Problems of formation and priority directions of petrochemical cluster development in the Samara region
Abstract. In modern conditions, special attention is paid to ensuring the outstripping rates of territories development and the search for the main drivers of its socio-economic growth. The Samara region has significant potential in the implementation of the cluster policy. The conditions created in the region ensure its investment attractiveness. At the same time, the existing contradictions and limitations, including formation conditions, specific features of the functional structure of the regional petrochemical cluster dictate a need to find key solutions that determine the potential for its growth. The purpose of this study is to identify problems of the formation of a regional petrochemical cluster and determine its priority directions for the further development. To achieve this goal, logical and economic-statistical methods, a method of comparative analysis, graphical and tabular analysis were used based on publicly available official sources of information. The results of the study are aimed at developing possible directions for the development of the infrastructure of the regional petrochemical cluster.
Keywords: regional development, economic clustering, cluster policy, petrochemical cluster, cluster structure
♦ the role of the petrochemical cluster in the strategic development of the region was determined;
♦ SWOT-analysis of the petrochemical cluster of the Samara region was carried out;
♦ key problems of development of the petrochemical cluster in the region were identified;
♦ based on the results of the study, the main vectors for the development of the regional petrochemical cluster were developed.
Elena V. Korobeynikova - Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia