The authors analyze the innovation and adapted gross domestic product, which is adjusted by determination of depletion of natural resources and determination of environmental damage.
Keywords: innovative development, innovation and adapted gross domestic product, potential, production efficiency.
Marina V. Chebykina, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Head of Commerce and Marketing Department; Natalia A. Rusakova, a senior lecturer. - Samara Institute (branch) of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics.
The article illustrates the issues of agro-industrial complex of the Sverdlovsk region and Yekaterinburg, including ensuring food security in the region, lack of financial resources, necessary equipment, qualified personnel, as well as the storage infrastructure and its own raw materials. The study is based on the analysis of the legal framework, data from open sources. It presents a number of recommendations for improving the mechanisms to stimulate agricultural production through the development of integration processes, the active marketing policy and other methods.
Keywords: agriculture, agribusiness, the Sverdlovsk region, Yekaterinburg, food safety, sales, marketing.
Dmitri A. Karkh, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Vice-chancellor for Scientific Work; Venera M. Gayanova, Candidate of Economics; Zoya O. Fadeeva, Candidate of Economics; Vladislav N. Churkin, a student. - Ural State University of Economics, Sverdlovsk.
The article illustrates the concept of green production, substantiates the thesis on the effectiveness of green production at the regional level, and represents a comparative analysis of direct and indirect instruments of regional green production.
Keywords: green production, negative man-made effects on the environment, environmental damage, direct and indirect tools of green production, ecological and economic zoning, production integration.
Natalia V. Shekhova, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of Construction Economics and Property Department. - Samara State Architecture and Construction University.
Using the tools of intelligent analysis the authors analyze the structure of income and expenditure of the household sector. The authors allocate the regional clusters, and it is appropriate to prepare the adoption of targeted solutions for adjusting transfers to households.
Keywords: household, distribution of income and expenditure, mining algorithms, regional clusters.
Elena A. Makarova, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. - Ufa State Technical University; Olga Eu. Malykh, Doctor of Economics, Professor, deputy of scientific research work of Bashkir Institute of Social Technologies (branch) "ATIS"; Inga K. Polyanskaya, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor, Dean of Finance and Economics Faculty. - Bashkir Institute of Social Technologies (branch) "ATIS".
The article represents the issue of education quality management in the context of convergence, which is the main factor in the formation of modern innovations. As examples of the convergence the authors analyze merging universities and convergence requirements of the educational and professional standards. To improve the management quality of higher education and implement the competence approach the authors suggest the linear structural equation modeling.
Keywords: education quality management, convergence, educational standards, professional standards, structural equation modeling.
Viktor I. Zvonnikov, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Director of Education Quality Management Department; Marina B. Chelyshkova, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, deputy of Education Quality Management Department. - State University of Management, Moscow.
The authors analyze the issues of state natural resource management. It is determined that it is based on the organizational and economic mechanisms and tools. The article represents the concepts and characteristics of the basic mechanisms of natural resources and shows the relationship and possibility, of using these instruments in relation to environmental and organic marketing.
Keywords: management, economic mechanism, natural resource management, rights, management, marketing.
Galina V. Astratova, Doctor of Economics, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor, Director of the Institute for the Quality of Life. - Ural State Forestry University, Yekaterinburg; Olga A. Rushitskaya Olga, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor, Head of Management and Economics Department, director of the Institute of Economics, Finance and Management. - Ural State Agricultural University, Yekaterinburg.
The authors consider innovative approaches to operational and strategic planning in controlling of industrial enterprises, as well as algorithms to calculate the physical method of technical and economic indicators of industrial enterprises.
Keywords: innovative management system, controlling, innovation controlling, industrial enterprises.
Tatiana N. Shatalova, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of World Economy and Management Department; Tatiana V. Zhirnova, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor - Samara Institute (branch) of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics.
The authors analyze the current state of taxation on securities transactions, and identify the existing problems in this area. The article represents the possible options for improving the taxation of these transactions.
Keywords: securities, securities transactions, securities market, stock market, taxation.
Valeria B. Rodicheva, a post-graduate student; Natalia N. Mokeeva, Candi-date of Economics, Associate Professor - Ural Federal University named after the first Russian President Boris Yeltsin.
The article illustrates specific features of performance to assess the structural units of the economic entity. The author represents the method to assess the accounting department using a balanced scorecard.
Keywords: balanced scorecard, key performance indicators (KPI), effectiveness, efficiency, reliability of financial reporting, accounting service.
The authors consider the problems of creating a system of internal controls, the stages of its formation. The authors analyze the types of internal controls. Special attention is paid to key aspects of effective implementation and operation of internal control.
Keywords: internal control system, preliminary, current and subsequent control, standardization of internal control system, optimization of the internal control system, computerization of the internal control system.
The author analyzes public administration and highlights the necessity of focusing on civil service workers, on the study of their values and motives. Special attention is paid to the importance of working with the staff as a factor of the region’s economic development.
Keywords: innovations, economic development, region, structural changes, human resources management.
The article illustrates the efficiency of administrative work and methodological approaches to its assessment. The author represents the need to assess the performance system of heads of medical institutions, taking into account additional criteria.
Keywords: managerial personnel, medical organization, assessment.
The author analyzes the hypothesis about the influence of specific human capital on the choice of institutional regulation forms of labor relations. The article represents the distribution features of the quasi-rent generated by specific human capital, and studies the mechanisms to protect specific investments in human capital.
Keywords: labor market, human capital, investment in human capital, specific human capital, quasi-rent, labor contract, fixed-term employment contract, civil contract.