Assessment and principles of ensuring the effectiveness of the international economic cooperation

Farhat Faiz, Safiullin L.N., Konovalova M.E.

Abstract. The article reveals the main provisions ensuring the effectiveness of international cooperation. A classification of key methods for assessing forms of the international cooperation is proposed in order to increase its effectiveness. It is shown that socio-economic assessment methods are the most relevant, since they allow us to analyze a positive synergetic effect of inter-star interaction. The paper also reflects development principles of the international cooperation, the implementation of which will ensure the achievement of long-term goals and priorities of the economic cooperation. Keywords: international cooperation, cooperation, efficiency, assessment methods, socio-economic methods, comparative studies, focus group, sociological survey Highlights: ♦ the development of the international cooperation in conditions of the geopolitical instability requires not only the implementation of practical measures, but also a competent and deep scientific understanding of its principles, forms, and consequences; ♦ there are a sufficient number of various methods that allow us to evaluate and qualitatively analyze the process of international integration, in order to conduct a normative analysis and develop practical recommendations that ensure an increase in the synergetic effect of the long-term cooperation; ♦ the effective international economic cooperation must comply with certain basic principles - certain stable requirements that ensure a long-term growth of the financial, economic and social effectiveness of the process under consideration.

Farhat Faiz, Lenar N. Safiullin - Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan, Russia, Maria E. Konovalova - Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia

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