Marketing technologies as a vector of development of the regional higher education system

Khachaturian N.R.

Abstract The article examines the issue of the development of the regional higher education system based on the use of marketing technologies that directly or indirectly affect the competitiveness of a regional university. The versatile view of domestic scientists in the aspect of deepening marketing technologies in the educational activities of the regional university is taken into account. The modern aspects of the influence of marketing technologies on increasing the competitiveness of the regional education system are highlighted. The practical side of the issue is summarized on the basis of the results of online monitoring of the regional practice of using marketing technologies in the activities of regional universities, the participants of which were teachers of the Rostov State University of Economics (RSUE) and Don State Technical University (DSTU). The results were collectively discussed and summarized in the format of an interdepartmental online conference. At the conclusion of the study, a model of marketing technologies is presented, which is adapted to the specifics of educational activities of the Rostov State University of Economics, including for the educational system of the region. The author`s model as a vector of development of marketing technologies of a regional university does not require additional costs of any resources and can be applied in the educational process of differently segmented regional universities. Keywords: regional university, higher education, marketing technologies, comparative analysis, marketing technology model Highlights: ♦ the theoretical aspect of the influence of marketing technologies on the development of the regional higher education system is highlighted, while it is proved that the pinnacle of marketing technologies in modern market conditions is the introduction of their online and offline tools in such a way as to ensure the competitiveness of the university in educational activities and comprehensively present a unique educational product to the target audience; ♦ the expediency of developing marketing technologies at a regional university based on a comparative analysis of the websites of two universities in the region is substantiated, as one of the key tools for forming public relations, interacting with target audiences and reflecting the educational activities of the university in such a way as to increase the influx of new applicants and form unique marketingadvantages of the university among regional competing higher education institutions; ♦ a model of using marketing technologies in the development of educational activities of a regional university has been developed, in particular, existing marketingtechnologies have been generalized and expanded by integrating online and offline communication tools, techniques and technologies for conducting the educational process and implemented educational programs, consolidating efforts of all interested subjects of the educational process in the format of the surveyed regional universities - RSUE and DSTU.

Narine R. Khachaturian - Rostov State University of Economics, Rostov-on-Don, Russia

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