Network structural transformation of the economy as a factor of increasing its resistance to external shocks

Zhironkin S.A., Skripko V.E.

Abstract. The article examines the problem of increasing the economy`s resilience to external shocks, which create a long-term obstacle to economic, technological, and social development. The solution to this problem is considered from the position of the structural transformation of a network-type economy, during which the redistribution of production factors accelerates and their efficiency increases, and the range of national advanced technologies expands. The author`s methodology is formed by approaches to analyzing the structure of the economy and the impact of shocks on it, factors of shock resistance are shown, and a set of factors of network structural transformation is proposed. The article presents a set of factors for increasing the economy`s resilience to external shocks associated with its network structural transformation (the formation of network-centerless alliances of large and medium-sized businesses, the development of innovation and investment cooperation, the network reproduction of human capital within the framework of a neural network technology platform). They are designed to complement the circle of known factors, such as acceleration of capital accumulation, innovative and technological modernization, increased mobility of production factors, and adaptability to shocks. In the article, particular attention is paid to the reproduction of human capital in the network system of the "quadruple" spiral of innovative development, ensuring technological parity of the national economy with advanced states. Keywords: network economy, structural transformation, external shocks, factors of production, resistance to shocks. Highlights: ♦ the approaches to the study of the problem of determining the factors of national economy stability to external shocks associated with the network form of structural transformation are analyzed; ♦ network factors of long-term increase in resistance to shocks are revealed, they are associated with changes in the structure of investment, market, production relations in favor of collective investment and consumption in non-centric alliances of business entities, with platform and "spiral" innovation-investment cooperation of participants in the creation of new technologies, accelerating the reproduction of human capital using neural networks; ♦ the need for a multi-level deployment of network structural transformation is highlighted, which should affect the processes of creation and distribution of national income, intersectoral distribution of production factors and their use, creation of technologies and reproduction of human capital.

Sergey A. Zhironkin - Kuzbass State Technical University named after T.F. Gorbachev, Kemerovo, Russia, Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia; Vladislav E. Skripko - Kuzbass State Technical University named after T.F. Gorbachev, Kemerovo, Russia

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