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Вестник самарского государственного экономического университета
Vestnik of Samara State University of Economics
2024 №9 (239)
The economic content of the processes of concentration of production and capital
Abstract. The largest corporations establish modern trends in the world order, penetrating into all spheres of national economic systems. This trend is determined by processes such as the concentration of production and capital. Being factors of economic development, the concentration of production and capital can be defined as determinants of economic development. However, today there is no unified approach to understanding the essence of these processes, which makes it difficult to study their impact on the socio-economic system of the state. The purpose of the study is to analyze theoretical approaches to the economic content of the processes of concentration of production and concentration of capital, as well as to determine their relationship. The formation and development of these processes are studied. The analysis of the approaches of the main economic schools and directions of political economy to the study of the processes of concentration of production and capital is carried out. According to the majority of foreign and domestic scientists, it has been determined that the purpose of the production concentration process is to increase the size of the enterprise or production volumes. At the same time, such attributes as the movement of factors of production, capital accumulation in the assets of the enterprise, and means of production are distinguished. Most scientists understand the process of capital concentration as the accumulation and capitalization of a part of surplus value. At the same time, the concentration of production is the result of an increase or expansion of the production factors, and the concentration of capital is the accumulation and capitalization of a part of surplus value. As a result of the analysis of the essence of the processes of concentration of production and capital, their relationship was established: the concentration of capital is a factor in the process of concentration of production. Based on the conducted retrospective analysis of the economic essence of the categories of concentration of production and capital, the author`s interpretation of these categories is proposed.
Keywords: concentration of production, concentration of capital, economic entities, globalization, corporation, TNK, economic category, economic system, factors of production. Highlights: - based on the historical approach, the economic content of the categories "concentration of production" and "concentration of capital" has been clarified; - it is proved that the concentration of production occurs due to an increase or expansion of the factors of production, and the concentration of capital - due to the accumulation and capitalization of a part of the surplus value; - it is determined that the concentration of capital is one of the factors of concentration of production.
Email:sergey_degtyarev97@mail.ru; him-an@mail.ru
Сведения:Sergey V. Degtyarev, Andrey N. Khimchenko - Donetsk State University, Donetsk, Russia
Analysis of the dynamics of indicators of sustainable development of the Penza region
Abstract. In recent years, the sustainable development of the state and its subjects has received increased attention from the leadership of our country. This article investigates approaches to defining and assessing the sustainable development of a territory. The authors proposed a set of indicators to assess the dynamics of sustainable development of the region. The sources of information were data from the scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU, decrees, laws and strategies regulating the sustainable development of the Russian Federation and its constituent entities, the Strategy for the socio-economic development of the Penza region for the period until 2035, as well as official statistical data from Rosstatof the Russian Federation and the Unified Interdepartmental Information-Statistical System (UIISS). To collect and process information, methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction were used; to analyze the dynamics of indicators of sustainable development of the region, comparative, statistical and graphical methods were applied; to form conclusions - a method of summarizingscientific literature, official statistics and the results of analytical work. The proposed approach to assessing the sustainable development of the region was tested using materials from the Penza region. The authors have suggested the need to make timely proactive management decisions so that the goals formulated in strategic documents on sustainable development at the national and regional levels are achieved.
Keywords: region, sustainable development of the territory, balanced development of the territory, approaches to assessment Highlights: - a set of indicators for the sustainable development of the region is proposed in the following blocks: economic, social and environmental, characterized by universality and public availability of initial data; indicators of sustainable development of the Penza region were analyzed and compared with similar indicators of the Volga Federal District and the Russian Federation; - it has been suggested that it is necessary to make timely proactive management decisions so that the goals described in the strategic documents on sustainable development at the national and regional levels are achieved.
Email:gamidullaeva@gmail.com; tavpnz@mail.ru
Сведения:Leyla A. Gamidullaeva, Maria V. Makrishina - Penza State University, Penza, Russia
eatures of simulation and motivation of personnel in the restaurant business: theoretical approaches and practical application
Abstract. The article shows the significance of motivation for solving a problem of providing restaurant business enterprises with personnel in conditions of its shortage in the post-pandemic period. The emphasis is placed on the high labor intensity of the activities of service companies, which include enterprises of the restaurant business, as well as on the fact that the personnel potential of the restaurant is one of the main resources of competitiveness in the market. The positions of a number of researchers on incentive methods and motivation programs in the restaurant business are presented. The authors have identified the main research problems that require further consideration and study. It is shown that a well-developed incentive system and the creation of adequate motivational programs are urgent tasks in the context of a permanent shortage of qualified personnel in the restaurant business. A brief analysis of the state of the Russian restaurant market is given and the dynamics of the ratio of requests for vacancies in the restaurant business from employers and demand for these vacancies from applicants is described. Using statistical data, the authors show that there is a shortage of applicants in the restaurant business today (the "applicant market"), as a result of which the employer often searches for the right candidate for the vacant position for up to a month. The article systematizes the basic techniques and methods of stimulation for two categories of staff of a typical restaurant (cook and waiter), which are offered by employers when placing requests on headhunter portals, on the basis of which a system of incentives can be proposed that meets the expectations of applicants in the restaurant business market to the maximum extent.
Keywords: services, restaurant business, public catering, "job seeker market", stimulation, motivation, material and non-material methods of stimulation. Highlights: - characteristics of the Russian market of restaurant services are given, the asymmetrical relationship and dynamics of the supply of vacancies and demand for jobs in the field of tourism and restaurant business are shown, the conclusion about the formation of a "job seeker market" in the field of restaurant services is substantiated; - the approaches to the development of methods for motivating various categories of staff in the restaurant business, in particular, employees with work experience and newly hired employees, are systematized; - the main techniques and methods of stimulation for two categories of staff of a typical restaurant -a cook and a waiter, used by employers when hiring employees in the restaurant business, are highlighted.
Сведения:Ksenia S. Kippari, Lyubov V. Khoreva, Yana V. Shokola - St. Petersburg State Economic University, St. Petersburg, Russia
Algorithm for analyzing the state and assessing the economic potential as an indicator of the effectiveness of enterprises in the rocket and space complex
Abstract. The relevance of the research topic is determined by the need to develop effective methods for assessing and analyzing the economic potential of enterprises of the rocket and space complex as a key indicator of their effectiveness. The problem of the study lies in the lack of integrated approaches and universal algorithms that make it possible to fully assess the state of the economic potential of enterprises of the rocket and space complex and, on this basis, determine their ability to long-term sustainable development and achieve set tactical and strategic goals. Within the framework of the study, the author substantiates the similarities and differences between the concepts of "resource potential" and "economic potential", important aspects of the economic potential of an enterprise, of which the resource potential is a part. An algorithm is proposed that details the stages of analysis and assessment of economic potential using specific indicators for evaluatingthe components that collectively determine the economic potential of an enterprise. The author has developed and tested an integral indicator of economic potential on the example of an enterprise of the rocket and space complex, which takes into accountthe key components and their weighting factors, ensuring the objectivity and complexity of the assessment. This approach makes it possible not only to assess the current state of the enterprises of the rocket and space complex, but also to identify areas for improving their efficiency.
Keywords: economic potential, rocket and space complex, RSC, efficiency assessment, integral indicator, state analysis, management, sustainable development, competitiveness, RSC enterprises, assessment algorithm. Highlights: - the assessment of the economic potential of the enterprises of the rocket and space complex requires the development of a thorough and systematic approach; - the efficiency of enterprises of the rocket and space complex is determined through an integral indicator that takes into accountthe key components of economic potential; - the algorithm for analyzing the economic potential of enterprises of the rocket and space complex should include the stages of assessing managerial, resource, innovation and production potential; - the use of the proposed algorithm allows an objective assessment of the current state of enterprises and identification of areas for improvingtheir efficiency and competitiveness; - the developed algorithm and integral indicator are adapted to the specifics of enterprises of the rocket and space complex, and can also be used for enterprises of other industries, taking into accountthe specifics of their activities for strategic planning and management.
Сведения:Evgeniy V. Chernyaev - Volsk Logistics Support Military Academy, Volsk, Russia
State management of an organization`s activities under sanctions restrictions
Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of measures taken by the state to manage the activities of organizations under sanctions. Sanctions pressure on the Russian economy began back in 2014, but the restrictions of 2022 had a significant impact on the economy due to an unprecedented number of sanctions against the oil and gas, banking, agro-industrial and other sectors. In such conditions, the need for government measures to support individual industries and the economy as a whole increases. The authors systematize the main sanctions imposed on the Russian Federation, examine the response measures taken by the state to stabilize the situation. Special attention is paid to public administration measures in the banking sector, which is determined by its importance in the country`s economy. The areas of support for the banking sector are highlighted, such as easing regulations and capital requirements, stimulating lending, creating preferential conditions for the formation of reserves, etc. The obtained research results can be used to develop effective strategies for maintainingstability and economic development in the face of sanctions.
Keywords: sanctions, government support measures, public administration, banking sector. Highlights: - the sanctions imposed on the Russian Federation in 2014-2022 are systematized by sectors of the economy (oil and gas, banking, agro-industrial, etc.); - the main measures of public administration during the sanctions period are grouped by such sectors of the economy as small and medium-sized enterprises, transport, construction, IT, oil and gas, agro-industrial and financial sectors; - the measures taken by the Bank of Russia to stabilize the banking sector in the context of the implementation of sanctions risks are systematized in 9 areas to ensure a more complete and structured understanding of the set of measures to prevent the negative effects of sanctions on the banking system.
Email:AliAShugaepova@kpfu.ru; ABKanzafarova@stud.kpfu.ru; AliAZyabbarova@kpfu.ru
Сведения:Aliya A. Gataullina, Azalina B. Kanzafarova, Alina A. Zyabbarova - Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan, Russia
On the issue of the impact of an enterprise`s reputation on its financial stability in the digital economy when working on marketplaces
Abstract. The article investigates a model that substantiates the relationship between the reputation of an enterprise and its financial stability. The improvement of the system assessment of the coefficient of financial stability of an enterprise in the context of the specifics of its work on marketplaces in the digital economy is being carried out. The expediency of using an assessment of the financial stability of an enterprise based on its business reputation is substantiated. An assessment of the financial stability of the enterprise was carried out, taking into account the influence of its reputation on it, and the existence of a link between the reputation of the enterprise and the level of its financial stability in the conditions of work on marketplaces was established.
Keywords: enterprise reputation, digitalization, economic efficiency, intangible resource, stakeholder, counterparty, marketplace. Highlights: - financial stability is a condition of an enterprise in which there is a stable excess of income over expenses and effective use of available funds to ensure an uninterrupted process of production and sale of products (works, services); - an economic model of the impact of the company`s reputation on its financial stability has been formed; - the author`s model helps to increase the level of financial stability without additional costs.
Сведения:Yevgenia V. Dmitruk - Synergy University, Moscow, Russia
Principles of building a mechanism for assessing the potential of commercialization of scientific and technical developments of the university
Abstract. The problems of commercialization of innovative university developments are actively discussed in the contemporary Russian literature. The prevailing approach is the transfer of mechanisms and tools used in the business environment, including in terms of assessing the potential for commercialization of scientific and technical developments. At the same time, universities have a number of significant differences from commercial organizations, which reduces the effectiveness of using such mechanisms without their deep adaptation to the specific conditions of functioningof higher educational institutions. It is advisable to start building a mechanism for assessing the potential for commercialization of scientific and technical developments of universities by formulating principles that will allow it to be targeted in relation to the external and internal environment of the functioningof institutions of higher education. The article presents a system of seven such specific principles developed by the author, which create the basis for the formation of a target mechanism for assessing the potential of commercialization of innovative scientific and technical developments of the university.
Keywords: principles, mechanism, commercialization potential, potential assessment, scientific and technical development, university. Highlights: - universities, as active participants in innovation activities, have an objective need to commercialize existing scientific and technical developments; - currently, a mechanism for evaluating the potential for commercialization of developments has not been formed ready for use at universities, which reduces the effectiveness of activities in this direction; - the creation of a mechanism for assessing the potential for commercialization of scientific and technical developments should be preceded by the formation of principles for its construction based on an analysis of current conditions and features of the functioningof universities.
Сведения:Nikita Yu. Zubarev - Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, Samara, Russia
Factors for improving the efficiency of organization management in the conditions of the VUCA and BANI world
Abstract. Based on the analysis of modern processes of global transformation, the authors conclude that in conditions of uncertainty of the external environment, business entities need flexible adaptation mechanisms. The purpose of the study is to develop proposals for improving the management of companies, the implementation of which will increase their adaptability to external challenges. The authors identify three basic areas: project activities, the development of flexible skills and a generational approach to personnel management. The research methodology is based both on traditional methods of scientific cognition and on the use of the basic provisions of the latest concepts of globalism, management, as well as the theory of generations in its Russian adaptation.
Keywords: globalization, systemic transformation, VUCA world, BANI world, project activity, flexible skills, generational approach. Highlights: - the modern global economic system is in a state of bifurcation, which means that the uncertainty of the external environment is likely to persist for a long time. The characteristics of this state generally correspond to the concepts of the VUCA and BANI world; - it is necessary to apply new models of process management at all levels of economic activity, developed and implemented simultaneously, practically online; - in modern conditions, the simplest management model of a company`s activities can include at least three components in their systemic interaction: the design organization of production, the development of flexible skills of both managers and subordinates, and a generational approach to personnel management.
Email:Iady.sensey2010@yandex.ru; raisa.ml975@mail.ru
Сведения:Olga A. Mironova, Raisa M. Bogdanova - Rostov State University of Economics (RINH), Rostov-on-Don, Russia
A study of advantages of cluster formations for increasing the competitiveness of industrial enterprises
Abstract. A study of problems and features of the formation of industrial clusters in modern Russia is carried out, aimed at identifying sources of increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of domestic enterprises. In the context of modern challenges of reformatting global value chains and implemented economic models, certain difficulties in the production and business environment have emerged and the favorable opportunities for the efficient production of goods and services provided by the digital economy have decreased. In order to neutralize the impact of negative factors and reach a new level of economic efficiency, which is a basis for the competitiveness of contemporary enterprises, mechanisms of new integration formations are needed, which can be provided by industrial clusters. The results of the conducted research show the unconditional advantages of cooperation between enterprises participating in the cluster, which reduce business risks associated with a high level of competition, availability of necessary resources, pricing and interaction between suppliers and customers. The methods of structural and morphological forecasting, the theory of organized systems, systemic and situational approaches, business process modeling based on the materials of the activities of domestic and foreign business entities, their territorial and sectoral associations were used. The conclusions of the study are aimed at developing new approaches to the effective development of production systems and clarifying existing methods for increasing the competitiveness of enterprises in the face of uncertainties and various restrictive measures.
Keywords: economic efficiency, clusters, competitiveness, risks, prospects. Highlights: - modern cluster formations represent an effective form of organizing business processes, ensuring, through a more optimal organization of economic activity, a reduction in losses and the creation of conditions for mutually beneficial cooperation between participating organizations, reducing business risks associated with a high level of competition; - the effective operation of industrial clusters makes it possible to reduce the negative impact of destabilizing factors, including those arising from the outside, and increase the economic security not only of the industrial enterprises themselves and the correspondingclusters, but also of individual regions and the whole country as a whole; - for the successful operation of industrial clusters, it is necessary to create and maintain conditions for spatial proximity, specialization of cluster enterprises by industry sectors, create a high level of infrastructure development, and the possibility of implementing joint promising projects and initiatives.
Email:nikitin-data@mail.ru; dmms7@rambler.ru
Сведения:Nikita A. Nikitin, Gennady I. Yakovlev - Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia
Organization of risk management at a manufacturing enterprise
Abstract. Research in the field of risk management is aimed at developing an integrated approach that could be applied atthe company to coordinate its activities atall levels of management. Aclear understanding of risks and ways to minimize them opens up wide opportunities for an enterprise and greatly facilitates actions in any situations related to its competitiveness, financial stability and sustainability. The purpose of this article is to form the main methodological aspects of the enterprise risk management system.
Keywords: economic uncertainty, risk, risk map, risk management, risk monitoring, risk management organization. Highlights: - the purpose of risk management is to reduce financial losses and prevent the initiation of bankruptcy proceedings; - a correct assessment of risks opens up opportunities to optimize ways to eliminate them, and in case of impossibility to prevent losses, rational compensation; - an important stage of risk management is the organization and control of the implementation of actions aimed at achieving the set goals.
Email:Salgiraevm77@gmail.com; Sval978@osmail.ru
Сведения:Married Yu. Salgiraev, Vladislav A. Strizhkov - Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia
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