Economic efficiency of the university innovative activity as a phenomenon of benchmarking technologies

Khachaturian N.R.

Abstract. The purpose of the article is a comparative analysis of elements of the innovative activity of regional universities that affect its effective development, while benchmarking technologies act as a direction of the university activity that provides an opportunity to search, analyze and verify conditions for compliance with the ecosystem of a modern university. The relevance of the study is emphasized by the complex social, market, and geopolitical conditions of the development of education and society as a whole. The topic of benchmarking technologies is so relevant that it has been actively discussed by both domestic and foreign authors over the past decades. The study was conducted by monitoring innovative activities of regional universities, which are a cluster of the development of the labor market and the economy of the region. The monitoring results led to the development of a model for assessing the economic efficiency of innovation activities of the Rostov State University of Economics (RSUE) (Russia, Rostov-on-Don) as a key element of its ecosystem. The identified constants of the economic efficiency of the innovative activity are adapted and implemented in the educational process of this university in such disciplines as «Marketing», «Branding», etc. The section of the university`s participation in the public life of the region today seems to be one of the important conditions for the implementation of innovative activities of the university and the economic efficiency of this process. Keywords: regional universities, monitoring, comparative analysis, economic efficiency, innovation activity model Highlights: ♦ the innovative vector of the university`s development can be economically profitable and effective not only in the financial aspect; ♦ a relevant aspect is the organization of a structure that will functionally and professionally contribute to the development and progression of this direction through the use of all the tools of benchmarking technologies; ♦ a model of the use of benchmarking technologies in the economic assessment of the university`s innovative activity with the prospect of its qualitatively new development has been developed.

Narine R. Khachaturian - Rostov State University of Economics (RINH), Rostov-on-Don, Russia

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