Digital technologies of forecasting and strategic planning of regional development: theory and practice
Abstract The article considers an approach to digitalization of forecasting processes and strategic planning of regional development based on the creation of digital tools that allow regional analysts to effectively solve practical problems of forecasting and strategizing. The main components of this toolkit are: a digital model of a region (a subject of the Russian Federation) describing the socio-economic activity of the region with necessary details, and a universal solver that allows solving direct and inverse problems of large dimension on the model of the region in an acceptable time. The experience of using methods and digital tools of forecasting and strategic planning developed at the Samara State University of Economics in the regional practice is discussed.
Keywords: forecasting and strategic planning digital macroeconomic models, inverse problem solver.
♦ the analysis of foreign and domestic experience in the development of digital macroeconomic models used in forecasting and strategic planning tasks is carried out;
♦ the digital model of the region is considered in the form of a system of digital economic and mathematical models reproducing the socio-economic activity of the subject of the Russian Federation with necessary details;
♦ it is shown that the key element of forecasting and strategic planningtools is a solver of inverse problems of large dimension.
Vladimir A. Tsybatov - Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia