Monitoring of subsurface use for territorial planning purposes at the regional level
Abstract At the regional level, issues of rational subsoil use are closely related to the problems of territorial planning and management. Currently, a number of mineral resources already require reassessment, taking into account changed economic conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to use as part of economic monitoring indicators both known quantitative indicators related to the volume of reserves and the cost of their extraction in specific and absolute terms, and qualitative indicators related to the possibility of developing subsurface areas, in relation to a certain territory, taking into account its development, the state of the mining industry, infrastructure security, etc. Within the framework of this work, we have seta taskof determiningand selecting economic monitoring indicators for purposes of territorial planning of geological exploration at the regional level. To solve it, it is necessary to build ontological models for each of the taxonomic objects (geological object, mining object, mining object). For each of the taxa, it is necessary to determine indicators of a clear and fuzzy assessment and a relationship between them. Then it is necessary to bring all the estimates to a single digital system. To bring it, you will need to use the mathematical apparatus of fuzzy logic. Based on the totality of the obtained digital estimates, it becomes possible to determine an integral indicator for each taxonomic unit in order to prioritize its development.
Keywords: economic monitoring, territorial planning, subsurface use, regional level.
♦ for taxonomic units within the framework of economic monitoring of subsurface use, the whole set of parameters can be divided into quantitative (clear) and qualitative (fuzzy) characteristics;
♦ it is advisable to bring qualitative (fuzzy) characteristics to quantitative, digital (clear) by defasification by the Mamdani method;
♦ the combination of quantitative and qualitative characteristics forms a basis for determining the integral indicator of the assessment of taxonomic units.
ValeryS. Dadykin, Olga V. Dadykina, Natalia V. Odinochenkova - Bryansk State Technical University, Bryansk, Russia, Sofya S. Stukanova - National Research University of Electronic Technology, Moscow, Russia