Content of international industrial cooperation
Abstract. The article is devoted to topical issues of the development of forms of the international industrial cooperation which is presented in the work as a kind of interstate financial and economic communication processes, differentiated by the object composition. At the same time, it is emphasized that the type of the international industrial cooperation is a specific way of organizing and implementing this kind of cooperation, depending on some internal or external factors (temporary, innovative, analytical and methodological ones, etc.).
Keywords: international industrial cooperation, Russia, China, world economy, industrial franchising
♦ forms of the international industrial cooperation include international consulting on industrial development issues. The objects of this kind of consulting can be both the industrial systems of states as a whole, for example, when developing strategies and programs for the long-term industrial development, and directions for improving the efficiency of individual industrial projects and companies;
♦ such a form of the international industrial cooperation as a sale of licenses to foreign countries is most often used in the following areas of the industrial production: scaling of industry know-how, creation of innovative equipment, etc. In the modern global economy, high-tech companies, like Apple, IT, General Electric, Chrysler, etc., are actively engaged in selling licenses abroad;
♦ in 2000-2020, a form of international industrial cooperation, called international franchising, was developing quite intensively. This kind of franchising mainly affects processes of international scaling of various types of paid services to the public.
Sun Liangyang, Wang Shengming - Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan, Russia, Elena S. Materova - Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia