Structural elements of the system for ensuring the security of the national economy
Abstract. Ensuring the economic security is a necessary component of the existence of any state. Recently, this topic has been given considerable influence in the Russian Federation and in other countries. At the same time, the understanding of ensuring the economic security as a system requires specification and scientific justification, which is due to the effective impact of risks and threats on the national economy. The purpose of the study is to clarify the structural elements of the system for ensuring the country`s economic security. The study used general scientific methods of induction and deduction, analyzed and generalized the results obtained earlier. The information base of the study was regulatory legal documents, scientific publications, statistical information. The presented analysis of approaches to building a system for ensuring the economic security revealed a lack of uniformity not only in the representation of the structure of elements, but in understanding the purpose of the system for ensuring the economic security. The author`s representation of structural elements is proposed. The purpose, principles, goal, tasks, functions, methods and tools, objects and subjects of ensuring economic security, as well as objects of influence are determined. Scientific novelty lies in the specification of the elements of the support system, as well as their content. The conclusion is drawn that the modern provision of economic security partially includes the proposed elements, but their use or functioning as elements of the system is limited.
Keywords: economic security, economic security system, goal, objectives, principles, national economy
♦ the use of the term "economic security system" in the specific representation of the system is justified; the term "economic security system" is used in solving problems of countering risks and threats in order to ensure the security of the national economy;
♦ the purpose of the economic security system is to ensure a crisis-free national economy, as well as to ensure the independence and sovereignty of the national economy;
♦ the principles of ensuring economic security are divided into requirements (complexity, consistency, orientation, legality, consideration of national interests, legality) and assumptions (precautionary and economic expediency);
♦ participants in the system of ensuring the economic security of the country are the subjects of provision (state authorities and local self-government), the objects of provision (economic systems within the boundaries of the national economy, affected by risks and threats and determining its level of security) and the objects of influence (legal entities or individuals who are sources of risks and threats to economic security, which are targeted by measures taken by subjects of economic security).
Tatyana Yu. Feofilova, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg, Russia, Evgeniy V. Radygin, North-Western Branch of the Russian University of Justice, St. Petersburg, Russia