Industrial cooperation in the automotive industry of the Russian Federation under conditions of uncertainty
Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of processes of introduction of advanced manufacturing technologies, new business models and "factories of the future" at the enterprises of the automotive industry of the Russian Federation, the analysis of the existing experience of industrial cooperation (industrial cooperation) in conditions of uncertainty. The authors present an economic view of the problem of integrating advanced manufacturing technologies into the activities of enterprises in the automotive industry, and draw conclusions about the need to involve economists and financiers in solving the problems of incorporating advanced manufacturing technologies.
Keywords: industrial cooperation, cooperation, digital factories, advanced production technologies
♦ the development problems of the automotive industry of the Russian Federation in the conditions of uncertainty are revealed;
♦ the possibilities of industrial cooperation of enterprises of the automotive industry in the field of application of advanced production technologies are analyzed.
Irina A. Svetkina, Alexandra A. Chudaeva - Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia