Tuktarova L.R., Shakhov S.A. The main parameters of investment attractiveness and investment activity of industrial enterprises

Tuktarova L.R., Shakhov S.A.

Abstract. The article investigates issues related to attracting investment resources, developing a mechanism for ensuring the investment attractiveness of an industrial enterprise and implementing investment projects. Factors influencing the provision of resources and contributing to the growth of investment activity of industrial enterprises have been identified. Currently, during a period of geopolitical instability, it is quite difficult to predict the investment map for enterprises and industries, but with a high probability we can talk about a reduction in investment resources and the volume of investment financing. The article provides the rationale that the indicators of investment activity presented by the authors assess the activities of enterprises according to investment parameters and make it possible to improve both the financial results of enterprises, the image and potential of the industry. Currently, it is possible to increase investment activity through new attracted investment resources, assessing their effectiveness and increasing the level of technology. Keywords: innovative potential, effective development, investment resources of the enterprise, indicators of investment activity, investment attractiveness, factors, investments, investment project, industrial enterprises. Highlights: - the investment attractiveness of the enterprise and the industry as a mechanism for the allocation of investment resources and effective development is considered; - the factors influencing the inflow and outflow of investment resources and the effective development of the enterprise are analyzed; - a model of investment activity and investment attractiveness of industrial enterprises in conditions of geopolitical instability has been developed.

Liliya R. Tuktarova, Stepan A. Shakhov - Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia

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