Myslyakova Yu.G., Shamova E.A.

The urgency of the issues is due to the fact that the existing modern approaches to the study of regional economies have not formed a single direction for solving their problems. The scientific purpose of this study is to develop the “genetic approach” formulated in the middle of the XIX century by G. Schmoller, which allows establishing the causal relationship of social phenomena, based on the socio-historical, national psychological, ethnic and anthropological facts. The authors vision of this approach is broader and consists in the study of the genetic profile of the region, which is formalized through the prism of industrial and social codes, as well as the code of external interaction of the region. The main calculation method used here is the method of estimating the Herfindahl Hirschman index, which reflects the level of concentration of the region and its specialization. Approbation of the authors recommendations is presented in the article using the example of the territories of the Ural Federal District and in the formalization of the genetic profile of the region, which takes into account its historically established industrial and social characteristics that determine the code structure of the territory. The ability to build a genetic profile of any industrial region allows developing a “genetic passport” for each territory, which is necessary to predict its economic growth / recession. The findings and results are of interest to researchers, graduate students, undergraduates, students involved in the economic development of industrial regions. Keywords: genetic profile, industrial region, industrial and social code, the code of external interaction of the region, Herfindahl index - Hirsh-man, specialization and concentration of the region. Highlights: ♦ the authors understanding of the genetic approach to the study of the economy of an industrial region is revealed; ♦ the structure, features and codes of the genetic profile of an industrial region are substantiated; ♦ a methodological approach to the formalization of the genetic profile of an industrial region using the example of the Ural Federal District is presented and tested.

Julia G. Myslyakova, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Marketing and International Management, Ural State University of Economics, a senior researcher, Center for Regional Comparative Research of the Institute of Economics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Yekaterinburg; Elena A. Shamova, Candidate of Economics, a senior researcher, Center for Regional Comparative Research of the Institute of Economics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Yekaterinburg.

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