Guseva M.S., Amelkina D.V.

Taking into account the specifics of the domestic tourism industry development and expert assessments of the impact of innovations on global changes in the tourism industry, priority directions for the innovative tourism development in the Samara region have been identified. Keywords: innovations, tourism, region, competitive advantages, attraction, scientific, medi-cal, ecological tourism. Highlights: • provides a brief analysis of the state and problems of the tourism development in the Samara region; • based on the extrapolation of expert assessments and conclusions of researchers on the impact of innovation on transformation in the tourism industry, priority priorities for the tour-ism development in the region have been identified; • activities aimed at the development of scientific-cognitive, medical, ecological tourism in the Samara region are illustrated.

Maria S. Guseva, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor; Darya V. Amelkina, a Master’s degree student - Samara State University of Economics.

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