Dadashova O.A., Khimchenko A.N.

The evaluation method development of the innovation activity in the regions was developed, and a general indicator for the effective use of innovative resources was proposed. The implementation of this method has made it possible to identify leaders and outsiders among the regions in terms of innovation activity development and effectiveness of using innovative capacity, which will improve management decisions in the field of innovation at the regional level. Keywords: innovation activity, innovation process, integrated assessment, regions, efficiency of innovation activity. Highlights: • the existing evaluation method development of the innovation activity has a number of shortcomings, and therefore require further development and adaptation for application at the regional level; • the innovation process of the region is based on the scheme of the innovation process, which is a set of actions aimed at developing, introducing into production and realization of innovation - a scheme of organizational, social, economic and other solutions, i. e., the process of transition to innovation;each stage of the innovation process can be characterized by a number of indicators that will be included in the future integrated indicator - the index of the innovation development in the region; • the element of the comprehensive evaluation method of the innovation activity in the regions is the justification of weighting factors. For this purpose, the analytic hierarchy process of T. Saati was used; • implementing the proposed method, the all-Russian integral indicator of the innovation activity development was determined, and a grouping of regions was carried out; • with the help of the developed integral coefficient of innovation efficiency, it is suggested to evaluate its effectiveness; • according to the results of the calculated efficiency factor of the innovation process, a grouping of Russian regions was carried out.

Tatyana A. Dadashova, a post-graduate student; Andrey N. Khimchenko, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Economic Theory Department - Donetsk National University.

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