The article is devoted to the study of economic diversification of the regions in the Russian Federation in terms of the agro-industrial complex development. In the last few years the agro-industrial complex shows steady growth, caused by a complex of geopolitical and socio-economic factors. The development of agricultural production positively affects the economy of the regions: the level of diversification is increasing and economic risks are decreasing, the level of rural population employment is increasing, its outflow to developed regional centers is decreasing, the population is provided with quality food products, and the associated infrastructure is being formed. The problem of sharp differentiation of territories according to the level of social and economic development is relevant for the Russian Federation, therefore, growth strategies are formed on the basis of existing specialization and perspective directions. In the present conditions of macroeconomic instability, the role of self-sufficiency of the subjects of the Russian Federation with various resources is increasing: labor, financial, food. The goal of the article: to study the diversification of the region`s economy in terms of the agro-industrial complex development using the example of the Krasnodar Territory. Methods: systemic, formal-logical, analysis and modeling of socio-economic processes.
Economic diversification in terms of the agro-industrial complex development is examined by the example of the indicators of the Krasnodar Territory. The strengthening specialization contributed to region`s leading positions in the country for certain types of agricultural products, investments in the economic sector under research grew by 10-20% in sub-sectors in comparison with 2015. A stable trend was observed in the growth of wages, their level in the province is lower than in Russia as a whole. Conclusion: diversification of the region`s economy in terms of the agro-industrial complex development contributes to food security, improving the quality of life of the population. The policy of most developed countries is aimed at modernizing the agro-industrial complex, since experience shows its high importance in the country`s socio-economic development, supporting depressed regions with low levels of industrial production.
Keywords: diversification, agro-industrial complex, joint activity, socio-economic processes, agricultural products, self-sufficiency of the region.
• the development of the agro-industrial complex (AIC) is the basis for economic diversification of many regions in Russia;
• regions specializing in the production of agricultural products can develop related directions, strengthening economic growth;
• the development of the agro-industrial complex promotes the development of transport, catering, strengthens food security and increases the employment of the rural population;
• developed regions and territories with a complex socio-economic situation can increase the level of welfare of residents due to economic diversification using the agro-industrial complex.
Matvey S. Oborin, Doctor of Economics, Professor of Economic Analysis and Statistics Department, Perm Institute (Branch) of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Professor of World and Regional Economics, Economic Theory Department, Perm State National Research University, Professor of Management Department, Perm State Agro-Technological University, Professor of Management and Technology in Tourism and Service Department, Sochi State University.