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Вестник самарского государственного экономического университета
Vestnik of Samara State University of Economics
2021 №12 (206)
Theoretical and methodological foundations for studying the financial and economic stability of the work of Russian enterprises
Abstract. The article examines the essence of financial and economic stability of industrial enterprises and the main provisions of its assessment. The relevance of this issue in market conditions is undeniable. A stable enterprise is an enterprise that operates continuously, capable of resisting environmental disturbances without signs of loss of liquidity (solvency) in the foreseeable future. This state leads to the functioning of the enterprise in a stable and dynamic equilibrium with its operating environment. To maintain its financial and economic stability, an organization must have an effective self-monitoring (warning) system that would detect signals of deviations from accepted standards early enough (including the necessary level of financial stability) to take appropriate measures. Only in this case, the company`s activities will be based on a solid foundation, which will ensure sustainable growth. This determined the focus of this study, the main task of which is to find out the essence of financial and economic stability, features and criteria for its assessment. Scientific novelty of the research results: the author`s understanding of the essence of the term "financial and economic stability" is given, its difference from the definitions already existing in the economic literature is investigated. It should be noted that the interpretation of financial and economic stability proposed by the author is not trivial (the concepts of financial or economic stability are more common in the literature). Special attention in the article is paid to the system of self-control, which allows timely identification of signs of instability of the enterprise and eliminate them, which is a measure of the success of the work of the management personnel of the enterprise.
Keywords: financial and economic stability, financial condition, stability, stability evaluation indicators Highlights: ♦ the essence and the content of financial and economic stability is explored, as well as its relationship with the sustainability of the enterprise; ♦ the main approaches to assessing financial and economic stability are identified; ♦ the main directions for strengthening the stability of enterprises in market conditions are determined.
Сведения:Elena M. Pimenova, Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia
Republican budget expenditures and their social efficiency in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Abstract. Budget expenditures represent the expenditure obligations of the government in monetary form, financed by the budgets of the budgetary system and effectively used for established purposes, corresponding to the functions and tasks of the state. The redistributive function of budget expenditures is an inevitable consequence of the failures of the market economy. The stabilization function of budget expenditures is realized in the process of directing them to investments in fixed assets. The state purchases of raw materials, materials, equipment, technologies, as well as the creation of jobs associated with the investment expenditures of the budget allow achieving the goals of macroeconomic and social equilibrium. Budget expenditures play a certain role in the process of indirect impact on business, performing a regulatory function. In order to effectively perform the redistributive, stabilization and regulatory functions of budget expenditures, the government is required to develop effective mechanisms for their financing, a system of current and subsequent financial control over the targeted and effective use of budget funds. The predominant share of expenditures in Kazakhstan falls on the republican budget. Republican budget expenditures are characterized by positive dynamics. The structure is dominated by social security spending. In such areas of expenditure as healthcare, agriculture and law enforcement, the quality (result) of public services is not determined by the dynamics of budget expenditures.
Keywords: budget expenditures, functions of budget expenditures, expenditures of the republican budget of Kazakhstan Highlights: ♦ budget expenditures, performing redistributive, stabilization and regulatory functions, are the most important factor of positive economic dynamics and social equilibrium; ♦ in order to effectively perform the redistributive, stabilization and regulatory functions of budget expenditures, the government is required to develop effective mechanisms for their financing, a system of current and subsequent financial control over the targeted and effective use of budget funds; ♦ the hypothesis that the quality (result) of public services is directly proportional to the dynamics of the corresponding budget expenditures in Kazakhstan has not been confirmed.
Сведения:Samal A. Mashanova, West Kazakhstan University of Innovation and Technology, Uralsk, Republic of Kazakhstan
Marketing and sustainable development of small towns of the Republic of Tatarstan
Abstract. Based on the analysis of the approaches of various researchers to the interpretation of the concept of "sustainable development", the article concludes that, speaking about the sustainable development of territories, it is necessary to consider first of all two basic aspects: the requirement of environmental and socio-economic sustainability. Speaking about the marketing aspects of sustainable urban development, the authors of the article propose an algorithm for studying various components of the development of the territory and a reasonable choice of its development strategy. According to this algorithm, the article analyzes such cities of the Republic of Tatarstan as Almetyevsk, Bolgar, Nizhnekamsk. The results of the analysis show that for the selected research objects it is necessary, first of all, to pay attention to the implementation of the infrastructure marketing strategy. This will create comfortable conditions for city residents and attract tourists and workers to increase the competitiveness and efficiency of the use of mountain resources. The issue of the development of small towns in Russia is especially relevant in the current epidemiological situation, since in conditions of limited tourist destinations, Russians are looking for new, unique and interesting options for organizing recreation.
Keywords: sustainable development, marketing of territories, small towns, sustainable development goals Highlights: ♦ the basic foundations of the sustainable development of the region are the formation of environmental and socio-economic sustainability; ♦ the main strategy for the development of the territories of small towns is the infrastructure strategy, which is aimed at stimulating economic, cultural and creative potential; ♦ the selection of a regional development strategy is preceded by the collection of an analytical base characterizing various aspects of the region`s life.
Email:a-beloborodova@mail.ru, roman.palyakin@yandex.ru, anna88-19@mail.ru
Сведения:Anastasiia L. Beloborodova, Roman B. Palyakin, Anna V. Shafigullina, Institute of Management, Economics and Finance of Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Kazan, Russia
ESG-transformation of urban development models
Abstract. The article substantiates the necessity and considers one of the possible approaches for the transformation of modern models of urban development based on ESG principles. The method of identification of implemented models of urban development and the results of its testing on the example of urban districts of the Volga-Ural macro-region is presented. The content of the ESG principles is disclosed and the author`s concept of the ESG model of the city is outlined, for which the prerequisites and limitations of practical implementation are formulated.
Keywords: ESG transformation, ESG principles, ESG city model, city, urban development model, strategic planning, sustainable development, sustainability, region Highlights: ♦ the method of identification of urban development models implemented in strategies has been developed and tested on the example of urban districts of individual regions - subjects of the Volga-Ural macrore-gion; ♦ the content of ESG principles regarding the possible transformation of urban development models is disclosed; ♦ the concept of the ESG model of the city has been developed, for each of the three components of which (ecology, social development, management) the characteristics of the main components (principles, indicators, directions of implementation) are given; prerequisites and limitations of the practical implementation of the ESG model of urban development are formulated.
Email:korol388@mail.ru, meleshkina.sofia@gmail.com
Сведения:Elena N. Koroleva, Sofia I. Meleshkina, Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia
The mechanism for harmonizing trade and industrial policy and economic security of the state
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to consider the structure of the mechanism for harmonization of trade and industrial policy and to determine the relationship of its result - harmony in trade and industrial policy with economic security. Also, attention is paid to determining the relationship between the consistency of individual areas of economic policy and, as a consequence, the consistency of economic policy in general and economic security. To achieve the goal of the study, approaches to the definition of the terms "economic security", "economic policy", "harmony", "harmonization" were considered. The elements of the mechanism of harmonization of commercial and industrial policy, including the subjects of commercial and industrial policy in the broad and narrow senses, are considered. The main qualitative characteristics of achieving harmony between the subjects of trade and industrial policy are determined. The interests of the subjects are indicated, including the problem of the discrepancy between the declared interests and the actual ones, which is a possible reason for the lack of harmony between the subjects of trade and industrial policy. Within the framework of this study, the issue of the need to achieve harmony between the objects of trade and industrial policy will also be raised. It is noted that the achievement of a state of harmony between the objects of trade and industrial policy can cause an increase in the burden on public finances, which predetermines the need to search for alternative sources of public funding. The results of the study are original, they expand the theory of harmonization of trade and industrial policy, as they focus on those of its provisions that have not been previously studied in detail.
Keywords: commercial and industrial policy, harmonization, mechanism, economic security of the state, economic development Highlights: ♦ the relationship between economic security and the mechanism for harmonizing trade and industrial policy was determined; ♦ the main elements of the mechanism for harmonization of trade and industrial policy are investigated; ♦ the main problematic aspects of achieving harmony between individual elements of the mechanism for harmonizing trade and industrial policy are identified.
Сведения:Ilya F. Bogatyrev, Nizhny Novgorod Institute of Management, a branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Formation of a project-office management system in a modern organization
Abstract. The ongoing socio-economic changes dictate new requirements for the activities of organizations. To meet these requirements and maintain the competitiveness of organizations, internal management changes are needed, which are expressed in the construction of management systems that meet the current tasks of the organization. Almost all economic entities have recognized the effectiveness of the use of project management. According to the world statistics, the use of project management on average up to 20% reduces the time and financial costs of implementing the plan. The development of project-oriented management leads to the complication of organizational structures - new organizational solutions for the conduct of project-oriented activities appear. One of such manifestations is the introduction of a project office and, as a result, the formation of a project-office management system, which is considered in the article. This issue is poorly illuminated in modern literature and requires further study. The main purpose of the research was to consider the organizational aspects of the implementation of the project-office management system, and as a result - the development of a model (algorithm) for the implementation of the project-office management system of a modern organization. One of the key issues discussed in the article is determining the functionality of the project office, determining the location of the project office in the organizational structure and building appropriate channels of interaction, determining the number of employees of the project office in the implementation of the project office management system.
Keywords: project office, project-oriented activity, organizational changes, level of project maturity, functional responsibilities, management system, competencies, project team, corporate project portfolio Highlights: ♦ the analysis of project activities proved the need to implement a project-office management system that provides more efficient and coordinated project management in organizations; ♦ based on the analyzed best domestic and international practices, a model (algorithm) for the implementation of a project-office management system in an organization has been developed; ♦ the functional responsibilities of the project office in the implementation of the project-office management system are defined; ♦ a model has been developed for determining the number of project office employees depending on the projects being implemented and the scope of responsibilities performed by the project office.
Сведения:Artem G. Geokchakyan, State University of Management, Moscow, Russia
Model of a system of internal quality control of medical services
Abstract. The article reveals principles of building an internal quality control system as applied to the medical services sector. The key areas of modeling have been identified, on the basis of which a standardized, step-by-step system for building an internal quality control system in a medical organization has been developed. To date, modeling methods are widely used in management activities and contributes to the achievement of a more rapid formation of target results of the organization`s activities in all sectors of the national economy, including in medical institutions. The relevance is justified by the fact that today there is no adapted universal model. The results of the study are of interest for both the heads of medical institutions and for the authorities in the field of health care.
Keywords: modeling of the internal quality control system, quality of medical services, standardization of medical activities, process approach, stages of implementation of the internal quality control system Highlights: ♦ the reasons for the reduced interest in the use of management tools in the field of healthcare are considered; ♦ the basic principles of building a model of the internal quality control system of medical services are disclosed; ♦ the stages of building an internal quality control system in medical organizations are defined.
Сведения:Evgeniya A. Titenko, Galina E. Mekush, Kemerovo State University, Kemerovo, Russia
Structural elements of the system for ensuring the security of the national economy
Abstract. Ensuring the economic security is a necessary component of the existence of any state. Recently, this topic has been given considerable influence in the Russian Federation and in other countries. At the same time, the understanding of ensuring the economic security as a system requires specification and scientific justification, which is due to the effective impact of risks and threats on the national economy. The purpose of the study is to clarify the structural elements of the system for ensuring the country`s economic security. The study used general scientific methods of induction and deduction, analyzed and generalized the results obtained earlier. The information base of the study was regulatory legal documents, scientific publications, statistical information. The presented analysis of approaches to building a system for ensuring the economic security revealed a lack of uniformity not only in the representation of the structure of elements, but in understanding the purpose of the system for ensuring the economic security. The author`s representation of structural elements is proposed. The purpose, principles, goal, tasks, functions, methods and tools, objects and subjects of ensuring economic security, as well as objects of influence are determined. Scientific novelty lies in the specification of the elements of the support system, as well as their content. The conclusion is drawn that the modern provision of economic security partially includes the proposed elements, but their use or functioning as elements of the system is limited.
Keywords: economic security, economic security system, goal, objectives, principles, national economy Highlights: ♦ the use of the term "economic security system" in the specific representation of the system is justified; the term "economic security system" is used in solving problems of countering risks and threats in order to ensure the security of the national economy; ♦ the purpose of the economic security system is to ensure a crisis-free national economy, as well as to ensure the independence and sovereignty of the national economy; ♦ the principles of ensuring economic security are divided into requirements (complexity, consistency, orientation, legality, consideration of national interests, legality) and assumptions (precautionary and economic expediency); ♦ participants in the system of ensuring the economic security of the country are the subjects of provision (state authorities and local self-government), the objects of provision (economic systems within the boundaries of the national economy, affected by risks and threats and determining its level of security) and the objects of influence (legal entities or individuals who are sources of risks and threats to economic security, which are targeted by measures taken by subjects of economic security).
Email:feotu@yandex.ru, radyginev@mail.ru
Сведения:Tatyana Yu. Feofilova, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg, Russia, Evgeniy V. Radygin, North-Western Branch of the Russian University of Justice, St. Petersburg, Russia
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