Formation of a project-office management system in a modern organization
Abstract. The ongoing socio-economic changes dictate new requirements for the activities of organizations. To meet these requirements and maintain the competitiveness of organizations, internal management changes are needed, which are expressed in the construction of management systems that meet the current tasks of the organization. Almost all economic entities have recognized the effectiveness of the use of project management. According to the world statistics, the use of project management on average up to 20% reduces the time and financial costs of implementing the plan. The development of project-oriented management leads to the complication of organizational structures - new organizational solutions for the conduct of project-oriented activities appear. One of such manifestations is the introduction of a project office and, as a result, the formation of a project-office management system, which is considered in the article. This issue is poorly illuminated in modern literature and requires further study. The main purpose of the research was to consider the organizational aspects of the implementation of the project-office management system, and as a result - the development of a model (algorithm) for the implementation of the project-office management system of a modern organization. One of the key issues discussed in the article is determining the functionality of the project office, determining the location of the project office in the organizational structure and building appropriate channels of interaction, determining the number of employees of the project office in the implementation of the project office management system.
Keywords: project office, project-oriented activity, organizational changes, level of project maturity, functional responsibilities, management system, competencies, project team, corporate project portfolio
♦ the analysis of project activities proved the need to implement a project-office management system that provides more efficient and coordinated project management in organizations;
♦ based on the analyzed best domestic and international practices, a model (algorithm) for the implementation of a project-office management system in an organization has been developed;
♦ the functional responsibilities of the project office in the implementation of the project-office management system are defined;
♦ a model has been developed for determining the number of project office employees depending on the projects being implemented and the scope of responsibilities performed by the project office.
Artem G. Geokchakyan, State University of Management, Moscow, Russia