Principles of building a mechanism for assessing the potential of commercialization of scientific and technical developments of the university

Zubarev N.Yu.

Abstract. The problems of commercialization of innovative university developments are actively discussed in the contemporary Russian literature. The prevailing approach is the transfer of mechanisms and tools used in the business environment, including in terms of assessing the potential for commercialization of scientific and technical developments. At the same time, universities have a number of significant differences from commercial organizations, which reduces the effectiveness of using such mechanisms without their deep adaptation to the specific conditions of functioningof higher educational institutions. It is advisable to start building a mechanism for assessing the potential for commercialization of scientific and technical developments of universities by formulating principles that will allow it to be targeted in relation to the external and internal environment of the functioningof institutions of higher education. The article presents a system of seven such specific principles developed by the author, which create the basis for the formation of a target mechanism for assessing the potential of commercialization of innovative scientific and technical developments of the university. Keywords: principles, mechanism, commercialization potential, potential assessment, scientific and technical development, university. Highlights: - universities, as active participants in innovation activities, have an objective need to commercialize existing scientific and technical developments; - currently, a mechanism for evaluating the potential for commercialization of developments has not been formed ready for use at universities, which reduces the effectiveness of activities in this direction; - the creation of a mechanism for assessing the potential for commercialization of scientific and technical developments should be preceded by the formation of principles for its construction based on an analysis of current conditions and features of the functioningof universities.

Nikita Yu. Zubarev - Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, Samara, Russia

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