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Вестник самарского государственного экономического университета
Vestnik of Samara State University of Economics
2017 №9 (155)
In the context of crisis phenomena in the Russian economy, the unstable trends in the world economy, the state strengthens control over highly concentrated and monopolized markets, since they are the backbone ones. The author puts forward the main trends and directions of antimonopoly regulation, hypotheses concerning the effectiveness of the use of methods and tools of antimonopoly and tariff regulation in Russia. These hypotheses checking are carried out using economic indicators and statistical methods of analysis. Through the system of criteria, the author assesses the performance of antimonopoly bodies of Russia in terms of the effectiveness of the use of selected regulatory and regulatory methods and the extent to which the objectives have been achieved. Based on the analysis of statistical data, it is shown that abuse of a dominant position is the most common violation of the antimonopoly law, regardless of the structure of the market. The tendencies of regulation of natural monopoly markets by means of the correlation-regression analysis are revealed, indicating the ambiguity of the interpretation of normative legal acts by market participants.
Keywords: antimonopoly regulation, natural monopoly, competition, abuse of dominant position, potentially competitive market, violations of antimonopoly legislation, methods of antimonopoly regulation, tools of antimonopoly regulation. Highlights: in the domestic economy, the structure of violations of antimonopoly legislation is heterogeneous and has a significant advantage in the direction of one group of violations; the effectiveness of the use of tools and methods of antitrust regulation and active competition policy largely depends on the conditions of the external environment; on the part of antimonopoly regulation bodies, the expansion of the regulatory and explanatory base for natural monopoly markets is required for its unambiguous interpretation by the subjects of market relations.
Сведения:Natalia Yu. Svitych, a post-graduate student, Siberian Institute of Management - branch of the Russian Academy of Science and Technology, Novosibirsk.
In order to analyze socio-economic relations and interests of economic agents in the course of implementation or performing their own social and innovative activity, the interpretation of the notion of social innovations is substantiated by identifying necessary and sufficient conditions for the appropriation of innovations to social ones. The effects of introducing social innovations are systematized according to two criteria: by spheres of activity and by the nature of the influence on society. A possible manifestation of each type of effect is disclosed. Economic agents involved in the process of creating social innovations are defined, the roles in which agents act, and the variants of their interactions in the course of implementation of social and innovation projects are shown schematically. The main conditions for constructing effective relations between participants in this type of activity are described. The logic of involving participants in the social and innovation project is developed. The development scheme of a network of social and innovative projects is shown, taking into account the specifics of interaction in this type of activity, as well as transaction costs arising in the course of one project. The theoretical significance of this research is the development of the theory of social innovations, as well as the possibility of using findings to build effective network relations in the implementation and development of social and innovative projects.
Keywords: social innovations, economic agents, social and innovative project, institutions, roles. Highlights: necessary and sufficient elements of social innovation are the orientation towards solving social problems, a new combination of resources to achieve the goals, social resources and resources in achieving the goals set, the transformation of the behavior of economic agents participating in this process; effects from the introduction of social innovation is expedient to systematize according to two criteria: by spheres of activity and by the nature of influence on society; taking into account economic agents and the socio-economic relations that arise between them; it is necessary to take into account the roles that agents perform. The article presents variants of interaction of economic agents, and also describes their incentives; the logic of involving participants in the social and innovation project is shown; the scheme for the development of a network of social and innovative projects that takes into account the specifics of interaction in this type of activity is presented.
Email:vay_uiec@mail.ru, jomaomon@gmail.com
Сведения:Anna Yu. Veretennikova, Candidate of Economics, Researcher, The Center for Economic Theory of Institute of Economics, The Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Associate Professor, 89126328489; Zhoomart K. Omonov, a post-graduate student. - Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin, Yekaterinburg.
The actual problem of searching for ways out of the economic theory from the crisis is considered. Modern economic theory needs to reconsider its methodological foundations. Relying on the neoclassical theory of mind, the theory is not able to give a complete and accurate explanation of the behavior of the individual. The neoclassical theory of mind is based on the principle of maximum utility. When studying economic phenomena, such elements of economic reality as probability factor, traditions, customs, and uncertainty factor of the future are not analyzed.
Keywords: economic theory of mind, neoclassical theory of mind, praxeology, hedonism principle, maximum utility principle, maximum expected utility, rationality, value, event probability. Highlights: the study of the basic parameters of L. Mises economic theory of mind allows obtaining the model that is as close as possible to reality. This model is based on the principle of expected utility; the elements that make up the theoretical and methodological basis of the model allow viewing a person as an active individual who independently sets goals and determines the means of achieving them, building his behavior on the basis of a personal scale of values, preferences, and worldview. The actual problem of searching for ways out of the economic theory from the crisis is considered. Modern economic theory needs to reconsider its methodological foundations. Relying on the neoclassical theory of mind, the theory is not able to give a complete and accurate explanation of the behavior of the individual. The neoclassical theory of mind is based on the principle of maximum utility. When studying economic phenomena, such elements of economic reality as probability factor, traditions, customs, and uncertainty factor of the future are not analyzed.
Keywords: economic theory of mind, neoclassical theory of mind, praxeology, hedonism principle, maximum utility principle, maximum expected utility, rationality, value, event probability.
Email: l.tutov@yandex.ru, elgavrina@yandex.ru
Сведения:Leonid A. Tutov, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Head of Department of Philosophy and Methodology of Economics; Elena G. Gavrina, Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor. – Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Highlights: the process of import substitution in the sphere of the aftercare industry has a structural character and is connected, first of all, with the improving price and technological competitiveness of Russian products, as evidenced by changes in the structure of the trade balance of our country; the development of the aftercare industry requires the active interaction of various industries, and it is connected with the development of a coordinating plan for the industry development, in particular, coordinating the activities of this plan with various sectoral plans for import substitution; the solution of the problems facing the aftercare industry of the Russian Federation at the federal and regional levels will allow domestic enterprises, engaged in this industry, significantly reduce the dependence of production on imported components, carry out import substitution and enter the domestic and, in the future, the foreign market with high-quality competitive products of technical aftercare means. The article illustrates the issue of the institutional structure of aftercare goods production, which has been formed as a very heterogeneous one. A number of groups (or types) of enterprises of the aftercare industry are analyzed, which, in addition to manufacturing their own products, also sell products of third-party producers, including imported ones. The largest producers are indicated, for which aftercare goods are by-products, as well as small, medium and private enterprises with the participation of foreign profile companies. The enterprises carrying out deliveries of prostheses within the limits of state purchases are considered. It is noted that the share of domestic producers in the market of aftercare goods is low, while the share of imported products in certain market segments reaches 100%. The estimation of the situation of the Russian industry in the sphere of the aftercare industry is given. The key trend of the past year is characterized by the beginning of the process of systemic import substitution under the influence of the sanctions regime, devaluation of the ruble and prohibitions and restrictions imposed by the Government of the Russian Federation on state purchases. It is noted that at present the aftercare industry is only being formed, and domestic enterprises are forced to enter the market, already largely occupied by foreign producers. The analysis of data on the current status of the priority and most relevant areas for the aftercare industry is carried out. A number of key factors for the successful implementation of measures aimed at replacing imported technologies and devices with Russian counterparts are taken into account. Based on the analysis of the current state of the production of aftercare goods, several groups of systemic problems have been identified. The solution of the identified problems will allow domestic enterprises of the aftercare industry to implement the import substitution program and produce competitive products.
Keywords: institutional structure, aftercare goods, system import substitution, technological and innovation potential, interdepartmental interaction.
Сведения:Ivan A. Kugoev, a post-graduate student, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
The article illustrates the issue of the institutional structure of aftercare goods production, which has been formed as a very heterogeneous one. A number of groups (or types) of enterprises of the aftercare industry are analyzed, which, in addition to manufacturing their own products, also sell products of third-party producers, including imported ones. The largest producers are indicated, for which aftercare goods are by-products, as well as small, medium and private enterprises with the participation of foreign profile companies. The enterprises carrying out deliveries of prostheses within the limits of state purchases are considered. It is noted that the share of domestic producers in the market of aftercare goods is low, while the share of imported products in certain market segments reaches 100%. The estimation of the situation of the Russian industry in the sphere of the aftercare industry is given. The key trend of the past year is characterized by the beginning of the process of systemic import substitution under the influence of the sanctions regime, devaluation of the ruble and prohibitions and restrictions imposed by the Government of the Russian Federation on state purchases. It is noted that at present the aftercare industry is only being formed, and domestic enterprises are forced to enter the market, already largely occupied by foreign producers. The analysis of data on the current status of the priority and most relevant areas for the aftercare industry is carried out. A number of key factors for the successful implementation of measures aimed at replacing imported technologies and devices with Russian counterparts are taken into account. Based on the analysis of the current state of the production of aftercare goods, several groups of systemic problems have been identified. The solution of the identified problems will allow domestic enterprises of the aftercare industry to implement the import substitution program and produce competitive products.
Keywords: institutional structure, aftercare goods, system import substitution, technological and innovation potential, interdepartmental interaction. Highlights: the process of import substitution in the sphere of the aftercare industry has a structural character and is connected, first of all, with the improving price and technological competitiveness of Russian products, as evidenced by changes in the structure of the trade balance of our country; the development of the aftercare industry requires the active interaction of various industries, and it is connected with the development of a coordinating plan for the industry development, in particular, coordinating the activities of this plan with various sectoral plans for import substitution; the solution of the problems facing the aftercare industry of the Russian Federation at the federal and regional levels will allow domestic enterprises, engaged in this industry, significantly reduce the dependence of production on imported components, carry out import substitution and enter the domestic and, in the future, the foreign market with high-quality competitive products of technical aftercare means.
Сведения:Alexander P. Sizikov, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor, Samara State University of Economics.
Currently, in the global pharmaceutical market, mega-clusters are becoming extremely important, which ensure the effective interaction of the largest producers, suppliers, investors and other economic agents. The aim of the work is to consider and compare development models of megaclusters in the pharmaceutical industry, to determine drivers and barriers to their growth. Based on the analysis of the clusters performance of the three mega-regions (North and South America, Western Europe, the Asia-Pacific region), the latest trends in the development of the pharmaceutical market and key factors in the growth of the pharmaceutical industry are revealed.
Keywords: pharmaceutical industry, global market, megacluster, development model, regionalization, growth drivers, growth barriers. Highlights: the classification of pharmaceutical clusters of three mega-regions (North and South America, Western Europe, Asia-Pacific region) is proposed and carried out; the analysis of pharmaceutical mega-clusters performance is carried out; the drivers and growth barriers of pharmaceutical clusters of the three mega-regions are singled out, the development vector of the global pharmaceutical industry is determined.
Email: karachev2011@yandex.ru, alenkin28@mail.ru
Сведения:Igor A. Karachev, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor; Alena I. Volkova, Candidate of Economics, assistant. – P. G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University.
The main tendencies connected with invitation of non-commercial organizations to provide services to the population in the social sphere of modern Russia are analyzed. The main advantages of expanding the access of NGOs and socially oriented business to the market of social services, the status of the non-commercial sector and the processes of its institutionalization depending on the degree of social orientation are considered. The range of problems related to the expansion of the participation of non-commercial organizations in the provision of social services to the population is revealed: legal and organizational conflicts arising in connection with the emergence of new types of NGOs; unclear and non-binding criteria for assessing the performance of socially-oriented non-comercial organizations; lack of financing and excessive dependence on personal funds of organizations; information closeness. The thesis is formulated that the main goal - improving the quality of services and increasing the coverage of the population by social services through attracting new participants - can be achieved only through a consistent and thoughtful policy of state regulation aimed at overcoming existing problems and contradictions. On the one hand, this requires the implementation of a set of measures that facilitate the involvement of socially-oriented non-commercial organizations in the provision of services to the population at the regional and municipal levels. On the other hand, it prevents the weakening of the potential of state and municipal institutions of the social sphere, which remain full participant in the process.
Keywords: private sector, non-commercial organizations, social services, state support, socially useful activity, information openness. Highlights: The non-profit sector in Russia has faced serious quantitative and structural changes in recent years; there is a new institutionalization of the non-commercial sector in connection with the expansion of the access of socially oriented non-commercial organizations (NGOs) to the provision of social services provided to the population; the qualitative development indicators of NGOs to provide socially useful services do not correspond to the proper level, which leads to a disagreement in the ongoing institutional reforms in the country; it is necessary to have a comprehensive government regulation and comprehensive financial support for the non-profit sector in order to ensure the required quantity and proper quality of social services provided to the population; it is necessary to expand the range of social service providers to the account of NGOs and socially-oriented businesses, but not at the cost of the state refusing its direct obligations to the population to provide social services financed by taxes from business.
Email: vahtina@tolgas.ru (optional): samara.togliatti@yandex.ru
Сведения:Margarita A. Vakhtina, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Pro-rector for Educational Work and Public Relations. Volga region State University of Service.
Economic security is the basis for strategic planning and continuous operation of the economic entity. A characteristic feature of the activities of retail organizations is a constant in real time monitoring information about planned and actual costs, turnover and safety of inventory. The effective system of economic security involves the solution of a number of organizational and methodological issues, this article is to discuss some of them.
Keywords: retail, retail trade network, threat, risk, economic security. Highlights: the approaches and conditions for the formation of the economic safety system in retail are systematized in compliance with the requirements of legislation and industry specific features of trade; the types of threats to economic security of the large retail trade are identified and justified; the functions and spheres of control of the economic safety system of the retail trade network are justified; a scheme for organizing the work of the economic security department of the retailer and its individual structural elements are proposed, and practical recommendations are given.
Email:korneeva2004@bk.ru, svetkinairina@yandex.ru; naumovaoa@gmail.com
Сведения:Tatyana A. Korneeva, Doctor of Economics, Professor; Irina A. Svetkina, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor; Olga A. Naumova, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor - Samara State University of Economics.
Communication in a firm or in a university has a strong influence on the image of the internal environment, the atmosphere or job satisfaction. If communication is effective enough, then it benefits both parties involved. Such communication promotes team building and productivity improvement of the entire team of employees. Good communication is the basis for effective actions. Communication directly affects the performance of the entire organization, so it needs to be paid due attention. Successful communication can contribute to strengthening the competitiveness of the enterprise, and vice versa, its underestimation leads to significant problems. The article is devoted to the analysis of communication methods. In the theoretical part, the process of communication, communication between managers and various communication technologies are outlined. The practical part presents the results of research in the field of analysis of communication technology in selected companies in the Czech Republic. The purpose of the article is to show, on the basis of the questionnaire monitoring carried out, the need for cognition and effective application of communication technologies (methods), and also to assess the effectiveness of communication in selected organizations.
Keywords: communication, corporate communication, communication technologies, effective communication, communication barriers, communication process, manager, employee, questionnaire. Highlights: the communication method "assertiveness" is the least popular among the employees of Pisak hospital, and the method of motivation is more preferable; the language barrier is the most important in the communication process of Pisak hospital; the main communication problem in Pisak hospital is the large work load of workers; managers’ assertiveness in the company "Schwan - STABILO ČR" contributes to the improvement of the working environment; there are two opinions about the barriers in internal communications in the company "Schwan - STABILO ČR": the first group – there are no barriers, the second one – there are some barriers. At the same time, most employees of Schwan - STABILO ČR" do not see any obstacles in internal communications.
Сведения:Iveta Kmetzova, Doctor of Technical and Economic Institute, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic.
The persistent scarcity of local budgets in Russia, entailing the inability to fully implement functions assigned to them by local governments, determines the relevance of the study of internal reserves for the growth of municipal revenues in municipal property management. The comparative analysis of budget indicators that characterize municipal property management, allows confirming the existence of problems of poor management efficiency of municipal property, and determines the low level of non-tax revenues to local budgets. Based on the results of the analysis, the objective of the study is achieved: practical recommendations are developed to improve the efficiency of municipal property management in Russian municipalities. Through SWOT analysis, strengths and weaknesses, as well as threats and opportunities of the municipal property management system in the studied municipalities are identified. Key recommendations on optimization of management procedures in this area are also proposed. The results of the study have led to the conclusion that, taking into account the general and specific deficiencies in municipal property management in Russian municipalities, it is necessary to regularly analyze management systems in them for efficiency. This will make it possible to pinpoint the weaknesses of management systems in their territory as accurately as possible and will allow outlining realistic and effective ways to eliminate the identified shortcomings. In this regard, it is important to implement systematic measures in order to improve municipal property management.
Keywords: non-tax revenues to local budgets, local budgets deficit, municipal property, efficiency of municipal property management, municipal formation, municipal property, internal reserves of municipal income growth, local budgets and their own revenues. Highlights: for the majority of Russian municipalities, the nature of the low effectiveness of municipal property management, which determines the non-availability of non-tax revenues to local budgets is inadequate for a full solution of local issues; municipal property management systems have both common and specific features that require individual research of these systems in order to identify strengths and weaknesses in their organization; the achievement of the effectiveness of municipal property management is possible while providing the implemented measures that are systematically implemented in this area.
Сведения:Anna V. Tretyakova, a post-graduate student, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.
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