of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Bashkortostan, South Ural State Nature Reserve, the Administration of the city of Ufa, Bashkir and Samara branch of the Russian Geographical Society.
Summarizing the results of the IV International Conference "Innovative approaches to ensure sustainable development of social, ecological and economic systems," one should note the high scientific and practical level, good organization (primarily due to Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla), the feasibility of holding the next V Anniversary Conference in the same format. Scientific event - IV International Conference - with the participation of a wide range of teachers, scientists, researchers, officials, leaders and entrepreneurs from the Republic of Bashkortostan, and from the regions of Russia and the near abroad, helped to attract environmentalists` attention to sustainable development issues, greater understanding of the importance of incorporating environmental aspects when making decisions in the sphere of ensuring sustainable development of social, ecological and economic systems.
Gleb A. Zaytsev, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Ufa Institute of Biology RAS, Ufa; Galina E. Kudinova, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor, the Institute of Ecology of the Volga Basin of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Togliatti; Andrey A. Kulagin, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla, Ufa Institute of Biology RAS, Ufa. E-mail:; Anastasia G. Rosenberg, Candidate of Biological Sciences, the Institute of Ecology of the Volga Basin of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Togliatti; Oksana V. Serova, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmullah, Ufa.