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Вестник самарского государственного экономического университета
Vestnik of Samara State University of Economics
2019 №9 (179)
Food independence of the state is a priority when ensuring national security. The study considers the issues of food security of the population of the region (using the example of dairy products). The analysis of key indicators of the milk market is given, the performance of producers is evaluated. In order to determine the instruments of industrial and competition policy, the influence of the level of competition on the main social and economic indicators is disclosed. The authors use the tools of correlation and regression analysis and prove a high concentration of monopoly power in the milk market that increases the share of population expenditures. Therefore, it is important to maintain the current market conjuncture of a highly competitive market.
Keywords: regional markets, food market, food security, industry, competition, concentration, regional development, industrial policy, competition policy. Highlights: a methodological approach was proposed to justify the choice of the type of market structure to ensure food security in the region; the influence of the level of monopolization of dairy products industry on the main social and economic indicators of the regional development is disclosed; the forecasted values of changes in the share of expenditures on dairy products depending on changes in the type of the market structure are considered.
Email:Aigylkinyes@mail.ru, halbi@mail.ru, safiullin.ar@gmail.com, 930895@list.ru
Сведения:Aigul I. Sabirova, a senior lecturer; Albina D. Khayrullina, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor; Azat R. Safiullin, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor - Institute of Management, Economics and Finance of Kazan Federal University; Adelia V. Pavlova, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Applied Management, Samara State Univer-sity of Economics.
The development of renewable energy has become a global trend, changing not only the technologies used in the energy sector, but also global consumer demand. This industry emerged due to a new value system updating the climate agenda and struggling for environmental well-being and it meant a change in the business logic of large consumers who set the goal of a com-plete provision of their production processes with electricity from renewable sources of energy for the next 10-15. The possibility of establishing protectionist barriers for products with a high carbon footprint is predicted. Such a policy is being implemented by a number of states. Therefore, for the competitiveness of both the country as a whole and its individual regions, it is necessary to increase the share of renewable energy sources in the energy balance. The authors analyze the main trends in the development of wind generation as a promising direction for improving the energy efficiency of the domestic economy and necessary conditions for its competitiveness in the long term. The dynamics and prospects of the implementation of the largest wind energy projects are considered using the example of the Rostov region, which is a leader in the scale and number of projects implemented in this direction in our country.
Keywords: wind energy, regional development, energy efficiency, smart economy. Highlights: the development of wind energy is a global trend that meets the conditions of sustainable development of countries and their regions and the inevitable condition for maintaining competi-tiveness in the global space; the surplus of energy resources of the Rostov Region with the observed growth and with-out high energy tariffs actualizes the development of alternative energy projects for the region; the Rostov region has great potential for the development of renewable energy, including wind and solar energy, as evidenced by a large number of projects implemented on its territory with large international companies acting as strategic investors; the development of wind energy in Russian regions will ensure their economic growth, will improve many related industries and will bring a large number of positive economic and so-cial effects.
Email: tyaglov-sg@rambler.ru, kisusanna@yandex.ru, hicrhodus@mail.ru
Сведения:Sergey G. Tyaglov, Doctor of Economics, Professor; Susanna A. Bugayan, a doctoral candidate; Ekaterina V. Parada, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor - Rostov State University of Economics (RINH), Rostov-on-Don.
The relevance of the research is due to the need to develop theoretical and practical aspects for assessing the level of customer satisfaction with business services due to the lack of the scientific basis for its implementation. The available methodological approaches are aimed at determining the satisfaction of end-users-people, while the issues of assessing consumers-organizations` satisfaction remain unresolved. The most common business services include storage services (or services of logistics operators). According to our analysis of existing works, the lack of scientific works devoted to assessing the level of satisfaction with services provided by logistics operators is proved. This study aims to develop a methodology for assessing customer satisfaction with warehouse services on the B2B market. The main results of the study are the methodology proposed by the authors for assessing customer satisfaction with warehouse services on the B2B market and the testing of this methodology at the largest Russian manufacturer of automobile tires (Tire complex PJSC Tatneft). The authors` suggestions can serve as the basis for the further development of theoretical provisions on the development of methods for assessing customer satisfaction with business services.
Keywords: assessment of satisfaction, customer satisfaction, quality of services, warehouse services, B2B segment. Highlights: a methodology for assessing customer satisfaction with warehouse services on the B2B market was developed; decomposition of the criterion “level of customer satisfaction with warehouse services on the B2B market” was presented; a system of criteria and indicators for assessing the level of customer satisfaction with warehouse services was proposed; an algorithm for assessing customer satisfaction with warehousing services of the internal corporate outsourcer was given; a study of the quality of warehouse services provided to enterprises of the tire complex of PJSC TATNEFT was conducted, and customer satisfaction with these services was assessed.
Email:vni63@list.ru, nataliaivanova86@yandex.ru, kafedra-ks@yandex.ru
Сведения:Natalia I. Voitkevich, Doctor of Economics, Professor; Natalia V. Ivanova, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Commerce, Service and Tourism; Nail Sh. Satdinov, a doctoral candidate - Samara State University of Economics.
The relevance of the problem under study is due to the need to increase the competitiveness of domestic industrial enterprises in the current world market. Managing energy efficiency programs under innovative technologies contributes to the implementation of the concept of sustainable development in practice and allows implementing capital investments to save on energy consumption, reduce environmental pressure on the environment, and increase the investment attractiveness of domestic enterprises. In the context of globalization, the tasks of managing energy saving and energy efficiency of modern organizations require attention to the problem of increasing the productivity of technological processes and reducing energy losses, and to the non-market factor for ensuring efficiency - the concept of sustainable business development. At the same time, the practice of modern management of both global and domestic business allows us to state that the problem of developing a mechanism for managing energy conservation and increasing the energy efficiency of the enterprise in the context of sustainable business development has not been fully reflected in scientific research. Moreover, the lack of a common understanding of the essence of economic categories leads to various conclusions regarding the characteristics, tools and, ultimately, the establishment of a control mechanism for any economic object. The purpose of the study is to determine the choice of ways to manage energy conservation and improve the energy efficiency of the enterprise under its innovative modernization. The authors of the study substantiated the options for constructing and optimizing energy conservation programs and improving energy efficiency of production, developed practical recommendations on the development of a mechanism for managing energy conservation and improving energy efficiency, innovative development of domestic enterprises.
Keywords: energy saving, energy efficiency, sustainable business development, competitiveness, modernization, innovative development, innovation, energy efficiency management mechanism, the concept of sustainable business development. Highlights: the interconnections of the concepts of “energy saving”, “energy efficiency”, “sustain-able business development” and, on this basis, ways to achieve the effectiveness of the enterprise were defined; the author’s hypothesis was tested on the basis of a correlation analysis of indicators characterizing sustainable development, energy efficiency and energy saving in production; the conceptual options for positioning energy saving and improving energy efficiency at the enterprise were formulated; the tactical options of organizing energy saving programs and improving energy efficiency at enterprises under their innovative modernization were developed.
Email:663499@mail.ru, s-lanam@mail.ru
Сведения:Leysan M. Davletshina, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of General Management; Svetlana A. Meshcheryakova, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of General Management - Institute of Management, Economics and Finance of Kazan (Volga) Federal University.
The relevance of the research is due to two factors: increased requirements for the effective functioning of organizations, as well as the introduction of the process approach to management. The problem of transition to the current management goals of the organization through the reengineering of business processes based on the formation of a system of key performance indicators determines the high importance of improving applied tools and methods of its application. Discrepancies in technologies and methods for optimizing the management of the organization, as well as the use of various tools in the process of implementing changes in the business model of the economic entity, require systematization of accumulated experience in order to develop integrated tools that allow switching to a process-oriented type of management. The purpose of the study is the development and testing of a unified process model of the functional subsystem “Procurement Department”, based on the introduction of two-tiers of the procurement department to address the issues of unification and rationalization of business processes in the framework of reengineering. This goal is associated with solving a number of tasks: to justify the mechanism for the distribution of purchase applications within two-tiers of the department, to analyze existing process models and identify their shortcomings, competitive advantages with a systematic approach to various areas of improvement of enterprise management. As a result, a case-sector of business processes of the Procurement Department was developed in the form of an algorithm for the supply unit and a system of indicators of its effectiveness. The introduction and use of this toolkit allows you to unify the work of the Procurement Department and monitor the effectiveness of its functioning in the framework of organization management. The modular structure of the developed unified model promotes targeted adjustments to the Procurement Department without making fundamental changes to the operation algorithm of other functional subsystems of the organization.
Keywords: functional subsystem, business process reengineering, enterprise structure, management, efficiency. Highlights: a unified process model of the Procurement Department in the form of a case sector of business processes with a system of performance indicators was developed; a detailed diagram of two-tiers of the Procurement Department was built with the division into operational and strategic procurements; the mechanism of distribution of purchase applications using the nomenclature system of agreements on the level of service / product (Service Level Agreement, SLA) was justified.
Email:aabardakov@gmail.com, kornilov-d@yandex.ru
Сведения:Artem A. Bardakov, a lecturer at the Department of Finance, Taxes and Credit, Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; Dmitry A. Kornilov, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Innovation Management, Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University named after R.E. Alekseev.
Obviously, the most demanded direction of business changes is various digital technologies that affect all the main areas of the company’s work, such as innovation and development of products and services, manufacturing and delivery, sales, service, and enterprise management. The trend towards digitalization will only intensify. It is critically important for Russian industry to determine and take its place in this process, and more importantly, in the global value chains, as Russia is the largest player in the steel industry market. Proper management of production and financing of innovation and development will allow domestic industrial companies to fully realize the accumulated potential and be successful in the long term. The purpose of the study is to analyze transformations of business functions that are most in need of innovation. Among the tasks it should be noted the analysis of existing innovations in the market, factors that impede technological progress and the introduction of innovations, as well as directly key business functions and possible changes in them. The result of the study is recommendations to industrial enterprises on optimizing production in accordance with the new digital reality. The author proposes a game-theoretic model to determine the effect of digital innovations.
Keywords: industry, digitalization, economic development, management, R&D, innovation, industrial digitalization. Highlights: the digitalization status of industrial enterprises was analyzed; the problems of creation and financing of innovations were indicated; the directions of improving business functions in the field of digital solutions were proposed.
Сведения:Aleksandra I. Ponomareva, a junior researcher, a doctoral candidate of the Center for Industrial Policy and Economic Security, Institute of Economics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ekaterinburg.
The health of the nation is the main resource for the development of the state. The deterioration of health, such as the spread of dangerous diseases and the deterioration in the duration of a healthy life, impedes sustainable socio-economic development of the state. To save the population, we should influence such as important demographic process as mortality. Therefore, a comparative statistical analysis of mortality in a particular region and in the Russian Federation is very relevant. The purpose of the study is a statistical study of morbidity and mortality in the Russian Federation. The object of the study is morbidity and mortality of the population of the Samara region and the Russian Federation. The subject of the study is variable-based regularities of morbidity and mortality in the Russian Federation and the Samara region. The study was based on the integrated approach and statistical methods. The study is original due to the formation of the information-methodological approach, including the identification of qualitatively different groups of regions according to the morbidity rate by the method of typological grouping, as well as the modernization of the analysis methodology with the analysis of health outcomes; in the latter case, we used an indicator of unfavorable health outcomes, calculated as the ratio of mortality to morbidity. The territorial features of morbidity and mortality of the population should be taken into account when developing options for managerial decisions, federal and regional programs that determine demographic and social policies for improving the population.
Keywords: morbidity, mortality, dynamics, indicators, unfavorable health outcomes. Highlights: • the structural and dynamic approach to the analysis of interrelation of morbidity and mortality of the population at the federal and regional levels was carried out; • the typological statistical regrouping of regions of Russia on the basis of morbidity of the population to identify the changes in the structure of similar types of subjects was carried out; • the analysis of health outcomes using the indicator of unfavorable health outcomes was improved.
Email: yurijchistik@yandex.ru
Сведения:Olga F. Chistik, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Samara State University of Economics.
Самарский государственный экономический университет © 2007-2025