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Вестник самарского государственного экономического университета
Vestnik of Samara State University of Economics
2022 №8 (214)
Problems of formation and priority directions of petrochemical cluster development in the Samara region
Abstract. In modern conditions, special attention is paid to ensuring the outstripping rates of territories development and the search for the main drivers of its socio-economic growth. The Samara region has significant potential in the implementation of the cluster policy. The conditions created in the region ensure its investment attractiveness. At the same time, the existing contradictions and limitations, including formation conditions, specific features of the functional structure of the regional petrochemical cluster dictate a need to find key solutions that determine the potential for its growth. The purpose of this study is to identify problems of the formation of a regional petrochemical cluster and determine its priority directions for the further development. To achieve this goal, logical and economic-statistical methods, a method of comparative analysis, graphical and tabular analysis were used based on publicly available official sources of information. The results of the study are aimed at developing possible directions for the development of the infrastructure of the regional petrochemical cluster.
Keywords: regional development, economic clustering, cluster policy, petrochemical cluster, cluster structure Highlights: ♦ the role of the petrochemical cluster in the strategic development of the region was determined; ♦ SWOT-analysis of the petrochemical cluster of the Samara region was carried out; ♦ key problems of development of the petrochemical cluster in the region were identified; ♦ based on the results of the study, the main vectors for the development of the regional petrochemical cluster were developed.
Сведения:Elena V. Korobeynikova - Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia
A new model of student scientific society organization in the context of the paradigm of knowledge economy and digital transformation of universities: Concept and practice of application
Abstract. Activity in the field of science and innovation gives young people an impetus to self-development and self-realization, promotes early self-determination in the profession and increases their competitiveness in the labor market. The scientific capacity of young people is especially effectively revealed in student scientific associations (such as student scientific society - SSS), which make a significant contribution to solving the problem of reproducing the scientific potential of the country. Despite advances in student`s science popularization, there are certain problems in the development of the traditional SSS format. Students who want to engage in scientific activities do not have access to the research resources of the university. The teaching staff does not have sufficient motivation to carry out scientific guidance. Representatives of the real sector of the economy do not have operational access to information about ongoing research of the university, the level of research competencies. The state, as a regulator of the educational activity, sees in the SSS the mechanism of a distributive system of training scientific personnel based on planned scientific research. These circumstances require structural changes in the model and transitioning towards a new way of work organization of student scientific associations. The authors propose a model of SSS-4.0 based on the mentoring scheme and technology of project-based, practice-oriented learning that operates in the context of the paradigm of the knowledge economy and digital transformation of the educational process. This approach to the SSS organization allows in a relatively short time to increase significantly the involvement of students in research activities and scientific organizational work. The paper presents an analysis of the activities of the SSS of Samara State University of Economics and proposes a set of measures aimed at the practical implementation of the SSS-4.0 model. The research uses the following methods: the method of generalization, methods of analysis and synthesis, methods of deconstruction and applied statistical analysis, methods of tabular and graphical representation of results.
Keywords: higher education, student scientific society, mentoring, science, project training, mentoring Highlights: ♦ the key problems in the development of the traditional format of the SSS in the Russian universities are due to weak links between education, science and business, limited access of students to the university research resources and insufficient motivation on the part of the university teaching staff to scientific leadership; ♦ the SSS-4.0 model, based on the institute of mentoring and technology of project-based, practice-oriented learning, that operates under the paradigm of the knowledge economy and digital transformation of the educational process, will create an opportunity for self-realization and talent development in the student environment; ♦ the SSS-4.0 model is universal and has a potential to scale for any educational institutions of higher education in the Russian Federation.
Email:gusevams@yandex.ru, violet261181@mail.ru
Сведения:Maria S. Guseva, Evgenia G. Repina - Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia
Substantiation of possibilities of the functional transformation of innovative activity in the field of industrial production
Abstract. The modern domestic economy, based on market relations, is characterized by high rates of industrial modernization. In such conditions, a special place is given to the activation of innovative processes in the scientific and technical sphere of industrial enterprises. Against the background of such processes, the expediency of transforming the activities of entities implementing innovative scientific and technical policy in the industrial production in the direction of expanding its functional content is increasingly crystallized. This article examines the issue of increasing the activation of the market potential of activities of scientific and technical divisions at industrial enterprises in the conditions of severe economic sanctions. It is shown that the stimulation by enterprises of their research activities will significantly contribute to the achievement of high competitiveness of the new product they create and close interaction in the innovative activities of all related structures of the enterprise. The productive nature of scientific and technical work is substantiated. A conceptual model of the formation of the labor productivity throughout the material production of the enterprise is given. The methods of determining the economic effect of scientific and technical activities carried out at industrial enterprises, taking into account the contribution of direct developers of an innovative product, are proposed.
Keywords: industrial enterprise, innovative activity, scientific and technical activity, model, labor productivity, economic effect Highlights: ♦ the paper substantiates the approach to the innovative activity carried out by the design and technological divisions of industrial enterprises as a commodity-producing activity, and, consequently, the need for its activation and expansion through the implementation of its market function; ♦ a conceptual and technological model of the labor productivity formation is proposed and the place of a scientific and technical worker in it as a direct developer of a material product is determined; ♦ methods of determining the economic result from the implementation of scientific and technological progress measures, taking into account the contribution of their developers, are given.
Сведения:Natalia V. Odinochenkova - Bryansk State Technical University, Bryansk, Russia
Development of approaches to improving the transport and logistics system as a condition for an effective response of the Russian economy to international challenges
Abstract. The modern transport and logistics system is considered as the most important condition for the development of territories, strengthening ties between economic entities and ensuring the economic security of the Russian Federation. The solution of tasks on the development of approaches to improving the transport and logistics system is considered: directions for improving the transport and logistics system based on the coordination of the economic interests of participants in the movement of goods, the implementation of which will contribute to the stability of functioning, rapid adaptation and flexibility of the response of logistics entities to the impact of various factors are proposed; the modernization ways of the transport and logistics system in accordance with the determinants of its strategic development will allow implementing measures for the introduction of intelligent transport and telecommunications systems in a timely manner and taking into account logistics specifics, resulting in a reduction in the duration of the logistics process and costs; establishment of mutually beneficial partnership based on the coordination of the interests of the subjects of the transport and logistics system (association) at the level of corporate and intercorporate interaction will allow to obtain a synergetic effect by all participants in the integration process.
Keywords: transport and logistics system, mutually beneficial partnership, international challenges, systematic approach, synergy, supply chains Highlights: ♦ the existing theoretical aspects of logistics are systematized, which allowed to identify the weaknesses of domestic logistics, which consist in fragmented cooperation focused on the individual result of participants without their interaction to achieve a common result; ♦ approaches have been developed to improve the transport and logistics system in the main areas: management of the transport and logistics system by levels; modernization of the transport and logistics system in accordance with the determinants of its strategic development; establishment of mutually beneficial partnership between the subjects of the transport and logistics system (association).
Сведения:Ekaterina V. Pustynnikova - Ulyanovsk State University, Ulyanovsk, Russia
Industrial cooperation in the automotive industry of the Russian Federation under conditions of uncertainty
Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of processes of introduction of advanced manufacturing technologies, new business models and "factories of the future" at the enterprises of the automotive industry of the Russian Federation, the analysis of the existing experience of industrial cooperation (industrial cooperation) in conditions of uncertainty. The authors present an economic view of the problem of integrating advanced manufacturing technologies into the activities of enterprises in the automotive industry, and draw conclusions about the need to involve economists and financiers in solving the problems of incorporating advanced manufacturing technologies.
Keywords: industrial cooperation, cooperation, digital factories, advanced production technologies Highlights: ♦ the development problems of the automotive industry of the Russian Federation in the conditions of uncertainty are revealed; ♦ the possibilities of industrial cooperation of enterprises of the automotive industry in the field of application of advanced production technologies are analyzed.
Email:svetkinairina@yandex.ru, chudaeva@inbox.ru
Сведения:Irina A. Svetkina, Alexandra A. Chudaeva - Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia
Idealization of the rating as a marketing criterion for positioning and choosing a regional university
Abstract. The current approach to ranking universities does not always reflect the real situation in the field of higher education, the regional labor market and the economy, thus, the problem of positioning a university as an object of high rating arises during each admission campaign when the university cannot fully present its real attractiveness to its audience both in terms of competitiveness and customer orientation. The article considers approaches to the formation of rating criteria in the field of higher education, which is directly related to the competitiveness and customer orientation of each university against the background of formed incentives aimed at attracting applicants and other audiences interested in the educational activities of the university. The author conducted a study of criteria that are attractive to applicants during the entrance campaign to a regional university. The features of the university positioning during each academic year are highlighted. An algorithm has been developed for checking criteria for positioning and choosing a regional university at the stage of developing the concept of attractiveness of the university and further presenting it to the public during the admission campaign against the background of the current demand for educational products of the Rostov State University of Economics (RINH).
Keywords: university rating, university positioning criteria, target audience, motives and incentives for choosing a university, marketing positioning algorithm of a regional university Highlights: ♦ the positioning of a higher educational institution should be based on a deep marketing study of criteria for choosing a university by applicants and their parents in the current period of time, without relying only on rating generalized assessments of the university professional activity in the field of higher education by experts and official ratings of the country and the world, in particular; ♦ it is important to appeal to the algorithm for constructing criteria aimed at target audiences, in which the main emphasis is on the marketing positioning of the university in the conditions of the regional labor market and economy, where at three stages of interaction of the triad "university - student - market" the university rating plays the role of a vector aimed at improving the educational product and educational activities of the university in accordance with the needs target audiences and society as a whole; ♦ the positioning of a regional university should be based on the direct relationship of the triad (where the second subject is represented by a potential audience): university - applicants - market (despite the fact that the latter category is multifaceted and ambiguous, including for higher education, however, the market acts as the "top of the pyramid", from which it is important to build on when forming the attractiveness of the university in terms of marketing positioning).
Сведения:Narine R. Khachaturian - Rostov State University of Economics (RINH), Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Financial management of state medical organizations
Abstract. The development of methods for analyzing financial stability and break-even management is an urgent task of the theory and practice of financial management of medical organizations (MO) in connection with their chronic underfunding. The purpose of the study is to develop new methodological approaches to financial management of public ministries to ensure a balance of funding and costs. The paper uses the concepts of financial management, namely the concepts of cash flow and the concept of alternative costs. Indicators of financial results and performance are excluded from the planning, management and analysis of the MO. Based on the operational analysis, the parameters for adjusting the structure of medical care, the volume of variable and fixed costs that can be implemented within the framework of strategic planning are obtained.
Keywords: finances of state medical organizations, cost structure of medical organizations, breakeven point of medical organizations Highlights: ♦ when developing a financial management system for a medical organization, such a factor as ensuring the financial stability of a medical organization in conditions of scarce funding should be taken into account; ♦ the current financial management procedure does not provide for the development of levers that would ensure the break-even or profitability of the medical organization activities in the current and strategic period, in particular, the profitability of the type of medical care, service, as well as the structural unit or medical organization as a whole is not assessed; ♦ in our opinion, the balance of financial resources and costs in the provision of inpatient medical care in modern conditions of financial provision should be achieved by increasing the state order for medical services (by 17%, according to our estimates) while maintaining the number of personnel and other factors that affect fixed costs.
Сведения:Elizaveta N. Valieva - Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia
Optimization of budget expenditures in the state regulation of tariffs
Abstract. The legal gap in the state regulation of prices and tariffs through the practice of tariff formation for transport services is considered, as a consequence: inefficient use of budgetary funds of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation. It is proposed to supplement the legal field with a new norm in order to eliminate the above gap.
Keywords: optimization of budget expenditures, state regulation of prices and tariffs, passenger transportation, transport services, cost structure, economically justified costs, depreciation deductions, rent, lease payment Highlights: ♦ within the framework of improving the efficiency of spending funds of the budgets of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation, the problem of double financing of property acquired through budget financing is identified; the absence of general principles of the tariff regulation for services excluding the possibility of double financing is indicated in the regulatory legal acts at the federal and regional levels; ♦ an assessment of the identified problem is given using several methods of data analysis; ♦ a legal norm has been formulated for inclusion in the methods of calculating tariffs for passenger transportation in force at the regional level.
Email:ZubovaEE@samregion.ru, SilantevaYV@samregion.ru
Сведения:Elena E. Zubova, Yana V. Silanteva - Department of price and tariff regulation of the Samara Region, Samara, Russia
Remote banking service in the conditions of the modern global challenges
Abstract. The article actualizes the significance of the study of remote banking services in the modern conditions which are characterized by a strong influence of factors of the world economy destabilization. The main types of remote banking services are identified and analyzed taking into account the associated risks. The authors have developed a system of criteria for evaluating the quality of remote banking services, the use of which will allow commercial banks to improve the efficiency of remote banking services which will help improve the overall efficiency and customer focus of the banking business.
Keywords: remote banking services, risks, problems, global challenges, customer focus, quality, accessibility Highlights: ♦ the theoretical foundations of remote banking services were studied; ♦ a risk map of remote banking services was developed taking into account the likelihood of their implementation; ♦ problems were identified in the field of remote banking services in our country, the solution of which will help increase its efficiency, relevance and accessibility to customers.
Email:shekshuevasv@ivanovo.ac.ru, g.tatyanin@mail.ru
Сведения:Svetlana V. Shekshueva, Grigory V. Tatyanin - Ivanovo State University, Ivanovo, Russia
Самарский государственный экономический университет © 2007-2025