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Вестник самарского государственного экономического университета
Vestnik of Samara State University of Economics
2024 №7 (237)
Competition and competitiveness in the modern paradigm of economic development
Abstract. The article presents a study of theoretical approaches to the definition of the concepts of "competition" and "competitiveness". The existing markets are considered and analyzed according to the degree of their competition, the main types of competition, as well as models of competitive markets. This analysis of the scientific works of domestic and foreign economists, who represent the main directions of modern economic thought, allowed us to identify the main characteristics and approaches to these categories. Based on the critical analysis, the list and content of the following approaches are determined: political economic, structural, systemic, mathematical, entrepreneurial, functional, resource, marketing-differentiated, innovative ones. In the process of studying the stages of economic globalization, "digital transformation", and "digitaliza-tion", the main elements of the characteristics of the above concepts are highlighted. The conducted research allowed us to formulate the author`s interpretation of the concept of competitiveness of an organization in the context of digital transformation.
Keywords: competition, competitiveness, competitive struggle, competitive advantages, approaches, digital transformation, digitization, digitalization. Hightlightts: - a study of theoretical approaches to the definition of the concepts of "competition" and "competitiveness" has been conducted; - the existing markets are considered based on the analysis of the level and features of competition, as well as the main types of competition are listed; - the list and content of approaches to the concepts of competition and competitiveness are defined; - the author`s interpretation of the concept of competitiveness of an organization in the context of digital transformation is formulated.
Email:NPinyasova@sfu-kras.ru; YSuslova@sfu-kras.ru; AVvoloshin@sfu-kras.ru
Сведения:Natalia A. Pinyasova, Yulia Yu. Suslova, Andrey V. Voloshin - Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
The global foreign direct investment market and its development prospects
Abstract. Despite the fact that the acquisition of financial assets without managing the company on a long-term basis is a more comprehensible and simple mechanism, foreign direct investment (FDI), taking into account the risks of participation in business, is a necessity in the implementation of large investment projects using the advantages of the extent`s effect, separating of international product market. High tax rates determine transferring business to countries with the most liberal conditions. Accordingly, FDI has a significant impact on the development of the global economy forming sustainable economic growth. In the course of the scientific work, the perspectives of the development of the international FDI market were determined, taking into account macroeconomic trends and its potential capacity, and by using the opportunities of the digital economy, based on the problems identified during the analysis of the dynamics of global FDI flows in direct dependence on the uncertainty of the international business environment. It`s worth noting that the further growth of foreign capital is impossible without a conscious strategy for the development of foreign economic relations, and investment policies carried out by recipient countries. In the context of the transformation of the economy into a digital reality, in the presence of sanction restrictions, the factors influencing the increase in FDI may also be the possibilities of using digitalization of investment activity processes.
Keywords:foreign direct investment (FDI), investment climate, global economy, digitalization, cryptocur-rencies. Hightlightts: - the FDI market is exposed to geopolitical factors that have a significant impact on the global economy; - the importance of FDI is determined by the possibility of improving the standard of living of the population of recipient countries, in relation to the organization of new industries; - an actively functioning cryptocurrency market, in which investors transfer their capital to finance the most risky assets, with the existing negative dynamics, requires modern mechanisms that would allow for the growth of investment activity.
Email:DROrlova@fa.ru; 204630@edu.fa.ru
Сведения:Dinara R. Orlova, Elizaveta S. Ushakova - Financial University under Government of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
Forecasting steel production and world trade balance of ores and metals using the ARIMA method
Abstract. Steel is one of the most important raw materials used in almost all spheres of our life, directly or indirectly affecting the industry and economy of the country. This article investigates the forecasting of global steel production, exports and imports of ore and metals of all countries of the world and Russia separately using the ARIMA (Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average) method based on data for the period from 2000 to 2020. The ARIMA method is used for time series modeling, taking into account autocorrelation, trends and seasonality of data. Forecasts obtained using this method provide valuable results for strategic decision making in the steel industry and global trade. The forecast for 15 years ahead shows a significant increase in the steel production. World ore and metal exports, reflecting the dependence of exports on ore and metal production and the specialization of economies in this area, are projected to grow by almost twice as much as in 2020. The global ore and metal imports indicator shows import growth over the next 15 years. For Russia, the analysis also shows a decrease in the share of imports of ore and metals in the total volume of goods and preservation of the share of exports at the current level.
Keywords:ARIMA, time series forecasting, steel production, world trade, ore and metals, exports, imports, metallurgical industry, Russia. Hightlightts: - the ARIMA method predicts a significant increase in steel production by 2035 - by more than 2 times; - the ARIMA method predicts a significant increase in global imports of ore and metals; - the share of imports of ore and metals in Russia in the total set of goods predicted by the ARIMA method will decrease; - the share of ore and metal exports in Russia projected by the ARIMA method will remain approximately at the current level, slightly reducing its position in the overall balance by 2035.
Сведения:Leonid D. Savenkov - Institute of Finance, Economics and Management of Togliatti State University, Togliatti, Russia
Simagina S.G., Srebnova I.V. Comparative analysis of web analytics services and development of an algorithm for their expanded functioning based on domestic solutions
Abstract. This article provides a comparative analysis of popular web analytics services, identifying differences in their functionality, user interface and other basic characteristics. An option for improving the service by introducing the possibility of conducting correlation and regression analysis and building a dashboard with indicators based on this analysis is considered, and an algorithm for the functioning of the service is presented, which includes optimization of the functionality of the service, advanced analysis capabilities with the data obtained from the Yandex.Metrica service.
Keywords: web analytics, marketing, website, interface, users, algorithm. Highlights: - identifying differences between web analytics services; - developing improvements to analysis; - algorithm for introducing improvements to the existing service.
Email:simaginasve@gmail.com; niysia99@mail.ru
Сведения:Svetlana G. Simagina, Inna V. Srebnova - Volga Region State University of Telecommunications and Informatics, Samara, Russia
Tuktarova L.R., Shakhov S.A. The main parameters of investment attractiveness and investment activity of industrial enterprises
Abstract. The article investigates issues related to attracting investment resources, developing a mechanism for ensuring the investment attractiveness of an industrial enterprise and implementing investment projects. Factors influencing the provision of resources and contributing to the growth of investment activity of industrial enterprises have been identified. Currently, during a period of geopolitical instability, it is quite difficult to predict the investment map for enterprises and industries, but with a high probability we can talk about a reduction in investment resources and the volume of investment financing. The article provides the rationale that the indicators of investment activity presented by the authors assess the activities of enterprises according to investment parameters and make it possible to improve both the financial results of enterprises, the image and potential of the industry. Currently, it is possible to increase investment activity through new attracted investment resources, assessing their effectiveness and increasing the level of technology.
Keywords: innovative potential, effective development, investment resources of the enterprise, indicators of investment activity, investment attractiveness, factors, investments, investment project, industrial enterprises. Highlights: - the investment attractiveness of the enterprise and the industry as a mechanism for the allocation of investment resources and effective development is considered; - the factors influencing the inflow and outflow of investment resources and the effective development of the enterprise are analyzed; - a model of investment activity and investment attractiveness of industrial enterprises in conditions of geopolitical instability has been developed.
Email:tuktarovalr@rambler.ru; shakhovsa@gmail.com
Сведения:Liliya R. Tuktarova, Stepan A. Shakhov - Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia
Global trends and regional peculiarities of innovative activity
Abstract. The article investigates innovative activity in the developed and developing countries, as well as the degree of its internationalization depending on the region and industry. Particular attention is being paid to increasing investment in R&D by the developing countries and the countries in the Asia-Pacific region. The article contains a theoretical and methodological justification, which cites the works of leading foreign and domestic researchers, as well as official reports of international organizations. The study of current trends in the geographical landscape of innovation is of great importance for the development of practical strategies in the field of innovative development of multinational companies.
Keywords: foreign investments, R&D, patent applications, intellectual property, high-tech industries, international patent activity. Hightlightts: - the demand for innovation stimulates the transition of companies to an "innovatively active" approach in order to meet the needs of customers; - the geographical structure of innovative activity is shifting towards the countries of the Asia-Pacific region; - the growth of internationalization of innovative activity is caused by the need of firms to improve the quality of goods and services in a highly competitive market.
Сведения:Vladimir V. Shapovalov - Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
The use of digitalization technologies as an urgent direction for improving the company`s personnel selection system
Abstract. In modern conditions, when the domestic economy is aimed at digitally reorienting of the main production and management processes, digitalization technologies are becoming increasingly relevant in various areas of business functioning and, in particular, in the HR sphere. Every year, the personnel of a modern enterprise becomes its main asset, more and more attention is paid to HR management and its individual components. The article is devoted to the consideration of the process of using digitalization technologies as a promising way to improve the recruitment system. The key directions of digital reorientation of recruiting processes are considered both in general and in the context of individual functions of candidate selection management. During the research, the most popular digital selection technologies at the current stage of development were identified. The analysis of the effectiveness and advantages of the introduction of a digital recruiting system into the real practice of the largest industrial enterprise in the region, as well as the most significant benefits from digitalization of the recruitment process are identified.
Keywords: digitalization, personnel management, recruiting, digital technologies in recruitment, improvement of candidate selection. Hightlightts: - the use of digitalization technologies is a priority direction for the development of the modern domestic economy both in general and in the context of various functions and spheres of production, management activities of the business, in particular, in the field of personnel management and individual HR functions; - at this stage of economic development, the company`s personnel is not only its main asset, but also its most important competitive advantage, which determines the relevance of the use of digital technologies in the HR field and, in particular, the selection of candidates, which is a fundamental part of working with personnel; - the use of digital technologies in the recruitment of modern businesses is quite diverse, which is determined by the variety of areas of work with candidates, as well as the functions of working with staff; - considering the specific manifestations of digitalization of recruitment, it should be noted that today the variety of digital tools is extremely large and is determined by the needs and goals of business, where technologies such as full-cycle recruitment automation systems, social networks, video survey services, chat-bots, artificial intelligence and so on have found active application; - an analysis of the effectiveness of the implementation of a full-cycle recruitment digitalization system in the practical selection of candidates for a large manufacturing enterprise suggests that the introduction of digital technologies into the recruiting process really allows you to improve the recruitment process by freeing up the working time of HR specialists, saving financial resources, improving the quality of recruitment, and so on; - digitalization of recruitment of modern enterprises has a number of advantages, the main ones being an increase in the rate of vacancy closure, transparency of budget allocation, as well as a reduction in routine operations; - the selection of candidates of the enterprise, acting as the most dynamic component of HR management, needs further active development, the priority of which is a deep digital transformation, involving the optimization of selection processes through the use of innovative digitalization technologies.
Сведения:Sergei V. Adgizalov - Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia
Formation of a comprehensive system of STEM education in contemporary Russia: Infrastructure aspect
Abstract. In this paper, the author raises an important issue for the contemporary Russian education - the issue of forming the infrastructure of STEM education. Today, the functioning of the STEM education system is a prerequisite for the implementation of breakthrough discoveries in science and technology, the implementation of competitive innovative activities and, as a result, the achievement of scientific and technological progress. In fact, STEM education is a modern integrated approach to the study of natural science, engineering, technical and mathematical cycles of disciplines based on the principles of interconnectedness and complementarity. During the study, a review was conducted of modern educational organizations and their opportunities to participate in a unified STEM education system. When considering the STEM education system, the author proceeded from the concept of gradual education, as well as from the basic principles and trends of the contemporary Russian education. The main purpose of this study is to identify the key infrastructural elements of STEM education in Russia at the current development stage, as well as to determine their interrelationships with each other. The basis of the STEM education system is the integration of the "classical stages" of education with additional education organizations, innovation and technology centers, centers of innovative development and creativity. These provisions determine the scientific novelty of the research, which consists in the systematization of elements and relations in the modern concept of STEM education. The conducted research will allow to form continuity, as well as to organize interaction in the system of educational and scientific-practical organizations involved in the process of training specialists, which, in turn, will improve the quality of training specialists and accelerate the pace of achieving technological sovereignty of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: STEM education, interdisciplinarity, innovation, scientific and technological progress, educational infrastructure, science city, technical sciences, natural sciences. Hightlightts: - the analysis of educational needs in Russia, as well as the requirements for the qualification of personnel, confirmed the need to form a unified system of STEM education; - based on domestic and foreign experience, the principles of formation and functioning of the STEM education system are formulated; - an infrastructural model of the STEM education system has been developed, providing opportunities for technological development of the country; - the role and importance of each element of the STEM education system are defined.
Сведения:Artem G. Geokchakyan - State University of Management, Moscow, Russia
ESG factor in assessing the value of Russian rapid growth companies
Abstract. High growth companies are those whose characteristic features include rapid growth rates of economic indicators, in particular revenue, over several subsequent financial periods. Companies have particular economic and social significance for the national economy and are of interest to many economic entities, including potential investors (both retail and investment companies). Since there is a trend towards ESG investing in the stock market, it seems relevant to assess the impact of the ESG factor on the value of rapid growth companies, taking into account that the main goal for most high growth companies is to maintain high rates of development. The methodological basis of the study consists of general scientific (generalization, formalization and comparative analysis) and empirical methods (modeling and observation). The valuation of rapid growth companies was based on the discounted cash flow method as the optimal method for assessing investment attractiveness for this group of companies. As a result of the research, the authors came to the conclusion that the integration of the ESG factor into the model for assessing the investment attractiveness of rapid growth companies is irrational at this stage of development of the Russian stock market. In addition, compliance with ESG principles, which invariably leads to additional costs, does not always have a favorable effect on the intrinsic value of rapid growth companies.
Keywords: rapid growth companies, «gazelles», investment assessment, investment attractiveness, valuation, ESG rating, ESG factor, economic uncertainty. Hightlightts: - maintaining rapid growth rates of key indicators is a challenge for Russian companies that seek to optimize their activities through adaptive strategic decisions in the context of the national economic crisis and global economic uncertainty; - compliance with ESG principles and additional environmental and social costs do not always have a favorable impact on the intrinsic value of rapid growth companies and ensure a stable influx of investment; - integration of the ESG factor into models for assessing the investment attractiveness of Russian rapid growth companies is inappropriate at this stage, since this group of companies is focused on maintaining high revenue growth rates for the longest period of time, which significantly complicates compliance with ESG principles.
Email:starovaya.yu.a@my.mgimo.ru; chernaya.s.n@my.mgimo.ru
Сведения:Yulia A. Lukina, Sofya N. Chernaya - Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
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