The article deals with different notions of contract logistics. The author gives his own definition, analyses the conditions of implementing contract logistics by studying transformation processes that appear in the process of transformation from industrial to information society.
The principles and special features of IT-services enterprises provision on the ground of process approach to management and service model are detected in the article; the advantages of this concept for IT-services management are justified. The essence and types of IT-services are analyzed; the peculiarities of their provision are dealt with; the principles of IT-services provision for business are singled out.
The notion of ground-type logistic system is provided in the article; its main features are found out; the key problems of every separate functional element are analyzed; the implementation model of ground-type transport logistic system is worked out.
Anna L. Voina, senior lecturer at Scientific Educational Establishment “Regional Institute of High Technologies and Business”, the City of Naberezhniye Chelni.
The article deals with the issues of development of informational support management of industrial enterprises-participants of foreign economic activities. The author developed a set of measures aimed at the efficiency improvement of the given system in conditions of joining World Trade Organization by the Russian Federation.
The article deals with the alternative analytical and mathematical approaches to the analysis, estimation and forecasting of inflation changes taking into account the behavior of principle market players, as well as factors determined by the economic development and demanding specification.
Kirill A. Gureev, PhD in Economics, associate professor;
Aleksander A. Alekseev, PhD in Economics, associate professor; Oksana S. Golubeva, master of Perm National Research Polytechnic University.
The article deals with the conditions of formation of distribution logistic chains. The subject structure of distribution logistic chains is revealed. The participants macroeconomic chains specializations are formed. The specific features of a retail chain are introduced in the article.
The article deals with the management approach to production organization for getting data on professional and psychological qualification of manager, technical officer or production manager. The demonstration of professional and psychological managers qualification are studied; the leading qualities providing the successfulness of managers work are evoked.
The article deals with the introduction model and the detection of efficiency indices of integral systems management on enterprises. The rational methodology of introduction is presented in the article. The components of complex efficiency are analyzed.
The changes in organizational and institutional conditions of enterprise management in conditions of planned economics of 1985-1991 on the example of the concrete enterprise are dealt with in the article.
The article deals with the history of metallurgy development in Russia, with the influence and consequences of world financial and economic crisis of 2008 on the metallurgy industry in Russia. The decisions to the problem of possible deficit of iron-and-steel waste for metallurgy are offered in the article. The possibilities of logistic expenses optimization on the scrap metal market are discussed.
The statistical toolkit of interregional differences of social protection is considered in the article, which includes the typologization of the regions according to the modules of factor indices - ecologic, demographic, economic, social; the modeling of integral indices and regression models; the exposure of major factors predetermining the formation of the regulation mechanism and their influence on the regions social protection.
Vladimir A. Prokofiev, Doctor of Economics, Professor, the Head of Statistics Department of Saratov State Social and Economic University;
Tatyana A. Fomicheva, PhD in Economics, associate professor of Penza State University.
The article deals with the principle precondition of banking capital concentration - competition on the market of banking services. The history of its evolution is represented within the purpose of investigation the specific features of competitive environment in the banking system.
The article deals with the necessity and importance of organizations innovative development; the problem related to the innovations financing is touched upon. The basic measures of economics innovative development are dealt with in the article.
The techniques of electric energy analysis, planning and forecasting are dealt with in the article. A change in the balance of electro-energy structure in conditions of electro-energy wholesale market functioning is described. The basic trends in the development of statistical service subsystems and electro-energy consumption are determined.
Liliana A. Sosunova, Doctor of Economics, Professor, the Head of Marketing and Logistic Department; Zhannat S. Aimesheva, a post-graduate student. - Samara State University of Economics.
The basic formation aspects of unified integral transport-logistic system of the Russian Federation are dealt with in the article. A considerable experience of foreign countries is analyzed; the basic stages in the methodology of unified integral transport-logistic system establishment in our country is determined in the article.
The article deals with the special features of mobile communications special services. The analysis of corporate strategy of enterpriser-providers of mobile network services is carried out. The description of the supply chain for mobile communications operator is presented. The aspects of business processes interaction in company management are dealt with in the article; the ways of its perfection are suggested.
The article deals with the correlation of discipline church with the measures of criminal, civil and administrative responsibilities. The system of breach of law and measures of responsibilities according to Stoglav and former sources of ecclesiastical law are dealt with in the article.
t should be taken into consideration in the process of legal regulation of entrepreneurship activities that modern economics is considered to be the economics of mixed type, in which the will of the subjects of entrepreneurship activities is constantly limited from the part of the state and other public establishments.
The issues of formation of knowledge in the process of criminal case proof are discussed. Information and intellect are believed to be the essential elements of the criminal case knowledge appearance. The truth of knowledge of criminalistic-relevant event depends on the adequacy of reflection in the intellect of the proof subject of conditions of crime.
The article deals with the assessment of 98 healthy patients aged between 17-23, which spend 1 academic hour at the PC-computer in conditions in accordance with sanitary requirements to the individual working place of the personal computer user. Thus, everyone started suffering from computer visual syndrome, complaints concerning central nervous system damage.
Gennadiy G. Eremin, PhD in Medical Sciences, head medical specialist of the Centre of Diagnostics and Clinical Examination of the 1st Branch of the 2nd Central Military Clinical Hospital named after P.V.Mandyrka; Elena V. Sukhova, Doctor of Medical Sciences. Professor, the Head of Life Safety Department of Samara State University of Economics; Evgeniy N. Nikolayevskiy, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of Samara State University of Economics.
The article deals with innovative and pedagogical techniques in teaching the course Life Safety to the students of Samara State University of Economics of all specialties for the purpose of better mastering of teaching material increase in motivation to self-studying of the subject and medical culture.