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Вестник самарского государственного экономического университета
Vestnik of Samara State University of Economics
2018 №9 (167)
The use of the game theory, games, strategies of players and winnings obtained when making a decision are described with the aim of developing a new approach to analyze relationships that appear in the course of social innovation. On the basis of games that arise during the involvement of participants in the project, investment of the project, as well as directly during the development of the project, it is shown how the game balance is determined and can be changed. In determining the winnings that participants receive, they take into account socio-economic benefits, transaction costs, and the choice that the second player makes. It has been substantiated that with a decrease in transaction costs in this type of activity, the participant winnings and the possibility of choosing a strategy for the development of social innovation activity increase. Using the example of a game that arises when there are institutions supporting social projects, the possibility of attracting participants to this type of activity due to a reduction in potential losses from the choice of project participants is shown. Based on the analysis of the game matrices, as well as the conditions for achieving equilibrium, three main directions are formulated, the implementation of which will enable to activate social and innovative activities: reduction of transaction costs through the development of appropriate infrastructure, development of a supporting institutional environment, creation of joint projects based on cooperation of participants and business tools. The significance of this study is to demonstrate the use of a game theory for the development of social innovation.
Keywords: social innovation, game theory, institutions, informal and formal institutional environment. Highlights: ♦ a game theory can be applied to analyze possible strategies of behavior of economic agents when making decisions about participation in social and innovative projects; ♦ when analyzing the winnings that economic agents have in one or another “game”, it is necessary to take into account the arising transaction costs, social and economic benefits, as well as player dissatisfaction, illustrated in refusal to participate in a social-innovative project; ♦ the main development pathways of social and innovation activity are: 1) reduction of transaction costs through the development of an appropriate infrastructure; 2) development of a supportive institutional environment; 3) creation of joint projects based on the cooperation of participants and tools of the business economy; ♦ supporting institutions that allow players to increase their gains from participation in social and innovative projects are of high importance.
Сведения:Anna Yu. Veretennikova, Candidate of Economics, Researcher at the Center for Economic Theory, Institute of Economics, Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Associate Professor of Department of Regional Economics, Innovative Entrepreneurship and Security, Institute of Public Administration and Entrepreneurship, Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Ekaterinburg.
The development of territories and sectors of the economy depends on the socio-economic conditions and institutions that objectively attract capital, develop business structures and improve the welfare of the local population. The regulation of institutional failures and barriers of the recreational sphere in the regions depends on the effectiveness of municipal management, on the peculiarities of the interaction of government, business and society. Important factors for eliminating obstacles are the existing natural resource and infrastructure potential, the areas of interaction between local communities that can provide a positive effect in the resort and recreation sphere. The small cities of the Tula and Vladimir regions, the Perm Territory, possessing a unique cultural, historical and resource potential for the development of the resort and recreational sphere, are not included in the main tourist routes between the regions, which has a negative impact on the development of specialized enterprises and reduces the income of the population, resource efficiency and tourism facilities. The purpose of the article is to develop a system for regulating institutional barriers and obstacles in the development of the resort and recreational sphere of these cities. The author used descriptive, formal-logical, systemic, situational approaches, statistical analysis, modeling of socio-economic processes. The theoretical and methodological characteristics of existing institutional barriers and obstacles are studied, and a system of their regulation in the regions is proposed. The features of the institutional environment of small cities in selected regions of Russia are reviewed, statistical data in the resort and recreation sphere are analyzed, and directions for its development are substantiated.
Keywords: institutional failures, institutional barriers, resort and recreational sphere, potential, regulation, small towns, regional centers. Highlights: ♦ in the form of a model, a system of regulation of institutional barriers and obstacles in the resort and recreation sector of the regions is presented; ♦ domestic and foreign experience in the regulation of institutional barriers in small cities is considered; ♦ the efficiency of the system of regulation of the resort and recreational sphere of small cities of the Perm Territory, the Tula and Vladimir regions is assessed, the dynamics of their main indicators are analyzed; ♦ problems associated with the low utilization of the existing resort and recreational potential are identified, and a system of measures to eliminate them is proposed.
Сведения:Matvey S. Oborin, Doctor of Economics, Professor of Department of Economic Analysis and Statistics, Perm Institute (Branch) of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Professor of Department of World and Regional Economics, Economic Theory, Perm State National Research University, Professor of Department of Management, Perm State Agro-Technological University, Professor of Department of Management and Technology in Tourism and Service, Sochi State University.
At present, the problem of the lack of reliable geological and economic information about the natural resource potential of the territory at the federal and regional levels with the aim of supporting management decisions is acquiring particular importance. In this regard, a method for assessing the territory of the region is considered through the use of geological and economic monitoring as a set of geo-information technologies and economic analysis to determine the resource potential and develop business plans to attract investments, including foreign investors. The tool for solving the above problem is the geo-information analytical system (GIAS) of geological and economic monitoring developed by the authors, which allows real-time analysis of the mineral reserves of the industry in order to maintain sustainable development through a web interface.
Keywords: mineral resource base, mineral potential, geological and economic monitoring, geo-information analytical system, investment attractiveness. Highlights: ♦ geological and economic monitoring is a permanent system of observations of the state of the mineral resource base, the mineral resource complex and forecasting of the mineral raw material potential; ♦ a tool for the practical implementation of geological and economic monitoring is a geo-information analytical system that allows analyzing, evaluating and forecasting the industrial supply of mineral resources in order to maintain sustainable development; ♦ the analysis of investment attractiveness of deposits in the territory of the Central Federal District through the use of a GIS analytical system has revealed promising objects for investment and the development of geological exploration.
Email:Dadykin88@bk.ru, efei1943@mail.ru, Atamanova_281287@mail.ru
Сведения:Valery S. Dadykin, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor, Bryansk State Technical University; Eduard I. Efremov, Doctor of Economics, Chief Researcher, Institute of Regional Economics, North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk; Olga V. Dadykina, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor, Bryansk State Technical University.
The urgency of the issues is due to the fact that the existing modern approaches to the study of regional economies have not formed a single direction for solving their problems. The scientific purpose of this study is to develop the “genetic approach” formulated in the middle of the XIX century by G. Schmoller, which allows establishing the causal relationship of social phenomena, based on the socio-historical, national psychological, ethnic and anthropological facts. The authors vision of this approach is broader and consists in the study of the genetic profile of the region, which is formalized through the prism of industrial and social codes, as well as the code of external interaction of the region. The main calculation method used here is the method of estimating the Herfindahl Hirschman index, which reflects the level of concentration of the region and its specialization. Approbation of the authors recommendations is presented in the article using the example of the territories of the Ural Federal District and in the formalization of the genetic profile of the region, which takes into account its historically established industrial and social characteristics that determine the code structure of the territory. The ability to build a genetic profile of any industrial region allows developing a “genetic passport” for each territory, which is necessary to predict its economic growth / recession. The findings and results are of interest to researchers, graduate students, undergraduates, students involved in the economic development of industrial regions.
Keywords: genetic profile, industrial region, industrial and social code, the code of external interaction of the region, Herfindahl index - Hirsh-man, specialization and concentration of the region. Highlights: ♦ the authors understanding of the genetic approach to the study of the economy of an industrial region is revealed; ♦ the structure, features and codes of the genetic profile of an industrial region are substantiated; ♦ a methodological approach to the formalization of the genetic profile of an industrial region using the example of the Ural Federal District is presented and tested.
Email:jul_jul@inbox.ru, heleneo@mail.ru
Сведения:Julia G. Myslyakova, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Marketing and International Management, Ural State University of Economics, a senior researcher, Center for Regional Comparative Research of the Institute of Economics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Yekaterinburg; Elena A. Shamova, Candidate of Economics, a senior researcher, Center for Regional Comparative Research of the Institute of Economics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Yekaterinburg.
Modern conditions of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, characterized by an acute shortage of centralized financial resources, require an increase in the efficiency of budget spending. This task can be solved by means of program-targeted budgeting (PTB), the main instrument of which is state programs. However, the development of program-targeted budgeting is characterized by many problems related, in particular, to the procedure for developing and evaluating the effectiveness of state programs, with their financial support, etc. Thus, the purpose of the study is to analyze program-targeted budgeting in Russia and to find ways for its further development and improvement. The use of the methods of economic-statistical and comparative analysis in the study allowed identifying the problems of program-targeted budgeting in modern Russian conditions and determining the main directions to enhance its effectiveness.
Keywords: state budget, budget planning, budget expenditures, program-targeted budgeting, efficiency, government program, strategic planning, financial support. Highlights: ♦ the development of program-targeted budgeting in the Russian Federation is analyzed; ♦ problems of program budgeting are indicated; ♦ areas for improving program-targeted budgeting in the Russian Federation are identified.
Email:fikr@bk.ru, muln@mail.ru
Сведения:Tatyana M. Kovaleva, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Finance and Credit; Larisa N. Mulendeeva, a senior lecturer - Samara State University of Economics
Implementation of non-state pension provision in Russia can be determined by one of the most significant financial mechanisms for attracting long-term financial resources to the economy. In the conditions of an unstable financial market, as well as constant reform of the institutions of non-state pension provision, the formation of the financial mechanism of investment activity of non-state pension funds is particularly relevant. Based on generalization of theoretical approaches, the essence of the financial mechanism of investment activity of non-state pension funds is defined. It consists in managing investment activity using financial methods, tools and leverage in accordance with the investment strategy and current legislation to ensure profitability from the allocation of financial resources. The content and composition of the financial mechanism of investment activity of non-state pension funds are revealed, and directions for improvement are established.
Keywords: financial relations, non-state pension funds, financial mechanism, financial instruments, investment resources. Highlights: ♦ the content of the concept “financial mechanism of investment activity in non-state pension funds” is disclosed; ♦ the elements of the financial mechanism are established, their interaction and the impact on the efficiency of investment activity of non-state pension funds are considered; ♦ the recommendations for improving the specified financial mechanism in modern conditions are given.
Email:I. Yuryeva@rambler.ru.
Сведения:Irina A. Yurieva, a post-graduate student, Samara State University of Economics.
The relevance of the research topic is determined, on the one hand, by the need to develop theoretical knowledge in one of the most important financial instruments - commercial discounts, on the other hand - by the practical need of analysts to systematize and group the types of discounts for further evaluation of their effectiveness. The problem statement is to develop the classification of commercial discounts, in the description of its theoretical significance and practical utility for the purposes of analyzing the economic efficiency of commercial discounts. The purpose of the study is to develop a classification scheme for commercial discounts, which includes not only the existing types of discounts, but also the types of discounts that will be invented in the future. Within the framework of this study, such methods of theoretical cognition as recurrent (or elementary-theoretical) analysis and synthesis, as well as the grouping method are used. The result of the study: proposed classification scheme of commercial discounts, which allows combining not only the current types of discounts, but also those types that will be invented in the future. The scientific significance of the study is generalization and ordering of theoretical knowledge about the types of commercial discounts. The practical usefulness of the study is that the developed classification of commercial discounts will reduce the labor costs of analysts and reduce the number of methods for analyzing the effectiveness of applied discounts.
Keywords: commercial discount, discount provider, grouping, sign, scheme, classification. Highlights: ♦ the elements of a commercial discount are determined; on their basis, classification signs are developed, which have created the basis of the classification scheme; ♦ currently known types of commercial discounts are grouped by classification criteria with details up to the third order; ♦ it is noticed that the newly emerging types of discounts can be harmoniously inscribed in the developed classification; ♦ the analysis of the structure of classification groups of commercial discounts is carried out; ♦ conclusions on the theoretical significance and practical usefulness of the developed classification of commercial discounts are made.
Сведения:Anna V. Shishkina, a senior lecturer, South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk.
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