Factors for improving the efficiency of organization management in the conditions of the VUCA and BANI world

Mironova O.A., Bogdanova R.M.

Abstract. Based on the analysis of modern processes of global transformation, the authors conclude that in conditions of uncertainty of the external environment, business entities need flexible adaptation mechanisms. The purpose of the study is to develop proposals for improving the management of companies, the implementation of which will increase their adaptability to external challenges. The authors identify three basic areas: project activities, the development of flexible skills and a generational approach to personnel management. The research methodology is based both on traditional methods of scientific cognition and on the use of the basic provisions of the latest concepts of globalism, management, as well as the theory of generations in its Russian adaptation. Keywords: globalization, systemic transformation, VUCA world, BANI world, project activity, flexible skills, generational approach. Highlights: - the modern global economic system is in a state of bifurcation, which means that the uncertainty of the external environment is likely to persist for a long time. The characteristics of this state generally correspond to the concepts of the VUCA and BANI world; - it is necessary to apply new models of process management at all levels of economic activity, developed and implemented simultaneously, practically online; - in modern conditions, the simplest management model of a company`s activities can include at least three components in their systemic interaction: the design organization of production, the development of flexible skills of both managers and subordinates, and a generational approach to personnel management.

Olga A. Mironova, Raisa M. Bogdanova - Rostov State University of Economics (RINH), Rostov-on-Don, Russia

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