Designing an information system to improve the efficiency of managing the work of medical institutions

Kharitonov E.A., Kharitonova D.V.

Abstract. The article discusses stages of designing the information system "Medical information System" for use in medical institutions. This topic seems relevant at the present time due to the presence of large information flows related to the service of people. In order to improve the quality and accessibility of medical care in public health institutions, reduce inaccuracies and loss of information, save resources, reduce the burden on staff, free up space in premises intended for document storage, reduce the time required to fill out documents on counterparties, it becomes necessary to create an information system that would solve these problems. The purpose of the study is to design and develop the information system "Medical Information System" using the IDEF0 diagram reflecting the functionality of the information system. During the research, applications were used, 3SL Cradle, phpMyAdmin, HTML hypertext markup language, CSS cascading style sheet, multi-paradigm JavaScript programming language and PHP scripting programming language. Based on the results of the analysis, an information system was designed that significantly improves the efficiency of medical institutions in terms of organizing electronic document management and information collection and processing processes. Keywords: information system, design, management system, management, medical institutions. Highlights: ♦ an important task of an information system, taken into account in its design, is not only the processes of collecting and storing information, but also the processes of its systematization, exchange and dissemination; ♦ the medical information system is designed to improve the quality and accessibility of medical care in public health institutions; ♦ from a practical point of view, a medical information system can help reduce technical errors, reduce the likelihood of information loss, and reduce the time required to fill out documents.

Evgeniy A. Kharitonov - Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russia; Daria V. Kharitonova - Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia

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