Analysis of the financial and economic activities of organizations of physical culture and sports in the Republic of Belarus (on the example of the Grodno region)
Abstract. Considering the importance and relevance of the development of the physical culture and sports industry in the Republic of Belarus, the article investigates financial and economic activities of physical culture and sports organizations in the Grodno region that receive state support (clubs for team sports), in dynamics from 2018 to 2022. This made it possible to identify certain problems both in the financial support of their activities and in the directions of using the formed financial resources. Based on the study, the author developed proposals to improve the efficiency of financial and economic activities, which can be used by organizations of physical culture and sports both directly in the Grodno region and the Republic of Belarus as a whole.
Keywords: financial and economic activity, income, expenses, analysis, organizations of physical culture and sports, efficiency.
♦ development of physical culture and sports is one of the leading directions of the state`s social policy;
♦ for the purpose of rational use of budgetary funds, the analysis of the effectiveness of the financial and economic activities of physical culture and sports organizations receiving state support is of particular relevance;
♦ in the course of the study, problems were identified in the financial and economic activities of physical culture and sports organizations receiving state support;
♦ recommendations were given to improve the efficiency of the financial and economic activities of physical culture and sports organizations receiving state support.
Elena V. Skvoroda - Institute of Sports and Tourism Management of the Educational Establishment "Belarusian State University of Physical Culture", Minsk, Republic of Belarus